Si Single-Electron Transistors on SIMOX Substrates (Special Issue on Quantum Effect Devices and Their Fabrication Technologies)
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A Si single electron transistor (SET) was fabricated by converting a one-dimensional Si wire on a SIMOX substrate into a small Si island with a tunneling barrier at each end by means of pattern-dependent oxidation. Since the size of the Si island was as small as around 10 nm owing to this novel technique, the total capacitance of the SET was reduced to a value on the order of l aF, which guarantees the conductance oscillation of the SET even at room temperature. Furthermore,a linear relation between the designed wire length and the gate capacitance of SETs was obtained, which clearly indicates that the single island was actually formed in the middle of the one dimensional Si wire. These results were achieved owing to the highly reproducible fabrication process based on pattern dependent oxidation of SIM0X-Si layers. In addition, the fluctuation of the electrical characteristics of the SETs was studied in relation to the wire size fluctuations. It was found that the fluctuation is caused predominantly by the roughness of the sidewall surface of the resist pattern.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-11-25
Takahashi Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo‐shi Jpn
Nagase M
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Takahashi Y
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Cornoration
Fujiwara Akira
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Fujiwara A
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Fujiwara A
Ntt Corp. Atsugi Jpn
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
MURASE Katsumi
NTT LSI Laboratories
Murase Katsumi
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation:(present)ntt Electronics Corporation (nel)
Kajiwara Ken
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba:(present)naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomi
Kurihara Kazuaki
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba:(present) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kurihara Kazuaki
Fujitsu Laboratories Inorganic Materials & Polymers Laboratory
Namatsu H
Ntt Basic Res. Lab. Kanagawa Jpn
Iwadate K
Ntt Lsi Laboratories
Takahashi Yasuo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
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