Study on Preparation Conditions of Single-Oriented(002)Zr Thin Films on n-(001)Si
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-07-15
阿部 良夫
Department Of Materials Science Kitami Institute Of Technology
Miyake H
Kitami Inst. Technol. Kitami Jpn
Miyake Hidekazu
Pharmacobioregulation Research Laboratory Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
笹木 敬司
Yanagisawa H
Nhk Sci. And Technical Res. Lab. Tokyo Jpn
Yanagisawa H
Kitami Inst. Technol. Kitami Jpn
Abe Yuji
Advanced Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Abe Y
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
ABE Yoshio
Department of Materials Science, Kitami Institute of Technology
SASAKI Katsutaka
Department of Materials Science, Kitami Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kitami Institute of Tec
MIYAKE Hidekazu
Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
Abe Yoichi
Department Of Applied Science Tokyo Electrical Engineering College
Miyake Hidekazu
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Abe Yoshio
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Sasaki Katsutaka
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kitami Institute Of Techn
Yanagisawa Hideto
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Abe Yoshio
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology, 165 Koen-cho, Kitami, Hokkaido 090-8507, Japan
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- Epitaxial Growth of (001)Rh Thin Film on (001)MgO Single-Crystal Substrate by Sputtering
- Difference in Thermal Degradation Behavior of ZrO_2 and HfO_2 Anodized Capacitors
- Crystal Orientation Change of Ni Films by Sputtering in Ar-N_2 Mixed Gases
- Improvement of the Crystal Orientation and Surface Roughness of Ru Thin Films by Introducing Oxygen during Sputtering
- Realization of Sequential Epitaxial Growth of Cu/HfN Bilayered Films on (111) and (001) Si
- Epitaxial Ir Thin Film on (001) MgO Single Crystal Prepared by Sputtering
- Preparation of Low-Resistivity α-Ta Thin Films on (001) Si by Conventional DC Magnetron Sputtering
- Capacitor Property and Leakage Current Mechanism of ZrO_2 Thin Dielectric Films Prepared by Anodic Oxidation
- Highly Texrured (100) RuO_2/(001) Ru Multilayers Preparedly by Sputtering
- Electrical Properties of HfO_2 Thin Insulating Film Prepared by Anodic Oxidation
- C-Axis-Oriented Ru Thin Fillns Prepared by Sputtering in Ar and O_2 Gas Mixture : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
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- (200)TiN高配向膜上への(111)Al高配向成長に及ぼすAl_3Ti中間介在層の影響
- Realization of Cu(111) Single-Oriented State on SiO_2 by Annealing Cu-Zr Film and the Thermal Stability of Cu-Zr/ZrN/Zr/Si Contact System
- Preparation of a Contact System with a Single-Oriented (111)Al Overlayer by Interposing a Thin ZrN/Zr Bilayered Barrier Applicable to Sub-0.25-μm Design Rule
- Single-Oriented Growth of(111)Cu Film on Thin ZrN/Zr Bilayered Film for ULSI Metallization
- Study on Preparation Conditions of Single-Oriented(002)Zr Thin Films on n-(001)Si
- 低化成電圧で作製したAl_3Hf陽極酸化膜キャパシタの熱劣化機構
- Al_3Hf金属間化合物の陽極酸化膜による高耐熱, 高信頼性薄膜キャパシタの検討
- Al_3Hf陽極酸化膜キャパシタの電気的特性と耐熱特性
- Drivability Enhancement for AlGaN/GaN High-Electron Mobility Transistors with AlN Spacer Layer Using Si Ion Implantation Doping
- First Operation of AlGaN Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors
- First Operation of AlGaN Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors with Sufficiently Low Resistive Source/Drain Contact formed by Si Ion Implantation
- Improvement of DC and RF Characteristics of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors by Thermally Annealed Ni/Pt/Au Schottky Gate
- Characterization of Crystallinity in Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs Layers by Raman Scattering and Time-Resolved Photoreflectance Measurements
- Spectroscopic Characterization of Low-Temperature Grown GaAs Epitaxial Films
- A Dual-Gate Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Technology with Novel Self-Aligned Pocket Implantation which Takes Advantage of Elevated Source/Drain Configurations
- Self-Aligned Pocket Implantation into Elevated Source/Drain MOSFETs for Reduction of Junction Capacitance and Leakage Current
- Parasitic Resistance Reduction in Deep Submicron Dual-Gate Transistors with Partially Elevated Source/Drain Extension Regions Fabricated by Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Technologies
- Advantage of Shallow Trench Isolation over Local Oxidation of Silicon on Alignment Tolerance
- Noticeable Enhancement of Edge Effect in Short Channel Characteristics of Trench-Isolated MOSFETs
- Anomalous Gate Length Dependence of Threshold Voltage of Trench-Isolated Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
- Narrow-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET)Isolated by an Ultra-Fine Trench
- Room-Temperature Self-Electrooptic Effects of GaAs/AlAs Asymmetric Coupled Quantum Wells
- CPM2000-82 (001)Si上(111)Cu/(111)HfN/(002)Hf三層膜の連続単配向成長に及ぼすHf膜厚の影響
- Al_3Zr金属間化合物膜の陽極酸化とそれを応用した高信頼性薄膜キャパシタの作製
- Alメタライゼーション系へのAl_3Hf/Hf積層膜の拡散バリヤとしての適用
- Al_3Hf金属間化合物膜の結晶化過程と電気的特性
- n-(001)Si上への単配向Hf膜の作製条件の検討
- 反応性スパッタリング法によるRuO_2薄膜の作製とその電気特性
- Al-Si間におけるAl_3Zr/Zr積層膜の拡散バリヤ効果について
- Study on Preparation Conditions of High-Quality ZrN Thin Films Using a Low-Temperature Process
- Preparation of Oxygern-Containing Pt and Pt Oxide Thin Films by Reactive Sputtering and Their Characterization
- Formation Process and Electrical Property of RuO_2 Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Sputtering
- Initial Silicide Formation Process of Single Oriented (002) Hf Film on Si and Its Diffusion Barrier Property
- A Study on the Preparation Conditions of Single Oriented (002) Hf Film on n-(001) Si
- Surface Oxidation Behavior of TiN Film Caused by Depositing SrTiO_3 Film
- Application of Al_3Hf/Hf Bilayered Film as a Diffusion Barrier to Al Metallization System of Si Large-Scale Integration
- Preparation of RhO2 Thin Films by Reactive Sputtering and Their Characterizations
- Electrical Properties of Amorphous Rh Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Sputtering
- Thermal Stability of RuO_2 Thin Films and Effects of Annealing Ambient on Their Reduction Process
- Preparation of PtO and α-PtO_2 Thin Films by Reactive Sputtering and Their Electrical Properties
- 低化成電圧で作製したTa_2N陽極酸化膜キャパシタの耐熱特性
- 低化成電圧で作製したTa_2N陽極酸化膜キャパシタの熱安定性
- A Chemical Mechanism for Determining the Influence of Boron on Silicon Epltaxial Growth : Semiconductors
- CPM2000-71 Ta窒化物のTa-Al化合物膜への代替による薄膜キャパシタの容量低減の抑制効果
- Ta_2N陽極酸化膜キャパシタの耐熱要因と薄膜化の検討
- Ta_2N 陽極酸化膜キャパシタの耐熱性と酸化膜厚
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- Pharmacological studies on proglumetacin maleate, a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. 4 Mode of action on anti-inflammatory activity.