Analysis and Optimization of Floating Body Cell Operation for High-Speed SOI-DRAM (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed IC and LSI Technology)
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It is confirmed by simulation that SOI-DRAMs can be operated at high speed by using the floating body structures. Several floating body effects are analyzed. It is described that the dynamic retention characteristics are not dominated by capacitive coupling and hole redistribution. And it is described that those characteristics are determined by the leakage current in the small pn-junction region of the floating body. Reducing pn junction leakage current is important for realizing a long retention time. If the pn junction leakage is suppressed to 10^<-18> A/μm, a dynamic retention time of 520 sec at a V_<BSG> of 0.5V can be achieved at 270℃. On those conditions, the refresh current of SOI-DRAMs is reduced by 54% compared with bulk-Si DRAMs.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1999-03-25
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Renesas Technology Corp.
Yamaguchi Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Yamaguchi Y
Kumamoto Techno Res. Park Kumamoto Jpn
ULSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
ULSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
EIMORI Takahisa
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
OASHI Toshiyuki
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
ARIMOTO Kazutami
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
YAMADA Michihiro
ULSI Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Inoue Y
National Defense Acad. Yokosuka Jpn
Eimori T
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Eimori Takahisa
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamaguchi Y
Central Workshop Osaka University
Nishimura Tadashi
The Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Nishimura Tadashi
Ulsi Research And Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Inoue Y
Ntt Access Network Service Systems Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Oashi Toshiyuki
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamada Michihiro
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Arimoto Kazutami
System Core Technology Div. Renesas Technology Corp.
Arimoto Kazutami
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Morishita Fukashi
System Core Technology Div. Renesas Technology Corp.
Inoue Yasuo
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Morishita Fukashi
Renesas Technology Corporation
Nishimura Tadashi
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Morishita Fukashi
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
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