Dependence of Effective Work Function Modulation with Phosphorous Segregation on Ni to Si Ratio in Ni Silicide/SiO2 Systems
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The effect of Ni to Si ratio on effective work function ($\Phi_{\text{eff}}$) modulation with phosphorus (P) segregation at the Ni silicide/SiO2 interface was systematically investigated. To discriminate the P segregation effect from other parasitic possibilities of $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ modulation, which are changes in Ni–Si ratio and crystallinity including crystal grain orientation near the interface, we applied a P post-doping process for Ni2Si (Ni3Si2)/SiO2, NiSi/SiO2, and NiSi2/SiO2 systems. In the post-doping process, P atoms were segregated to the Ni silicide/SiO2 interface after Ni silicide gate formation; hence, independent control of a desired interface P density can be realized. In addition, we newly developed a thin Ti-inserted NiSi2 formation process, by which NiSi2 can be formed at a temperature as low as 450 °C, thus revealing the P-segregated $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ modulation effect at the NiSi2/SiO2 interface for the first time. As a result, the largest $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ modulation ($\Delta\Phi_{\text{eff}} = -0.45$ eV) occurs at the P-segregated NiSi2/SiO2 interface, and a $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ of near the Si conduction band edge ($4.13 \pm 0.04$ eV) was realized, although the obtained $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ values with P segregation at Ni2Si (Ni3Si2)/SiO2 and NiSi/SiO2 were $4.38 \pm 0.01$ eV ($\Delta\Phi_{\text{eff}} = -0.32$ eV) and $4.37 \pm 0.01$ eV ($\Delta\Phi_{\text{eff}} = -0.29$ eV) for the same P dose, respectively. Moreover, we found that $\Delta\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ at the NiSi2/SiO2 interface is larger than those at the NiSi/SiO2 and the Ni2Si (Ni3Si2)/SiO2 interfaces, even when the segregated P densities are the same. These results can be explained by an increase in the density of effective interface dipole for $\Phi_{\text{eff}}$ modulation at a high-Si-content interface.
- 2008-11-25
Ogawa Masaki
Ecotopia Science Institute Nagoya University
Zaima Shigeaki
Department Of Crystalline Materials Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yoshiki Masahiko
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R & D Center Toshiba Corporation
Nishiyama Akira
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R & D Center Toshiba Corporation
Koga Junji
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R & D Center Toshiba Corporation
Koyama Masato
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R & D Center Toshiba Corporation
Tsuchiya Yoshinori
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R & D Center Toshiba Corporation
Yoshiki Masahiko
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, 8 Shinsugita-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8522, Japan
Koga Junji
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, 8 Shinsugita-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8522, Japan
Tsuchiya Yoshinori
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, 8 Shinsugita-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8522, Japan
Ogawa Masaki
Ecotopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
Koyama Masato
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, 8 Shinsugita-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8522, Japan
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