Quantized Conductance of a Silicon Wire Fabricated by Separation-by-Implanted-Oxygen Technology
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-02-28
Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory
Horiguchi Seiji
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
Horiguchi Seiji
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Takahashi Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo‐shi Jpn
Tabe Michiharu
Ntt Lsi Laboratories:(present Address)research Institute Of Electronics Shizuoka University
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
Tabe Michiharu
Ntt Lsi Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
NTT LSI Laboratories
Kurihara Kazuaki
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba:(present) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kurihara Kazuaki
Fujitsu Laboratories Inorganic Materials & Polymers Laboratory
Nakajima Y
Ntt Lsi Laboratories
Namatsu H
Ntt Basic Res. Lab. Kanagawa Jpn
Iwadate K
Ntt Lsi Laboratories
Takahashi Yasuo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Horiguchi Seiji
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University
- Observation of discrete dopant potential and its application to Si single-electron devices
- DLTS Study of Electron Traps in n-GaAs Grown by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using Triethylgallium and AsH_3
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (電子デバイス)
- Single-electron transfer in phosphorous-doped Si nanowire FETs
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Fowler-Nordheim Current Oscillations in Si(111)/SiO_2/Twisted-Si(111) Tunneling Structures
- A Single-Electron-Transistor Logic Gate Family for Binary, Multiple-Valued and Mixed-Mode Logic(New System Paradigms for Integrated Electronics)
- A Simulation Methodology for Single-Electron Multiple-Valued Logics and Its Application to a Latched Parallel Counter
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Novel-Functional Single-Electron Devices Using Silicon Nanodot Array
- Fabrication of double-dot single-electron transistor in silicon nanowire
- Novel-Functional Single-Electron Devices Using Silicon Nanodot Array
- Fabrication of double-dot single-electron transistor in silicon nanowire
- Transfer and Detection of Single Electrons Using Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors(Emerging Devices,Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices)
- Charge-State Control of Phosphorus Donors in Silicon-on-Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
- Multifunctional Boolean Logic Using Single-Electron Transistors(New System Paradigms for Integrated Electronics)
- Analysis of Back-Gate Voltage Dependence of Threshold Voltage of Thin Silicon-on-Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor and Its Application to Si Single-Electron Transistor
- A Multiple-Valued Logic and Memory With Combined Single-Electron and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistors
- A Merged Single-Electron Transistor and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistor Logic for Interface and Multiple-Valued Functions
- Multipeak negative-differential-resistance device by combining single-electron and metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors
- A Merged SET-MOSFET Logic for Interface and Multiple-Valued Functions
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Quantized electron transfer through random multiple tunnel junctions in phosphorus-doped silicon nanowires
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Voltage Gain of Si Single-Electron Transistor and Analysis of Performance of n-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Type Inverter with Resistive Load
- Single-Electron Detection in Si-Wire Transistors at Room Temperature
- Si Single-Electron Devices : Recent Attempts towards High Performance and Functionality
- A Si Memory Device Composed of a One-Dimensional Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor Switch and a Single-Electron-Transistor Detector
- Sub-10-nm Overlay Accuracy in Electron Beam Lithography for Nanometer-Scale Device Fabrication
- Suppression of Unintentional Formation of Parasitic Si Islands on a Si Single-Electron Transistor by the Use of SiN Masked Oxidation
- Si Single-Electron Transistors on SIMOX Substrates (Special Issue on Quantum Effect Devices and Their Fabrication Technologies)
- Single-electron transfer between two donors in nanoscale thin silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistors
- Single-Electron Transfer by Inter-Dopant Coupling Tuning in Doped Nanowire Silicon-on-Insulator Field-Effect Transistors
- Single-Gated Single-Electron Transfer in Nonuniform Arrays of Quantum Dots
- Silicon nanodevice potential investigation by low temperature Kelvin Probe Force Microscope
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (電子デバイス)
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Ultra-Dry Oxidation for Improving the Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Lifetime of Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxide Films
- Origin of Dark Regions in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images Formed by Thermal Oxidation of Si(111) Surface
- Si Single-Electron Transistors with High Voltage Gain
- Mechanism of Potential Profile Formation in Silicon Single-Electron Transistors Fabricated Using Pattern-Dependent Oxidation : Semiconductors
- Single-Electron Transistor and Current-Switching Device Fabricated by Vertical Pattern-Dependent Oxidation
- Effect of Oxidation-Induced Strain on Potential Profile in Si SETs Using Pattern-Dependent Oxidation (PADOX)
- Fabrication of SiO_2/Si/SiO_2 Double Barrier Diodes using Two-Dimensional Si Structures
- Electron Tunneling from a Quantum Wire Formed at the Edge of a SIMOX-Si Layer
- Energy Eigenvalues and Quantized Conductance Values of Electrons in Si Quantum Wires on {100} Plane
- Novel Fabrication Technique for a Si Single-Electron Transistor and Its High Temperature Operation
- Thermal Agglomeration of Thin Single Crystal Si on SiO_2 in Vacuum
- Multifunctional device by using a quantum dot array
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Microscopic Observations of Single-Electron Island in Si Single-Electron Transistors
- Threshold Voltage of Si Single-Electron Transistor
- Si多重ドット構造における単一フォトン誘起ランダム・テレグラフ・シグナル(単電子/単光子検出とマニピュレーション)
- 人工転位網を内包したSOI構造を用いたシリコンナノデバイス(多量量子ドットと機能性)
- Si多重ドット構造における単一フォトン誘起ランダム・テレグラフ・シグナル(単電子/単光子検出とマニピュレーション)
- 人工転位網を内包したSOI構造を用いたシリコンナノデバイス(多量量子ドットと機能性)
- Long-Distance Soliton Transmission up to 20 Gbit/s Using Alternating-Amplitude Solitons and Optical TDM
- Fabrication of One-Dimensional Silicon Nanowire Structures with a Self-Aligned Point Contact
- Pドープ極薄SOI-MOSFETの単電子特性(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Pドープ極薄SOI-MOSFETの単電子特性(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Pドープ極薄SOI-MOSFETの単電子特性(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Photoluminescence from a Silicon Quantum Well Formed on Separation by Implanted Oxygen Substrate
- Thermal Stability of B-Doped SiGe Layers Formed on Si Substrates by Si-GeH_4-B_2H_6 Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Quantized Conductance of a Silicon Wire Fabricated by Separation-by-Implanted-Oxygen Technology
- Sampling Jitter and Finite Aperture Time Effects in Wideband Data Acquisition Systems(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- Diagnostics of Gas Reaction Using Trimethylgallium-AsH_3 and Triethylgallium-AsH_3 in Low-Pressure Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Doping Enhancement by Excimer Laser Irradiation in Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy of GaAs
- Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of GaAs Using Triethylgallium and As_4
- Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of GaAs Using Triethylgallium and Arsine
- Low-Pressure OMVPE of GaAs Using Triethylgallium
- Phonon-Limited Electron Mobility in Ultra-Thin SOI MOSFETs
- Analysis of CMOS ADC Nonlinear Input Capacitance
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- 光照射下でのSOI-FETsの間欠型電流(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- 極薄ナノスケールSiトランジスタにおける二つのドナー間単電子移動(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- 光照射下でのSOI-FETsの間欠型電流(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- 極薄ナノスケールSiトランジスタにおける二つのドナー間単電子移動(機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- 個々のドーパント原子を利用したシリコンナノデバイス : デバイス特性とフォトンセンシング機能
- Effect of Arrangement of Input Gates on Logic Switching Characteristics of Nanodot Array Device
- Analysis of Back-Gate Voltage Dependence of Threshold Voltage of Thin Silicon-on-Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor and Its Application to Si Single-Electron Transistor
- Threshold Voltage of Si Single-Electron Transistor
- Microscopic Observations of Single-Electron Island in Si Single-Electron Transistors