Single Chip Implementation of MPEG2 Decoder for HDTV Level Pictures (Special Section of Selected Papers from the 8th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A single chip MPEG2 MP@HL video decoder has been developed, which consists mainly of specific functional units and macroblock level pipeline buffers. A new organization is also devised for a set of off-chip frame memories and the interfaces associated with it. Owing to sophisticated I/O interfaces among functional units, the macroblock level pipeline in conjunction with different decoding facilities attains a high throughput to such an extent as to decode HDTV images in real time. Moreover, a set of these functional units, pipeline buffers, and frame memory interfaces, together with a sequence controller, is integrated for the first time in a single chip, which has the total area of 8.8×9.2 mm^2 with a 0.6 μm triple-metal CMOS technology, and dissipates 1.2 W from a single 3.3 V supply.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-03-25
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Onoye Takao
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Shirakawa Isao
Department Of Information System Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Shirakawa Isao
Osaka University
Shirakawa Isao
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Shirakawa I
Graduate School Of Applied Informatics University Of Hyogo
Matsumura Kenji
K.c.s. Co. Ltd.
MASAKI Toshihiro
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Sato Yoh
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Masaki Toshihiro
Department Of Information Networking Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka Uni
Morimoto Yasuo
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
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