Current Balance at an Endplate of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- 論文の詳細を見る
1VIesh bias experiments, in which secondary electron enuission f'rozn an endplate is suppressed,strggest that simple balance between 2111 end loss electron ctrrrent and an end loss ton ctrrrentdoes not hold at the endplate. An ion ctrrrent flowing into the endplate frona its back sideus observed, and a tlaeoretical nuodel is constructed xvluich takes account of' this ctrrrent andsecondary electrons enaitted f'rozn the tnesla xvires. Nlirror reflection of' secondary electroras off artotrter mirror throat is also considered in this tnodel. Tlae ttaodel includes the ctmrrent balance andthe endplate potential self-consisteuatly. The ctrrrent balaruce at the endplate is xvell accotrntedfor by this unodel.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-08-15
Saito T
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Saito T
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki
Takahashi T
Gakushuin Univ. Tokyo
Abe H
National Institute For Materials Science
Tamano Teruo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
Kiwamoto Yasuhito
Department Of Fundamental Sciences Faculty Of Integrated Human Studies Kyoto University
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
NTT LSI Laboratories
Yoshimura Yasuo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
MIYAUE Hidetoshi
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
ABE Hiraku
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
Takahashi Toshiya
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
Kikuchi Yuji
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
Kajiwara Ken
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba:(present)naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomi
Kurihara Kazuaki
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba:(present) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Tatematsu Y
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
Kurihara Kazuaki
Fujitsu Laboratories Inorganic Materials & Polymers Laboratory
Takahashi Toshiya
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Tatematsu Yoshinori
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
高橋 隆
Department Of Physics Gakushuin University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science and Engineering,Ritsumeikan University
Yoshimura Y
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Kikuchi Y
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Saito Teruo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Miyaue Hidetoshi
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Kajiwara Ken
Plasma Heating Research Group, Naka Fusion Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan
Abe Hideki
National Institute for Materials Science
Kiwamoto Yasuhito
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
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- タンデムミラ-GAMMA 10 によるプラズマ閉じ込め
- Measurement of End Loss Electrons and Ions from a Hot Ion Plasma in a Tandem Mirror
- Ideal Ballooning Modes in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Monte Carlo Simulation on Ion Axial Confinement and End-Loss Spectrum in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- End-loss Ion Analysis Using an End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer in the Tandem Mirror
- On the Electrostatic Potential Profile Determined from Ion Endloss Spectrum
- Monotonic Electrostatic Potential Profile around Plug Region of a Tandem Mirror
- New Type of End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer and Velocity Distribution Function of End-Loss Ions in Tandem Mirror
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- Electron Confining Potential When the Electrons Have Finite Axial Loss Time
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- Calculation of Diamagnetic Current in a Quadrupole Minimum B Mirror Field
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- Macroscopic Stability Control Experiments with Phased Antennas in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Excitation of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode Solely by the Ion Pressure Distribution
- Axial Structures of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
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- Electrical Properties of Quench-Deposited Amorphous SnTe Films
- Amorphous to Crystalline Transformation of Cold Condensed TlBr Films
- Internal Reflection Method for Measuring Optical Constants of Deposited Films
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- Absorption Spectra of Amorphous and Crystalline SnTe Thin Films in the 2-120eV Region
- Study of Potential Formation in an Open Magnetic Field Configuration
- Energy Analysis of ECRH-Induced End-Loss Warm Electrons in a Tandem Mirror
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- Observation of Frequency Pulling Effect in Gyrotron
- A Pinhole Camera with Microehannel Plates for Hot Electron Spatial Distribution Measurement
- Calibration of Time- and Space-Resolving Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Potential Formation in a High-Temperature Divertor Plasma
- Analysis of the Radial Profile of Ion Temperature in ICRF-Heated GAMMA10 Plasmas Including the Effects of Ion Finite Larmor Radius
- Study of Gas Recycling in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror Based on Numerical Model Calculations
- Effects of Anisotropy of End Loss Electrons on Axial Potential Profile and Electron Transport in the End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Potential Distribution in the End Region of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror Associated with Electron Flow Control
- Current Balance at an Endplate of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Axial and Radial Potential Distributions in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Initial Measurements from an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer on GAMMA 10
- Application of Wavelet Analysis to Plasma Fluctuation Study on GAMMA 10
- Development of an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Millimeter-Wave Phase-Imaging Interferometry Using Two-Dimensional Detector Array
- Ultrafast Microwave Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Low-Frequency Waves during GAMMA 10 End-Plate Biasing Using Microwave Reflectometry
- Validity of a Model Electron Distribution Function in an End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Gain Curves of a Microchannel Plate Ion Detector for Measurement of End-Loss Ions in the Tandem Mirror
- Electronic States and Superconductivity in Alkali-Intercalated Fullerides : ^C-NMR Study in Na_2RbC_, Na_2CsC_, K_3C_, K_2RbC_, K_2CsC_, KRbCsC_, Rb_2CsC_ and RbCs_2C_
- ^C-NMR in Iodine and Potassium Intercalated C_ Solid
- Study of Action of Unstable AIC Waves on Electrons in a Tandem Mirror Plasma from Measurement of End Loss Electrons
- Study of Action of Unstable AIC Waves on Electrons in a Tandem Mirror Plasma from Measurement of End Loss Electrons
- Effects of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Waves on End-Loss Electrons from the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror(Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges)
- Observation of a Radial Current at a Plug/Barrier Cell in GAMMA10 : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Effects of Yushmanov-Trapped Particles and Anisotropy of Velocity Distribution on the Potential Formation in the End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Experimental Observation of the Density Limit in Hot Ion Mode Plasmas of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Absolute Calibration of Space- and TIme-Resolving Flat-Field Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics
- In situ Spectroscopy of Solid-State Chemical Reaction in PbBr_2-Deposited CsBr Crystals
- In situ Spectroscopy of Solid-State Chemical Reaction in PbBr_2-Deposited CsBr Crystals
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- Application of Orthogonal Wavelet Decomposition to Plasma Fluctuation Study
- Erosion of a Surface Interacting with Magnetized Plasma