^<161>Dy Mossbauer Spectroscopy of the Intermetallic Compounds DyNi_2Si_2, DyNi_2Ge_2 and DyAg_2Si_2
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^<161>Dy Mossbauer spectroscopic study has been performed on DyNi_2Si_2, DyNi_2Ge_2 and DyAg_2Si_2 in order to clarify microscopic properties of antiferromagnets with incommensurate and sinusoidally moment-modulated structure. The experiments were done using the standard ^<161>Tb Mossbauer sources prepared by neutron irradiation at the Japan Material Testing Reactor. The Mossbauer spectra of DyNi_2Si_2 are analyzed satisfactorily by a single set of hyperfine parameters, and hence the sinusoidal moment-modulation is considered to be realized through a distribution of spin relaxation rate. The broadened spectra of DyNi_2Ge_2 are fitted tentatively by three subspectra. It seems for DyNi_2Ge_2 that the incommensurate arrangement of Dy moments differed in magnitude as well as the distribution of spin relaxation rate originates the moment modulation. The fact that the spectrum of DyAg_2Si_2 at 3 K consists of two distinct subspectra ensures the complicated antiferromagnetic structure where two kinds of Dy moments differed in magnitude are arranged noncollinearly.DyNi_2Si_2DyNi_2Ge_2DyAg_2Si_2^<161>Dy Mossbauer effectsinusoidal moment modulation
- 東北大学の論文
- 1994-09-16
Kosaka Masashi
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Kosaka Masashi
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Murata Akifumi
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University:(present Address)toshiba Corporation Fuchu Works
Kosaka M
Saitama Univ. Saitama
Yamaguchi Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Yamaguchi Y
Kumamoto Techno Res. Park Kumamoto Jpn
OHASHI Masayoshi
Institute for Materials Research,Tohoku University
Onodera Hideya
Institute For Materials Research
Yamaguchi Yasuo
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Ohashi M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Ohashi Masayoshi
Kddi R&d Laboratories
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Ohashi M
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Ohashi M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Ohashi M
Yamagata Univ. Yamagata
Yamaguchi Y
Central Workshop Osaka University
Ohashi Masanao
Faculty Of Engineering Utsunomiya University
Ohashi Masayoshi
Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
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