FOREWORD (Special Issue on Synthesis and Verification of Hardware Design)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-10-25
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
Imai Masaharu
Osaka University
Onodera Hidetoshi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto‐shi Jpn
Shirakawa Isao
Osaka University
Yasuura Hiroto
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Kyushu University
Yasuura Hiroto
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science
Akino Toshiro
Gajski Daniel
University of California
Sasao Tsutom
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Sato Masao
Waseda University
Saucier Gabriele
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Fujiwara Hideo
Nara Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. (naist) Ikoma‐shi Jpn
Wakabayashi Shin'ichi
Hiroshima Univ.
Fujiwara Hideo
Nara Institute Of Technology
Yasuura Hiroto
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science
- Software Development Tool Generation Method Suitable for Instruction Set Extension of Embedded Processors
- 出力VHDLコードに透かしを埋め込むCADツールの不正コピー検知方式
- 12.社会システムを支えるディペンダブルコンピューティング(時代をひらく電子情報通信技術-技術がもたらした変革,そして更なる飛躍-)
- Design and Optimization of Transparency-Based TAM for SoC Test
- 緊密な産学連携に基づく自律的なICT人材育成の実践(情報システム教育コンテスト(3))
- Non-uniform Selective Way Cacheの動的制御による組込みプロセッサの省エネルギー化(消費電力,組込技術とネットワークに関するワークショップETNET2009)
- Non-uniform Selective Way Cacheの動的制御による組込みプロセッサの省エネルギー化(省エネ,組込技術とネットワークに関するワークショップETNET2009)
- 6U-6 ウェーブレットに基づく音声認証システムの精度向上にむけて(ネットワーク応用,学生セッション,ネットワーク)
- 1.非接触ICカード技術の概観と展望(非接触ICカード技術とその展開)
- パネル討論 : 設計/CAD技術はディープサブミクロン時代の挑戦に耐えられるか
- C-12-9 ゲーテッドフリップフロップの多ビット結合によるレジスタの低電力化(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- 製造後にタイミング補正可能なオンチップバスアーキテクチャ(回路方式,デザインガイア2007-VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会-)
- 90nm CMOS回路における遅延・電力ばらつきのゲート段数およびゲート幅依存性に関する考察(耐ノイズ・ばらつき設計(1),システムオンシリコン設計技術並びにこれを活用したVLSI)
- シングルサイクルアクセス可能な二階層キャッシュアーキテクチャ(消費電力,組込技術とネットワークに関するワークショップETNET2009)
- シングルサイクルアクセス可能な二階層キャッシュアーキテクチャ(省エネ,組込技術とネットワークに関するワークショップETNET2009)
- Analysis of effects of input arrival time variations on on-chip bus power consumption (VLSI設計技術)
- Analysis of effects of input arrival time variations on on-chip bus power consumption (システムLSI設計技術)
- ばらつき考慮設計に向けて(アナログ,アナデジ混載,RF及びセンサインタフェース回路)
- ばらつき考慮設計に向けて(アナログ,アナデジ混載,RF及びセンサインタフェース回路)
- AI-1-6 ディペンダブルVLSI設計技術への挑戦(AI-1.デイベンダブルVLSIに向けて,依頼シンポジウム,ソサイエティ企画)
- C-12-56 ω_nドメイン設計手法によるCDR-ICの低ジッタ化(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- Optimal Termination of On-Chip Transmission-Lines for High-Speed Signaling(Analog Circuits and Related SoC Integration Technologies)
- Interconnect RL Extraction Based on Transfer Characteristics of Transmission-Line(Interconnect,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Si-Substrate Modeling toward Substrate-Aware Interconnect Resistance and Inductance Extraction in SoC Design(Interconnect,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Performance Limitation of On-Chip Global Interconnects for High-Speed Signaling(Selected Papers from the 17th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Representative Frequency for Interconnect R(f)L(f)C Extraction(Parasitics and Noise)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Instruction-Level Power Estimation Method by Considering Hamming Distance of Registers(Selected Papers from the 16th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- PA-1 大学の研究をどのように産業界に活かすか?
- AI-1-3 ディペンダブルVLSIプラットフォームへの挑戦(AI-1.デイベンダブルVLSIに向けて,依頼シンポジウム,ソサイエティ企画)
- A 90nm 48×48 LUT-Based FPGA Enhancing Speed and Yield Utilizing Within-Die Delay Variations(Low-Power and High-Performance VLSI Circuit Technology,VLSI Technology toward Frontiers of New Market)
- A 90nm LUT Array for Speed and Yield Enhancement by Utilizing Within-Die Delay Variations(Digital,Low-Power, High-Speed LSIs and Related Technologies)
- Low-Power Design of CML Driver for On-Chip Transmission-Lines Using Impedance-Unmatched Driver(Analog Circuits and Related SoC Integration Technologies)
- A Leakage Reduction Scheme for Sleep Transistors with Decoupling Capacitors in the Deep Submicron Era(Electronic Circuits)
- Experimental Study on Cell-Base High-Performance Datapath Design(IP Design)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Experimental Study on Cell-Base High-Performance Datapath Design
- Timing Analysis Considering Spatial Power/Ground Level Variation(Physical Design,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques for System-on-Chip Integration
- FOREWORD (Special Section on Analog Technologies in Submicron Era)
- Program Slicing on VHDL Descriptions and Its Evaluation (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Analysis of Test Generation Complexity for Stuck-At and Path Delay Faults Based on τ^k-Notation(Complexity Theory)
- D-10-18 An Approach to Temperature Control During VLSI Test
- Design for Testability Method to Avoid Error Masking of Software-Based Self-Test for Processors
- Acceleration of Test Generation for Sequential Circuits Using Knowledge Obtained from Synthesis for Testability(Dependable Computing)
- Non-scan Design for Single-Port-Change Delay Fault Testability (特集:システムLSI設計とその技術)
- Timing Analysis Considering Temporal Supply Voltage Fluctuation
- Successive Pad Assignment for Minimizing Supply Voltage Drop(Power/Ground Network, VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- An Area/Delay Efficient Dual-Modular Flip-Flop with Higher SEU/SET Immunity
- A 25kV ESD Proof LDMOSFET with a Turn-on Discharge MOSFET
- A Single Chip Automotive Control LSI Using SOI Bipolar Complimentary MOS Double-Diffused MOS
- A 200V CMOS SOI IC with Field-Plate Trench Isolation for EL Displays
- A Single Chip Automotive Control LSI Using SOI BiCDMOS
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Instruction Schecduling to Reduce Switching Activity of Off-Chip Buses for Low-Power Systems with Caches (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- 特集「システムLSI設計とその技術」の編集にあたって
- アナログ/ディジタル混載LSIのCAD技術
- SPIRIT: A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Model-Adaptable Parameter Extraction System for MOSFET Models
- Development of Module Generators from Extracted Design Procedures : Application to Analog Device Generation
- Low-Energy Memory Allocation and Assignment Based on Variable Analysis for Application-Specific Systems
- An Efficient Exploration Scheme for Datapath Width Optimization of Embedded Processor Systems
- Low-Energy Memory Allocation and Assignment Based on Variable Analysis for Application-Specific Systems
- An Efficient Exploration Scheme for Datapath Width Optimization of Embedded Processor Systems
- Object Sharing Scheme for Heterogeneous Environment
- Wireless Digital Video Transmission System Using IEEE802.11b PHY with Error Correction Block Based ARQ Protocol(Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- Single Chip Implementation of MPEG2 Decoder for HDTV Level Pictures (Special Section of Selected Papers from the 8th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
- High-Level Synthesis of a Multithreaded Processor for Image Generation
- Architecture and Performance Evaluation of a New Functional Memory : Functional Memory for Addition (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- A Real-Time Low-Rate Video Compression Algorithm Using Multi-Stage Hierarchical Vector Quantization (Special Section on VLSI for Digital Signal Processing)
- An LSI for Low Bit-Rate Image Compression Using Vector Quantization(Special Issue on Multimedia, Network, and DRAM LSIs)
- A Memory-Based Parallel Processor for Vector Quantization:FMPP-VQ (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
- A Current Mode Cyclic A/D Converter with Submicron Processes (Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques for System-on-Chip Integration)
- A Bit-Parallel Block-Parallel Functional Memory Type Parallel Processor Architecture (Special Issue on New Architecture LSIs)
- A Comprehensive Simulation and Test Environment for Prototype VLSI Verification(Verification)(Test and Verification of VLSI)
- FOREWORD (Special Issue on Synthesis and Verification of Hardware Design)
- Optimal Granularity of Parallel Test Generation on the Client-Agent-Server Model
- SPIRIT:A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- SPIRIT:A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Error Identification in At-Speed Scan BIST Environment in the Presence of Circuit and Tester Speed Mismatch(Dependable Computing)
- A Memory Grouping Method for Reducing Memory BIST Logic of System-on-Chips(Dependable Computing)
- Memory Organization for Low-Energy Processor-Based Application-Specific Systems
- Effect of BIST Pretest on IC Defect Level(Dependable Computing)
- Defect Level vs. Yield and Fault Coverage in the Presence of an Unreliable BIST(Dependable Computing)
- A Power Reduction Scheme for Data Buses by Dynamic Detection of Active Bits
- Dynamic Access Control of Instruction Buses by Using Active Bits Detection for Low Power Systems
- Dynamic Access Control of Instruction Buses by Using Active Bits Detection for Low Power Systems
- Test Scheduling for Multi-Clock Domain SoCs under Power Constraint
- A System-level Energy Minimization Approach Using Datapath Width Optimization
- Design and Optimization of Transparency-Based TAM for SoC Test
- Development of procedure for modeling MOSFET compatible with ITRS: noise and 1-5 characteristics modeling for RF/analog MOSFET (集積回路)
- More Mooreに立ちはだかるCMOSばらつきの理解に向けて(低電力設計,システムオンシリコンを支える設計技術)
- VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Fractal Image Coding Processors (Special Section of Selected Papers from the 12th Workshop on Circuit and Systems in Karuizawa)
- C-12-46 完全差動回路構成GVCOの高速化設計(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-25 On-chip Monitor Circuits to Estimate Global Variations of Threshold Voltage and Gate Length
- Area-Effective Inductive Peaking with Interwoven Inductor for High-Speed Laser-Diode Driver for Optical Communication System
- Variation-Tolerance of a 65-nm Error-Hardened Dual-Modular-Redundancy Flip-Flop Measured by Shift-Register-Based Monitor Structures
- Two-Stage Configurable Decoder Model for Domain Specific FEC Decoder Design
- A Low-power ASIP Generation Method by Extracting Minimum Execution Conditions