Consideration of Random Dopant Fluctuation Models for Accurate Prediction of Threshold Voltage Variation of Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors in 45 nm Technology and Beyond
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Two well-known dopant models for the Coulomb potential, the atomistic model and the long-range model, have been compared using device parameters in the 45 nm technology node and beyond. We have found that the atomistic model has unacceptable dependences of the average threshold voltage on mesh spacing and substrate dopant concentration, while the long-range model has minimum dependences on these factors. Consequently, the atomistic model severely overestimates the Takeuchi coefficient $B_{\text{VT}}$, which is one of the most important parameters for random threshold voltage variation. We conclude that the long-range model is more suitable for the prediction of random variation in future aggressively scaled metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs).
- 2009-04-25
Hiramoto Toshiro
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Putra Arifin
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Kamohara Shiro
Nishida Akio
MIRAI, Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies (Selete), Inc., 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
Tsunomura Takaaki
MIRAI--Selete, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
- 微細MOSデバイスにおけるランダムばらつき(プロセス・デバイス・回路シミュレーション及び一般)
- 1.MOSトランジスタのスケーリングに伴う特性ばらつき(CMOSデバイスの微細化に伴う特性ばらつきの増大とその対策)
- シリコン技術
- (110)SOI基板上に作製したGAAシリコンナノワイヤの移動度評価(低電圧/低消費電力技術、新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- 「電流立上り電圧」ばらつきに起因する微細MOSトランジスタのランダム電流ばらつきの解析(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- DMA TEGによるSRAMのスタティックノイズマージンの直接測定と解析(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- 「電流立上り電圧」ばらつきに起因する微細MOSトランジスタのランダム電流ばらつきの解析(デバイス,低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- DMA TEGによるSRAMのスタティックノイズマージンの直接測定と解析(高信頼技術,低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- C-11-1 微細MOSトランジスタの特性ばらつきの研究(C-11.シリコン材料・デバイス,一般セッション)
- Untitled - Foreword
- Random Threshold Voltage Variability Induced by Gate-Edge Fluctuations in Nanoscale Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Si(110)面正孔移動度における方向依存性の起源 : 極薄SOIを用いた実験的考察(IEDM特集(先端CMOSデバイス・プロセス技術))
- Room Temperature Coulomb Blockade and Low Temperature Hopping Transport in a Multiple-Dot-Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Fabrication of Si Nanostructures for Single Electron Device Applications by Anisotropic Etching
- Modeling of Body Factor and Subthreshold Swing in Short Channel Bulk MOSFETs
- Mobility Increase in High-Ns Region in (110)-Oriented UTB pMOSFET Through Surface Roughness Improvement
- Very Sharp Room-Temperature Negative Differential Conductance in Silicon Single-Hole Transistor with High Voltage Gain
- Temperature Dependence of Off-Current in Bulk and FD SOI MOSFETs
- High Performance Accumulated Back-Interface Dynamic Threshold SOI MOS-FET's (AB-DTMOS) with Large Body Effect at Low Supply Voltage
- (110)SOI基板上に作製したGAAシリコンナノワイヤの移動度評価(低電圧/低消費電力技術、新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- シリコンナノワイヤpMOSFET及び室温動作単正孔トランジスタにおける一軸歪みの効果(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- シリコンナノワイヤpMOSFET及び室温動作単正孔トランジスタにおける一軸歪みの効果(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- Device Design of Nanoscale MOSFETs Considering the Suppression of Short Channel Effects and Characteristics Variations(Device,Low-Power, High-Speed LSIs and Related Technologies)
- Short Channel Characteristics of Variable Body Factor FD SOI MOSFETs
- Future Electron Devices and SOI Technology : Semi-Planar SOI MOSFETs with Sufficient Body Effect
- Charge Polarity Dependence of Negative Differential Conductance in Room-Temperature Operating Silicon Single-Charge Transistors
- Evidence for Creation of Gallium Antisite Defect in Surface Region of Bleat-Treated GaAs
- Effects of Dot Size and its Distribution on Electron Number Control in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor Memories Based on Silicon Nanocrystal Floating Dots
- Characteristic Distributions of Narrow Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Memories with Silicon Nanocrystal Floating Gates
- Large Threshold Voltage Shift and Narrow Threshold Voltage Distribution in Ultra Thin Body Silicon Nanocrystal Memories
- Optimum Device Parameters and Scalability of Variable Threshold Voltage Complementary MOS (VTCMOS)
- Optimum Condutions of Body Effect Factor and Substrate Bias in Variable Threshold Voltage MOSFETs
- Optimum Conditions of Body Effect Factor and Substrate Bias in Variable Threshold Voltage MOSFETs
- Measurement of Energetic and Lateral Distribution of Interface State Density in Fully-Depleted Silicon on Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- High-Performance Accumulated Back-Interface Dynamic Threshold SOI MOSFET (AB-DTMOS) with Large Body Effect at Low Supply Voltage
- Measurement of Energetic and Lateral Distribution of Interface State Density in FD SOI MOSFETs
- Suppression of Geometric Component of Charge Pumping Current in Thin Film Silicon on Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Characteristics of Narrow Channel MOSFET Memory Based on Silicon Nanocrystals
- Effects of Interface Traps on Charge Retention Characteristics in Silicon-Quantum-Dot-Based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Diodes
- Characteristics of Narrow Channel MOSFET Memory Based on Silicon Nanocrystals
- Extremely Large Amplitude of Random Telegraph Signals in a Very Narrow Split-Gate MOSFET at Low Temperatures
- Re-Examination of Impact of Intrinsic Dopant Fluctuations on Static RAM (SRAM) Static Noise Margin
- Origin of Critical Substrate Bias in Variable Threshold Voltage Complementary MOS (VTCMOS)
- Origin of Critical Substrate Bias in Variable Threshold Voltage CMOS
- Special Issue on Advanced Sub-0.1 μm CMOS Devices
- Mobility Degradation in (110)-Oriented Ultra-thin Body Double-Gate pMOSFETs with SOI Thickness of less than 5nm
- Large Coulomb-Blockade Oscillations and Negative Differential Conductance in Silicon Single-Electron Transistors with [100]- and [110]-Directed Channels at Room Temperature
- Room Temperature Demonstration of Variable Full Width at Half Maximum of Coulomb Oscillation in Silicon Single-Hole Transistor
- Reverse Short-Channel Effect of Body Factor in Low-Fin Field-Effect Transistors Induced by Corner Effect
- Effects of Discrete Quantum Levels on Electron Transport in Silicon Single-Electron Transistors with an Ultra-Small Quantum Dot
- Re-examination of Impact of Intrinsic Dopant Fluctuations on SRAM Static Noise Margin
- Impact of Drain Induced Barrier Lowering on Read Scheme in Silicon Nanocrystal Memory with Two-Bit-per-Cell Operation
- Suppression of Stand-by Tunnel Current in Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide MOSFETs by Dual Oxide Thickness MTCMOS(DOT-MTCMOS)
- Large Temperature Dependence of Coulomb Blockade Oscillations in Room-Temperature Operating Silicon Single-Hole Transistor
- Room-Temperature Operation of Current Switching Circuit Using Integrated Silicon Single-Hole Transistors
- Room-Temperature Demonstration of Low-Voltage Static Memory Based on Negative Differential Conductance in Silicon Single-Hole Transistors
- Origin of Larger Drain Current Variability in N-Type Field-Effect Transistors Analyzed by Variability Decomposition Method
- Fabrication of Nano-Scale Point Contact Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistors Using Micrometer-Scale Design Rule
- DMA SRAM TEGにより解析したSRAMのスタティックノイズマージンにおけるDIBLばらつきの影響(IEDM特集(先端CMOSデバイス・プロセス技術))
- Modeling of Body Factor and Subthreshold Swing in Bulk Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors in Short-Channel Regime
- Impact of Oxide Thickness Fluctuation and Local Gate Depletion on Threshold Voltage Variation in Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Consideration of Random Dopant Fluctuation Models for Accurate Prediction of Threshold Voltage Variation of Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors in 45 nm Technology and Beyond
- 微細MOSトランジスタにおけるDIBLおよび電流立上り電圧ばらつきの統計解析(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- Takeuchiプロットを用いたHigh-k/Metal-Gate MOSFETのばらつき評価(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- 微細MOSトランジスタにおけるDIBLおよび電流立上り電圧ばらつきの統計解析(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
- Takeuchiプロットを用いたHigh-k/Metal-Gate MOSFETのばらつき評価(低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)
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- Evaluation of Threshold-Voltage Variation in Silicon on Thin Buried Oxide Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor and Its Impact on Decreasing Standby Leakage Current
- Wide-Range Threshold Voltage Controllable Silicon on Thin Buried Oxide Integrated with Bulk Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Featuring Fully Silicided NiSi Gate Electrode
- Experimental Study on Mobility Universality in (100) Ultrathin Body nMOSFETs with SOI Thickness of 5 nm
- Suppression of Within-Device Variability in Intrinsic Channel Tri-Gate Silicon Nanowire Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials (1))
- Gate Length and Gate Width Dependence of Drain Induced Barrier Lowering and Current-Onset Voltage Variability in Bulk and Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
- Large Temperature Dependence of Coulomb Blockade Oscillations in Room-Temperature-Operating Silicon Single-Hole Transistor
- Room-Temperature Operation of Current Switching Circuit Using Integrated Silicon Single-Hole Transistors
- 100億トランジスタのしきい値電圧ばらつき(IEDM特集(先端CMOSデバイス・プロセス技術))
- Temperature Dependence of Off-Current in Bulk and Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs
- On the Origin of Negative Differential Conductance in Ultranarrow-Wire-Channel Silicon Single-Electron and Single-Hole Transistors
- Superior $\langle 110\rangle$-Directed Electron Mobility to $\langle 100\rangle$-Directed Electron Mobility in Ultrathin Body (110) n-Type Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Optimum Device Parameters and Scalability of Variable Threshold Voltage Complementary MOS (VTCMOS)
- Impact of Drain Induced Barrier Lowering on Read Scheme in Silicon Nanocrystal Memory with Two-Bit-per-Cell Operation
- Room-Temperature Observation of Negative Differential Conductance Due to Large Quantum Level Spacing in Silicon Single-Electron Transistor
- Variable Body Effect Factor Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor for Ultra Low-Power Variable-Threshold-Voltage Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Applications
- Electron Mobility in Silicon Gate-All-Around [100]- and [110]-Directed Nanowire Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor on (100)-Oriented Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate Extracted by Improved Split Capacitance–Voltage Method
- Extremely Large Amplitude Random Telegraph Signals in a Very Narrow Split-Gate MOSFET at Low Temperatures
- Experimental Study on the Universality of Mobility Behavior in Ultra Thin Body Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
- Experimental Study on Mobility in (110)-Oriented Ultrathin-Body Silicon-on-Insulator n-Type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor with Single- and Double-Gate Operations
- Current Drive Improvement Using Enhanced Body Effect Factor Due to Finite Inversion Layer Thickness in Variable-Threshold-Voltage Complementary MOS (VTCMOS)
- Optimum Device Consideration for Standby Power Reduction Scheme Using Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering
- Statistical Analysis of Subthreshold Swing in Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Thin-Buried-Oxide and Bulk Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
- Integration of Complementary Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor 1-Bit Analog Selectors and Single-Electron Transistors Operating at Room Temperature
- Reverse Short-Channel Effect of Body Factor in Low-Fin Field-Effect Transistors Induced by Corner Effect
- Silicon Single-Hole Transistor with Large Coulomb Blockade Oscillations and High Voltage Gain at Room Temperature
- Effects of Side Surface Roughness on Carrier Mobility in Tri-Gate Single Silicon Nanowire Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Direct Measurement of Carrier Mobility in Intrinsic Channel Tri-Gate Single Silicon Nanowire Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Mobility Degradation in (110)-Oriented Ultrathin-Body Double-Gate p-Type Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors with Silicon-on-Insulator Thickness of Less than 5 nm
- Short-Channel Characteristics of Variable-Body-Factor Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistors
- Large Electron Addition Energy above 250 meV in a Silicon Quantum Dot in a Single-Electron Transistor
- Statistical Analysis of Current Onset Voltage (COV) Distribution of Scaled MOSFETs
- NBTI Reliability of PFETs under Post-Fabrication Self-Improvement Scheme for SRAM
- 超低電力LSIを実現する薄膜BOX-SOI(SOTB)CMOS技術(SOIテクノロジ,低電圧/低消費電力技術,新デバイス・回路とその応用)