Analog Edge-Filtering Processor Employing Only-Nearest-Neighbor Interconnects
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2005-04-30
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Osaka University
Department of Frontier Informatics, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
MITA Yoshio
Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
三田 吉郎
三田 吉郎
柴田 直
Shibata Tadashi
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Information Systems School Of Engineering The University Of
Nakashita Yusuke
Department Of Frontier Informatics School Of Frontier Sciences The University Of Tokyo
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- 心理学的脳モデルVLSIシステムを用いた柔軟な画像認識(プロセッサ, DSP, 画像処理技術及び一般)
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- Automatic Defect Pattern Detection on LSI Wafers Using Image Processing Techniques
- Optimizing Vector-Quantization Processor Architecture for Intelligent Query-Search Applications
- Optimizing Associative Processor Architecture for Intelligent Internet Search Applications
- A Compact and Power-Efficient Implementation of Rank Order Filters Using Time-Domain Digital Computation Technique
- Neuron-MOS Parallel Search Hardware for Real-Time Signal Processing
- Superior Generalization Capability of Hardware-Learing Algorithm Developed for Self-Learning Neuron-MOS Neural Networks
- Intelligent Signal Processing Based on a Psychologically-Inspired VLSI Brain Model(Special Section on the Trend of Digital Signal Processing and Its Future Direction)
- Functionality Enhancement in Elemental Devices for Implementing Intelligence on Integrated Circuits (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
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- A Compact Bell-Shaped Analog Matching Cell Module for Digital-Memory-Based Associative Processors
- Four-Terminal Device Electronics for Intelligent Silicon Integrated Systems
- An Edge Cache Memory Architecture for Early Visual Processing VLSIs
- FOREWORD (Special Section on Digital Signal Processing)
- Hardware Architecture for Pseudo-2D Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Face Recognition System Employing Laplace Distribution Functions
- Compact Bell-Shaped Analog Matching-Cell Module for Digital-Memory-Based Associative Processors
- A Hardware-Implementation-Friendly Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Algorithm for Analog Image-Feature-Generation Circuits
- A Simple Random Noise Generator Employing Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor Channel $kT/C$ Noise and Low-Capacitance Loading Buffer
- Hardware Architecture for Pseudo-Two-Dimensional Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Face Recognition Systems Employing Laplace Distribution Functions
- Moving-Object-Localization Hardware Algorithm Employing OR-Amplification of Pixel Activities
- Real-Time Very Large-Scale Integration Recognition System with an On-Chip Adaptive K-Means Learning Algorithm
- Compact and Power-Efficient Implementation of Rank-Order Filters Using Time-Domain Digital Computation Technique
- Micro-Fluidic Channel Integration on Thick-SOI LSI Device for Biological Application.