Four-Terminal Device Electronics for Intelligent Silicon Integrated Systems
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-08-21
Ohmi Tadahiro
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Shibata Tadashi
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Information Systems School Of Engineering The University Of
Shibata Tadashi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Ohmi Tadahiro
Department Of Electronic Engineering
- ノンポーラスULK層間膜(フロロカーボン)へのダメージを抑制したCu-CMP後洗浄液の評価(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 大規模回路エミュレーション用90nm CMOSマルチコンテクストFPGAの遅延評価(リコンフィギャラブル・アーキテクチャと論理合成,FPGA応用及び一般)
- マグネトロンスパッタによるSiO_2基板上への微結晶SiGeの堆積(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Electron Spin Resonance in One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet CuGeO_3
- 高精度CMP終点検出方法の検討(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 角度分解光電子分光法によるゲート絶縁膜/シリコン基板界面に形成される構造遷移層に関する研究(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- RTN測定の高精度化・高速化技術とRTN特性に強い影響度を示すプロセス条件(携帯電話用カメラ,デジタルスチルカメラ,ビデオカメラ(ハイビジョン)とそのためのイメージセンサ,モジュール,特別企画「CCD誕生40周年記念講演-黎明期-」)
- Analog Edge-Filtering Processor Employing Only-Nearest-Neighbor Interconnects
- MOSFET特性ばらつき、RTSノイズの統計的評価(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- Stress Induced Leakage CurrentとRandom Telegraph Signalノイズとの相関(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 原子オーダ平坦化ウェハ表面のAFM評価手法及びデータ解析手法(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- ラジカル窒化シリコン酸窒化膜における窒素プロファイルのX線光電子分光分析による評価
- 大型液晶ディスプ***ロジェクトが切り開く未来(総合報告)
- High Current Drivability FD-SOI CMOS with Low Source/Drain Series Resistance(Session 9B : Nano-Scale devices and Physics)
- 大規模回路エミュレーション用90nm CMOSマルチコンテクストFPGAの遅延評価(リコンフィギャラブル・アーキテクチャと論理合成,FPGA応用及び一般)
- 大規模回路エミュレーション用90nm CMOSマルチコンテクストFPGAの遅延評価(リコンフィギャラブル・アーキテクチャと論理合成,FPGA応用及び一般)
- 大規模回路エミュレーション用90nm CMOSマルチコンテクストFPGAの遅延評価(リコンフィギャラブル・アーキテクチャと論理合成,FPGA応用及び一般)
- マグネトロンスパッタによるSiO_2基板上への微結晶SiGeの堆積(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- マグネトロンスパッタによるSiO_2基板上への微結晶SiGeの堆積(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- ULSI用低抵抗コンタクトのための低バリアハイトメタルシリサイドの形成(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 酸素ラジカルを用いて形成したSiO_2/Si界面における組成遷移と価電子帯オフセットの基板面方位依存性(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 次世代LSI向け低誘電率絶縁膜/Cuダマシン配線の形成(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 原子スケールで平坦なSiO_2/Si酸化膜界面歪の評価(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 電子デバイス製造用クリーンルームにおける室内系統水噴霧加湿の研究 : 第1報-省エネルギー効果の検証
- ガス供給系における金属表面の吸着水とその除去
- Fully-Parallel VLSI Implementation of Vector Quantization Processor Using Neuron-MOS Technology (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- Minimization of BF^+_2-Implantation Dose to Reduce the Annealing Time for Ultra-Shallow Source/Drain Junction Formation below 600℃
- Reduction of BF2+-Implantation Dose to Minimize the Annealing Time for Ultra-Shallow Source/Drain Junction Formation below 600℃
- A Comparative Examination of Ion Implanted n^+p Junctions Annealed at 1000℃ and 450℃
- Formation of Ultra-Shallow and Low-Leakage p^+n Junctions by Low-Temperature Post-Implantation Annealing
- Effect of Substrate Boron Concentration on the Integrity of 450℃-Annealed Ion-Implanted Junctions
- Reducing Reverse-Bias Current in 450℃-Annealed n^+p Junction by Hydrogern Radical Sintering
- Impact of fully depleted silicon-on-insulator accumulation-mode CMOS on Si(110) (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Neuron MOS Analog/Digital Merged Circuit Technology For Center-Of-Mass Tracker Circuit
- MOSFETにおけるランダムテレグラフシグナルの統計的評価方法(プロセス・デバイス・回路シミュレーション及び一般)
- Oscillatory High-Field Magnetization in LaP Doped with Ce
- The data analysis technique of the atomic force microscopy for the atomically flat silicon surface(Session9A: Silicon Devices IV)
- The data analysis technique of the atomic force microscopy for the atomically flat silicon surface(Session9A: Silicon Devices IV)
- An Ego-Motion Detection System Employing Directional-Edge-Based Motion Field Representations
- Ultra-Low-Temperature Formation of Si Nitride Film by Direct Nitridation Employing High-Density and Low-Energy Ion Bombardment
- Silicon Wafer Orientation Dependence of Metal Oxide Sermiconductor Device Reliability
- 差分量子化によるヒストグラム特徴を用いた映像の高速探索(画像信号処理及び一般)
- VQ-SIFTを用いた物体認識ためのロバストな局所画像記述子(画像信号処理及び一般)
- 差分量子化によるヒストグラム特徴を用いた映像の高速探索(画像信号処理及び一般)
- VQ-SIFTを用いた物体認識ためのロバストな局所画像記述子(画像信号処理及び一般)
- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Ultra Low-Temperature Growth of High-Integrity Thin Gate Oxide Films by Low-Energy Ion-Assisted Oxidation
- Preoxide-Controlled Oxidation for Very Thin Oxide Films
- Native Oxide Growth on Silicon Surface in Ultrapure Water and Hydrogen Peroxide
- Dopant-Free Channel Transistor with Punchthrough Control Region under Source and Drain
- Formation of Ultra-Shallow and Low-Reverse-Bias-Current Tantalum-Silicided Junctions Using a Si-Eneapsulated Silicidation Technique and Low-Temperature Furnace Annealing below 550℃
- Formation of Ultra-Shallow, Low-Leakage and Low-Contact-Resistance Junctions by Low-Temperature Si-Encapsulated Silicidation Process
- A Compact Memory-Merged Vector-Matching Circuitry for Neuron-MOS Associative Processor (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- Data Analysis Technique of Atomic Force Microscopy for Atomically Flat Silicon Surfaces
- A Statistical Analysis of Distributions of RTS Characteristics by Wide-Range Sampling Frequencies
- A Statistical Analysis of Distributions of RTS Characteristics by Wide-Range Sampling Frequencies
- A Material of Semiconductor Package with Low Dielectric Constant, Low Dielectric Loss and Flat Surface for High Frequency and Low Power Propagation(Session2: Silicon Devices I)
- A Material of Semiconductor Package with Low Dielectric Constant, Low Dielectric Loss and Flat Surface for High Frequency and Low Power Propagation(Session2: Silicon Devices I)
- Design of Radial Line Slot Antennas at 8.3 GHz for Large Area Uniform Plasma Generation
- Abrupt and Arbitrary Profile Formation in Silicon Using a Low-Kinetic-Energy Ion Bombardment Process
- Impact of High-Precision RF-Plasma Control on Very-Low-Temperature Silicon Epitaxy
- Improvement of Rinsing Efficiency after Sulfuric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture (H_2SO_4/H_2O_2) by HF Addition
- Characterization and Control of Native Oxide on Silicon
- Low Power Neuron-MOS Technology for High-Functionality Logic Gate Synthesis (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
- A Model for the Electrochemical Deposition and Removal of Metallic Impurities on Si Surfaces (Special Issue on Scientific ULSI Manufacturing Technology)
- Minimizing Wafer Surface Damage and Chamber Material Contamination in New Plasma Processing Equipment
- Planar-Type Gunn Diode of InP
- Development of Scanning μ-RHEED Microscopy for Imaging Polycrystal Grain Structure in LSI (SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS 1)
- An Analog Edge-Filtering Processor Employing Only-Nearest-Neighbor Interconnects
- Hot-Carrier-Immunity Degradation in Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors Caused by Ion-Bombardment Processes
- New compact and power-efficient implementations of rank-order-filters and sorting engines using time-domain computation technique (画像工学)
- New compact and power-efficient implementations of rank-order-filters and sorting engines using time-domain computation technique (信号処理)
- New compact and power-efficient implementations of rank-order-filters and sorting engines using time-domain computation technique (集積回路)
- A Right-Brain/Left-Brain Integrated Associative Processor Employing Convertible MIMD Elements
- A High-Performance Ramp-Voltage-Scan Winner-Take-All Circuit in an Open Loop Architecture
- A High-Performance Time-Domain Winner-Take-All Circuit Employing OR-Tree Architecture
- Automatic Defect Pattern Detection on LSI Wafers Using Image Processing Techniques
- Optimizing Vector-Quantization Processor Architecture for Intelligent Query-Search Applications
- Optimizing Associative Processor Architecture for Intelligent Internet Search Applications
- A Compact and Power-Efficient Implementation of Rank Order Filters Using Time-Domain Digital Computation Technique
- Neuron-MOS Parallel Search Hardware for Real-Time Signal Processing
- デュアルシリサイドを用いた低直列抵抗CMOSソース/ドレイン電極形成技術
- ホモジニアス・タイル構造3次元FPGAの性能評価(3D-I,集積回路とアーキテクチャの協創〜3次元集積回路技術とアーキテクチャ〜)
- Superior Generalization Capability of Hardware-Learing Algorithm Developed for Self-Learning Neuron-MOS Neural Networks
- Intelligent Signal Processing Based on a Psychologically-Inspired VLSI Brain Model(Special Section on the Trend of Digital Signal Processing and Its Future Direction)
- Functionality Enhancement in Elemental Devices for Implementing Intelligence on Integrated Circuits (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
- A Moving-Object-Localization Hardware Algorithm Employing OR-Amplification of Pixel Activities
- A Compact Bell-Shaped Analog Matching Cell Module for Digital-Memory-Based Associative Processors
- Four-Terminal Device Electronics for Intelligent Silicon Integrated Systems
- An Edge Cache Memory Architecture for Early Visual Processing VLSIs
- FOREWORD (Special Section on Digital Signal Processing)
- Hardware Architecture for Pseudo-2D Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Face Recognition System Employing Laplace Distribution Functions
- Compact Bell-Shaped Analog Matching-Cell Module for Digital-Memory-Based Associative Processors
- A Hardware-Implementation-Friendly Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Algorithm for Analog Image-Feature-Generation Circuits
- A Simple Random Noise Generator Employing Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor Channel $kT/C$ Noise and Low-Capacitance Loading Buffer
- Hardware Architecture for Pseudo-Two-Dimensional Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Face Recognition Systems Employing Laplace Distribution Functions
- Moving-Object-Localization Hardware Algorithm Employing OR-Amplification of Pixel Activities
- Real-Time Very Large-Scale Integration Recognition System with an On-Chip Adaptive K-Means Learning Algorithm
- Compact and Power-Efficient Implementation of Rank-Order Filters Using Time-Domain Digital Computation Technique