Low-Frequency Waves during GAMMA 10 End-Plate Biasing Using Microwave Reflectometry
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-06-01
Mase Atsushi
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Tamano Teruo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center,University of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Itakura A
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Itakura Akiyosi
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Ichimura M
Univ. Of Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
Inutake M
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Inutake Masaaki
Plasma Research Center The University Of Tsukuba
Inutake Masaaki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Tohoku University
Itakura Akiyoshi
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Tokuzawa Tokihiko
National Institute For Fusion Science
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Ishii K
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Ishii Kameo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Ishii Kameo
Institute Of Physics The University Of Tsukuba
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- Space-Resolving Flat-Field Grazing-Incidence Spectrograph for Large Plasma Diagnostics
- Observation of Ion Confining Potential Enhancement due to Thermal Barrier Potential Formation and Its Scaling Law in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Effect of the Collision Frequency on the Ion Temperature Determined from Ion Endloss Spektrum
- タンデムミラ-GAMMA 10 によるプラズマ閉じ込め
- Measurement of Electron Cyclotron Emission from the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Measurement of End Loss Electrons and Ions from a Hot Ion Plasma in a Tandem Mirror
- Ideal Ballooning Modes in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Monte Carlo Simulation on Ion Axial Confinement and End-Loss Spectrum in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- End-loss Ion Analysis Using an End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer in the Tandem Mirror
- On the Electrostatic Potential Profile Determined from Ion Endloss Spectrum
- Monotonic Electrostatic Potential Profile around Plug Region of a Tandem Mirror
- New Type of End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer and Velocity Distribution Function of End-Loss Ions in Tandem Mirror
- Continuity of Electrostatic Potential around Magnetic Mirror Throat
- Electron Confining Potential When the Electrons Have Finite Axial Loss Time
- Temperature Anisotropy Measurement Using Diamagnetic Loop Array
- Electrostatic Potential in the Endcells of a Tandem Mirror under Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating
- Characteristics of a Large Area High Sensitivity Particle Detector
- Pitch-Angle Measurement of Ions by the Use of a Small Faraday Cup
- Electron Temperature Measurement by Electron Cyclotron Emission from Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Surface Temperature-Driven Sputtering Instability of Plasma Facing Material
- Suppression of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Instability in a Mirror by End Plugging
- Macroscopic Stability Control Experiments with Phased Antennas in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Excitation of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode Solely by the Ion Pressure Distribution
- Axial Structures of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Study of the Sloshing Ion Formation in a Minimum B Mirror Field
- Measurement of Small-Scale Density Fluctuation in JIPP T-II Plasma by Millimeter and Sub-Millineter Wave Scattering
- Calibration of Time- and Space-Resolving Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Potential Formation in a High-Temperature Divertor Plasma
- Analysis of the Radial Profile of Ion Temperature in ICRF-Heated GAMMA10 Plasmas Including the Effects of Ion Finite Larmor Radius
- Study of Gas Recycling in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror Based on Numerical Model Calculations
- Effects of Anisotropy of End Loss Electrons on Axial Potential Profile and Electron Transport in the End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Potential Distribution in the End Region of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror Associated with Electron Flow Control
- Current Balance at an Endplate of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Interchange Stability Criteria for Anisotropic Central-Cell Plasmas in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Initial Measurements from an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer on GAMMA 10
- Application of Wavelet Analysis to Plasma Fluctuation Study on GAMMA 10
- Development of an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Wavelet Application for Reflectometry of Plasrna Density Profiles
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Low-Frequency Waves in a Tandem Mirror Plasma
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Millimeter-Wave Phase-Imaging Interferometry Using Two-Dimensional Detector Array
- Ultrafast Microwave Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Low-Frequency Waves during GAMMA 10 End-Plate Biasing Using Microwave Reflectometry
- Effect of Resonant Electrons on Ion Temperature Gradient Mode in Anisotropic Plasma
- Validity of a Model Electron Distribution Function in an End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Gain Curves of a Microchannel Plate Ion Detector for Measurement of End-Loss Ions in the Tandem Mirror
- Study of Action of Unstable AIC Waves on Electrons in a Tandem Mirror Plasma from Measurement of End Loss Electrons
- Study of Action of Unstable AIC Waves on Electrons in a Tandem Mirror Plasma from Measurement of End Loss Electrons
- Effects of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Waves on End-Loss Electrons from the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror(Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges)
- Observation of a Radial Current at a Plug/Barrier Cell in GAMMA10 : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Effects of Yushmanov-Trapped Particles and Anisotropy of Velocity Distribution on the Potential Formation in the End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Observation of a Flute Mode Excited in the Center Cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror by Using Far-Infrared Laser Scattering
- Application of Millimeter-Wave Phase-Imaging Interferometry to the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Measurement of Ultrashort-Pulse Cross-Polarization Scattering in a Tandem Mirror : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Density Fluctuations Associated with Electromagnetic Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Thermalization of Energetic Ion Beam in a Turbulent Plasma
- Pulsed Arc Electrohydraulic Discharges for Water Purification
- Experimental Observation of the Density Limit in Hot Ion Mode Plasmas of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Absolute Calibration of Space- and TIme-Resolving Flat-Field Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics
- Application of Orthogonal Wavelet Decomposition to Plasma Fluctuation Study
- Non-Axisymmetric Alfven Wave Excited by a Helieal Coupler in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
- Characteristics of Atmospheric-Pressure DC Glow Discharge in Pin-Plate Electrodes by Gas Flow Stabilization Method
- Recent Experiments in Gamma 10
- Density Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Erosion of a Surface Interacting with Magnetized Plasma
- Ion Transport in Real and Velocity Space and Confinement in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Computational Study on Cross Polarization Scattering of Ultrashort-Pulse Electromagnetic Waves
- 29aC09P Puffing gas flow modulation experiment in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror
- Correlation Reflectometry of Fusion Plasma
- Density Fluctuation Measurement for Studying the Effect of Potential and Electric Field Formation in GAMMA 10
- Electron Density Measurement by Using a Multi-Channel Interferometer System in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Excitation of the Alfvén Ion Cyclotron Mode Solely by the Ion Pressure Distribution
- A Multi-Reflection Type Visible-Laser Interferometer for High Density Plasma Measurements
- Multi-Channel Microwave Reflectometer with Fermi Antenna Receivers
- Spectroscopic Measurements and a New Monitor System of ECR Discharge Cleaning in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10