Neutron Diffraction Study of Shape Memory Alloys (Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research(ASR-2000), Advances in Neutron Scattering Research)
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Yamaguchi Y
Kumamoto Techno Res. Park Kumamoto Jpn
Inoue K
Technol. Res. Inst. Osaka Prefecture Osaka Jpn
Inoue K
Dept. Of Mechanical And System Engineering Ryukoku Univ.
Inoue Katsuya
Institute For Molecular Science And Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies
Enami K
Ryukoku Univ. Otsu Jpn
Iga K
Microsystem Research Center P & I Lab . Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamaguchi Y
Central Workshop Osaka University
Iga K
Precision & Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
- Magnetic Phase Transition in DyNi_2Si_2
- Long Periodic Magnetic Structure in CeB_2C_2
- Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal Ce_Lu_xB_2C_2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.31) Compounds(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal Ce_Lu_xB_2C_2 (0≦x≦0.31) Compounds
- Magnetic Order-Order Transition in Tetragonal ErB_2C_2
- Systematic Study on Crystal Structures in Tetragonal RB_2C_2 (R=Rare Earth) Compounds
- Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in the Pseudo-Binary Tetragonal Compounds Ho_Dy_xB_2C_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Structural Study of Molten Silver Halides by Neutron Diffraction
- Physical and Structural Properties of Ternary Uranium Compounds in the U-Ni-Sn and U-Ni-In Systems
- 22pYP-9 ハイパーラマン散乱によるシリカガラスのボゾンピークの観測
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Ni_2MnGa-Based Alloys : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Magnetic Structure of C14-Laves Phase DyMn_2
- Long Periodic Magnetic Structure in CeB_2C_2
- 21-P-10 Phase Transition and Structural Change in Tricalcium Phosphate
- Anomalous Magnetic Ordering Phenomena in Tetragonal TbB_2C_2 Observed by Neutron Diffraction(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Partially Depleted SOI Technology with Body-Tied Hybrid Trench Isolation for High-Speed System-On-a-Chip Application(Special Issue on Integrated Systems with New Concepts)
- Direct Measurement of Transient Drain Currents in Partially-Depleted SOI N-Channel MOSFETs Using a Nuclear Microprobe for Highly Reliable Device Designs
- A Sub 1-V L-Band Low Noise Amplifier SOI CMOS(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- A CAD-Compatible SOI-CMOS Gate Array Using 0.35 μm Partially-Depleted Transistors (Special Issue on Low-Power High-Speed CMOS LSI Technologies)
- Analyses of the Radiation-Caused Characteristics Change in SOI MOSFETs Using Field Shield Isolation
- Analysis and Optimization of Floating Body Cell Operation for High-Speed SOI-DRAM (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed IC and LSI Technology)
- The Influence of the Buried Oxide Defects on the Gate Oxide Reliability and Drain Leakage Currents of the Silicon-on-Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Suppression of Parasitic MOSFETs at LOCOS Edge Region in Partially Depleted SOI MOSFETs
- Analysis of the Delay Distributions of 0.5μm SOI LSIs (Special Issue on SOI Devices and Their Process Technologies)
- Features of SOI DRAM's and their Potential for Low-Voltage and/or Giga-Bit Scale DRAM's (Special Issue on ULSI Memory Technology)
- Comparison of Standard and Low-Dose Separation-by-Implanted-Oxygen Substrates for 0.15 μm SOI MOSFET Applications
- High-Speed SOI 1/8 Frequency Divider Using Field-Shield Body-Fixed Structure
- Comparison of Standard and Low-Dose SIMOX Substrates for 0.15μm SOI MOSFET Applications
- Low-Voltage Operation of a High-Resistivity Load SOI SRAM Cell by Reduced Back-Gate-Bias Effect
- Two-Dimensional Analytical Modeling of the Source/Drain Engineering Influemce on Short-Channel Effects in SOI MOSFET's
- Analytical Modeling of Short-Channel Behavior of Accumulation-Mode Transistors on Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate
- Anomalous Antiferromagnetic Properties of the Tetragonal Compound, TbB_2C_2
- Neutron Powder Diffraction Study on B-C Network Atomic Arrangements in Tetragonal CeB_2C_2
- Characteristic Magnetic Structure due to Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in Ho^B_2C_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Antiferromagnetic Structure with the Uniaxial Anisotropy in the Tetragonal LaB_2C_2 Type Compound,NdB_2C_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in DyB_2C_2 Studied by ^Dy Mossbauer Spectroscopy : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Effects of Y Dilution on the Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in the Tetragonal Compound DyB_2C_2 : Condensed Matter Electronic Properties, etc.
- 161^y Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of the Ferroquadrupolar Ordering Compound DyB_6 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Anomalous Magnetic Phase Diagrams of HoB_2C_2: Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in the Magnetic Phase
- Neutron Powder Diffraction on Ce^B_2C_2 and Nd^B_2C_2:A New Model for the Tetragonal Crystal Structure
- Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering and Magnetic Properties of the Tetragonal DyB_2C_2 Compound
- The New Neutron Powder Diffractometer with a Multi-Detector System for High-Efficiency and High-Resolution Measurements
- Crystalline Electric Field and Magnetic Properties of the TmCu_2Si_2 Intermetallics
- Hollow Optical Waveguide for Temperature-Insensitive Photonic Integrated Circuits : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- 25aRA-10 二次元フォトニック結晶における位相整合第二高調波発生II : 後方、前方散乱配置での比較
- 25aRA-10 二次元フォトニック結晶における位相整合第二高調波発生II : 後方、前方散乱配置での比較
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Martensitic Transformation of Off-Stoichiometric Single-Crystal Ni_2MnGa
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Martensitic Transformation of Off-Stoichiometric Single-Crystal Ni_2MnGa(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- ^Dy and ^Gd Mossbauer Spectroscopy of the RTC_2 Intermetallics (R=Dy, Gd ; T=Ni, Co)
- Neutron Diffraction Study of C14-Laves Phase TbMn_2
- ^Dy Mossbauer Spectroscopy of the Intermetallic Compounds DyNi_2Si_2, DyNi_2Ge_2 and DyAg_2Si_2
- Magnetic Behavior of Helical Magnet Fe_Co_Si
- Magnetic Properties of Ternary DyMn_2X_2 Compounds (X=Si and Ge)(Magnetism)
- Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetism in Fe_Co_xSi Studied by Polarized Neutron Diffraction
- Photoluminescence and Lasing Characteristics of GaInNAs Quantum Wells Using GaInAs Intermediate Layers
- Nitrogen Composition and Growth Temperature Dependence of Growth Characteristics for Self-Assembled GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Dots by Chemical Beam Epitaxy
- 1.4μm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Laser Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy : Short Note
- Temperature Characteristics of λ= 1.3μm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy(Special Issue on Recent Progress in Semiconductor Lasers and Light-Emitting Devices)
- Spatial Distribution of Chain Stems and Chain Folding Mode in Polyethylene Lamellae as Revealed by Coupled Information of DSC, FT-IR, SANS, and WANS
- Anomalous Magnetic,Transport and Thermal Properties in the Half-Metallic Magnet UNiSn
- OS4(4)-16(OS04W0182) Neutron Diffraction Study of Residual Stress in the Induction Hardened S45C Round Bar
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Shape Memory Alloys (Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research(ASR-2000), Advances in Neutron Scattering Research)
- Neutron Diffraction Measurement and Finite Element Method Calculation of Residual Stress of a Heat Treated Steel Pipe
- Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Inner Local Strain of Fatigued Carbon Steel
- Magnetic Structure of Rhombohedral Cr_2Se_3
- Localized Electron Nature of the Antiferromagnetism of (CePd_3)_8Ge : Response to Hydrostatic Pressure and Neutron Diffraction
- Localized Electron Nature of the Antiferromagnetism of (CePd_3)_8Ge : Response to Hydrostatic Pressure and Neutron Diffraction
- Displacement Waves in La_2CuO_ and La_Sr_CuO_
- Performance of a Torque Magnetometer in High Magnetic Fields using a Hybrid Magnet
- Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Compounds MnN and FeN : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- GaInAsP Microcylinder (Microdisk) Injection Laser With AlInAs (O_x) Claddings : Optics and quantum Electronics
- 光の放射圧と自己組織化を利用した微粒子配列
- Lasing Characteristics of Low-Threshold GaInNAs Lasers Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Lasing Characteristics of 1.2 μm Highly Strained GaInAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers
- Optical Quality Dependence on Growth Rate for Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown GaInNAs/GaAs
- Inclusion of Strain Effect in Miscibility Gap Calculations for III-V Semiconductors
- Tunnel Junction for Long-Wavelength Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Message-Based Efficient Remote Memory Access on a Highly Parallel Computer EM-X (Special Issue on Architectures, Algorithms and Networks for Massively parallel Computing)
- Successive Antiferromagnetic Transitions and Magnetic Susceptibility of YBa_2Cu_Co_xO_y
- Design of the Dataflow Single-Chip Processor EMC-R
- Neutron Diffraction and Isotropic Volume Expansion Caused by Deuterium Absorption into La(Fe_Si_)_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- High-Field Magnetization of Some Mn Alloys(Magnetism)
- Crystallinity of Large YBa_2Cu_3O_y Single Crystals Grown by the Solute Rich Liquid-Crystal Pulling Method
- フォトニック結晶スラブ導波路における光と物質の非線形相互作用
- TiO2結晶による広波長領域にわたる多段コヒーレント・アンチストークス・ラマン光の発生現象
- フォトニック結晶による光の場の制御--光集積回路への応用
- フォトニック結晶の概観 (特集 フォトニック結晶)
- フォトニック結晶による光制御の最新技術
- フォトニック結晶による光の場の制御
- 29pYT-1 ハイパーラマン散乱によるガラスのボゾンピークの観測とその起源
- 29pYT-1 ハイパーラマン散乱によるガラスのボゾンピークの観測とその起源
- High-Power CW Operation of GalnAsP/InP Superlumlnescent Light-Emitting Diode with Tapered Active Region : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Measurement of Plasma Density for Control of Etching Profile in Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of InP
- Magnetic and Crystallographic Properties of Deuterides YFe_2D_x
- Emission Spectrochemical Analysis in Dry Etching Process of InP by Cl_2 Inductively Coupled Plasma
- Reflection Induced Voltage Change of Surface Emitting Laser for Optical Probing
- Monolothic Formation of Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown Multi-wavelength Vertical Cavities with Highly Strained GaInAs/GaAs Quantum Wells on GaAs (311)B
- Noise Suppression and Intensity Modulation in Gain-Saturated Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and Its Application to Spectrum-Sliced Light Sources
- Composition Dependence of Thermal Annealing Effect on 1.3 μm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy : Semiconductors
- 1.12μm PolariZation Controlled Highly Strained GalnAs Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers on GaAs(311)B by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition : Optics and Quantum Electronics