Absolute Calibration of Space- and TIme-Resolving Flat-Field Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-06-15
山口 直洋
Toyota Technological Institute
Toyota Technological Institute
Yoshikawa M
Department Of Electronics University Of Osaka Prefecture
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Tamano Teruo
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Kiwamoto Yasuhito
Department Of Fundamental Sciences Faculty Of Integrated Human Studies Kyoto University
YATSU Kiyoshi
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Yatsu Kiyoshi
Plasma Research Center The University Of Tsukuba
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Defense Academy
Yoshikawa Masanobu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Yokoyama M
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Yoshikawa M
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Yoshikawa Masayuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University:plasma Research Center University Of Ts
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
ITO Takahiro
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Yamaguchi N
Toyota Technological Institue
Yamaguchi Naohiro
Plasma Research Center Unversity O Tsukuba
Yoshikawa Masaaki
Imra Material R & D Co Ltd.
Yoshikawa Masahito
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ito Takahiro
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
KAWAMORI Eiichirou
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
WATABE Chikara
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
WATANABE Yoshihiko
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Watabe Chikara
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Kawamori E
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Yoshikawa M
Choshu Ind. Co. Ltd. Yamaguchi Jpn
Okamoto Y
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering National Defense Academy
Yamaguchi Naohiro
Toyota Technological Institue
Kawamori Eiichirou
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
山口 直洋
Toyota Technological Inst. Nagoya Jpn
Watanabe Yoshihiko
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Yoshikawa Manabu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
- 25pB42P ダブルターゲットを用いた軟X線レーザー実験における空間分解分光(プラズマ計測, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- 29aB13 X線レーザー励起用再結合Alプラズマの空間分解分光計測(プラズマ計画)
- 半導体X線計測器の感度理論の構築と拡張,ならびにX線検出器製作への応用とプラズマ電子温度計測への適用
- 26p-E-7 ガンマ10のX線計測 V : セントラルセル部の電子温度計測
- 26p-E-6 ガンマ10のX線計測 IV : マイクロチャンネルプレートのX線検出特性と電子温度計測
- 31a-TH-7 ガンマ10のX線計測III : シリコン表面障壁型検出器の特性と電子温度計測への適用
- 31a-TH-6 ガンマ10のX線計測II : サーマルバリアの熱遮断効果の計測
- 31a-TH-5 ガンマ10のX線計測I : ECHによるプラグ部プラト一型電子分布函数生成の計測
- Dotted-Array Plasma Production by Using a Line-Focusing Lens System with Segmented Prism Array for Compact X-ray Laser Experiments
- Demonstration of X-Ray Amplification in an X-Ray Laser Cavity Pumped by a Pulse-Train Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Laser
- Debris from High-Aspect-Ratio Rectangular Focused Laser Irradiation on a Tape Target Surface in an X-Ray Laser System
- Observation of Gain and Double-pass Amplification of Li-like Al Soft X-ray Transitions in a Recombining Plasma Pumped by a Pulse-train YAG Laser
- 3a-H-6 ガンマ10における水素及び不純物分光
- 28a-Y1-12 ガンマ10におけるX線トモグラフィー計測 II
- 29p-L-1 ガンマ10X線トモグラフィー計測I : フォトンファクトリーに於けるMCP較正
- 昭和 60 年度プラズマ研究所共同研究会「真空紫外・軟 X 線領域での測光機器較正法の研究」プログラム
- Development of Photoelectron Microscope with Compact X-Ray Source Generated by Line-Focused Laser Irradiation
- テープターゲットを用いたレーザープラズマEUV光源による光電子分光装置の開発
- 25pB02 線集光型レーザープラズマX線源による光電子顕微鏡の開発(プラズマ応用, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- 922 ポーラスシリコン薄膜の機械的特性の評価
- 19pTC-2 パルス列レーザー励起小型X線レーザーにおける空間コヒーレンス測定
- 120 薄膜振動子のレーザー光照射による加振時の振動モード解析(振動の解析・制御)
- 27aYN-3 ガンマ10プラズマの不純物イオンスペクトル計測
- 27aA-8 パルス列レーザーを用いた小型X線レーザーの開発 : ダブルターゲット実験
- 31a-ZD-12 再結合Al X線レーザー利得における励起レーザーパルス波形の影響(3)
- 31a-ZD-11 小型X線レーザー励起のための微小点列照射法
- 第6回X線レーザー国際会議
- 豊田工業大学大学院工学研究科X線レーザー・プラズマ工学研究室
- パルス列レーザー励起軟X線レーザーにおける励起レーザーエネルギーのZスケーリング
- 小型軟X線レーザーを用いたサブミクロンビームの形成
- 28a-YQ-6 小型軟X線レーザーを用いたsub-μmビームの形成
- 28a-YQ-5 パルス列レーザー励起軟X線レーザーにおける励起レーザーエネルギーのZスケーリング
- 28a-YQ-4 再結合AlX線レーザー利得における励起レーザーパルス波形の影響(2)
- 30a-YL-3 不安定共振器からのX線レーザービームの特性
- 5a-Q-3 再結合Al軟X線レーザーにおけるLi様イオンの励起準位占有密度の測定
- 5a-Q-2 再結合AlX線レーザー利得のおける励起レーザーパルス波形の影響
- 5a-Q-1 パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型軟X線レーザーの研究VIII : Mg X 3d-5f線の利得の観測
- 31P-YA-11 パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型X線レーザーの研究VII : AI XI 3d-5f線の往復増幅実験
- 31p-YA-10 パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型軟X線レーザーの研究VI : AI XI 3d-5f線の利得の空間分布
- 31p-YA-9 パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型X線レーザーの研究V : 不安定共振器実験とそのモデル計算
- 29p-YK-1 YAGレーザーを用いたテーブルトップX線レーザー
- 線集光X線光源からのデブリの分布の観察
- パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型軟X線レーザーの研究IV : ビームスプリッター共振器
- パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型X線レーザーの研究III : 不安定共振器
- パルス列YAGレーザーを用いた小型軟X線レーザーの研究II : 利得と往復増幅
- 31a-S-5 パルス列YAG レーザーを用いた小型X線レーザーの研究 I
- 30a-YB-6 パルス列YAGレーザー励起小型X線レーザーの研究
- Space-Resolving Flat-Field Grazing-Incidence Spectrograph for Large Plasma Diagnostics
- Measurements of Spatial Coherence of Recombination X-Ray Laser
- Superconductivity in the Pb_2Sr_La_xCu_2O_z System
- Single High-T_c Phase Region of the Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- Effect of the Collision Frequency on the Ion Temperature Determined from Ion Endloss Spektrum
- Ideal Ballooning Modes in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Monte Carlo Simulation on Ion Axial Confinement and End-Loss Spectrum in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- End-loss Ion Analysis Using an End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer in the Tandem Mirror
- On the Electrostatic Potential Profile Determined from Ion Endloss Spectrum
- Monotonic Electrostatic Potential Profile around Plug Region of a Tandem Mirror
- New Type of End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer and Velocity Distribution Function of End-Loss Ions in Tandem Mirror
- Continuity of Electrostatic Potential around Magnetic Mirror Throat
- Electron Confining Potential When the Electrons Have Finite Axial Loss Time
- Calculation of Diamagnetic Current in a Quadrupole Minimum B Mirror Field
- 27p-N-4 ガンマ10におけるガス・プラズマ相互作用 : Wall Recyclingの評価
- Microwave Power Emission from a Beam-Plasma System
- Correlation between High-Power Broadband Microwave Radiation and Strong Langmuir Turbulence in an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam-Plasma System
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Driven Turbulence
- Spectroscopic System for Measurememts of Turbulent Electric Fields Originating from Intense Relativistic Electron Beam-Plasma Interactions
- Surface Temperature-Driven Sputtering Instability of Plasma Facing Material
- Macroscopic Stability Control Experiments with Phased Antennas in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Excitation of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode Solely by the Ion Pressure Distribution
- Axial Structures of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Calibration of Time- and Space-Resolving Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Potential Formation in a High-Temperature Divertor Plasma
- Analysis of the Radial Profile of Ion Temperature in ICRF-Heated GAMMA10 Plasmas Including the Effects of Ion Finite Larmor Radius
- Study of Gas Recycling in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror Based on Numerical Model Calculations
- Effects of Anisotropy of End Loss Electrons on Axial Potential Profile and Electron Transport in the End Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Potential Distribution in the End Region of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror Associated with Electron Flow Control
- Current Balance at an Endplate of the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Initial Measurements from an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer on GAMMA 10
- Application of Wavelet Analysis to Plasma Fluctuation Study on GAMMA 10
- Development of an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Millimeter-Wave Phase-Imaging Interferometry Using Two-Dimensional Detector Array
- Ultrafast Microwave Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Generation of Interface Traps and Oxide-Trapped Charge in 6H-SiC Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistors by Gamma-Ray Irradiation
- Investigation of Vacancy-Type Defects in P^+-Implanted 6H-SiC Using Monoenergetic Positron Beams
- Improvement of SiO_2/4H-SiC Interface Using High-Temperature Hydrogen Annealing at Low Pressure and Vacuum Annealing
- Improvement of SiO2/4H-SiC Interface by Using High Temperature Hydrogen Annealing at 1000℃
- Absolute Calibration of Space- and TIme-Resolving Flat-Field Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Plasma Diagnostics
- Effect of Nd422 Addition on Jc in Nd123 Melt-Textured Bulk Superconductor
- Pulsed Field Magnetization of Melt-Processed Y-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductor with No Weak Links
- High-Temperature Superconducting Motor Using Y-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Magnets
- Growth Mode Transition in GaAs/Gap(001)
- Surface Stoichiometry and Reconstruction of GaP(001)
- Growth Process in Initial Stage of GaAs/GaP (001) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Effect of Multipulse Waveform on Gains of Soft X-Ray Lines of Lithium-Like Aluminum Ions in Recombining Plasmas
- Debris from the Target of an X-Ray Laser System and the Effect on Cavity Mirrors
- Contactless Measurement of Young's Modulus Using Laser Beam Excitation and Detection of Vibration of Thin-Film Microresonators
- Self-Aligned Formation of Porous Silicon Membranes Using Si Diaphragm Structures : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Raman Spectra of NH_4-TCNQ-I and -II
- Analysis of Non-Gaussian Speckle by Nakagami m-Distribution