Room-Temperature Observation of Size Effects in Photoluminescence of Si_<0.8>Ge_<0.2>/Si Nanocolumns Prepared by Neutral Beam Etching
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-08-25
Itoh Kohei
School Of Fundamental Science And Technology Keio University
Samukawa Seiji
Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Sawano Kentarou
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Shiraki Yasuhiro
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology (rcast) The University Of Tokyo
SAWANO Kentarou
Research Center for Silicon Nano-Science, Tokyo City University
School of Fundamental Science and Technology and CREST-JST, Keio University
School of Fundamental Science and Technology and CREST-JST, Keio University
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
SHIRAKI Yasuhiro
Research Center for Silicon Nano-Science, Tokyo City University
ITOH Kohei
School of Fundamental Science and Technology and CREST-JST, Keio University
- Ultrathin Oxynitride Films Formed by Using Pulse-Time-Modulated Nitrogen Beams
- Novel Stacked Nanodisk with Quantum Effect Fabricated by Defect-free Chlorine Neutral Beam Etching
- A New Silicon Quantum-Well Structure with Controlled Diameter and Thickness Fabricated with Ferritin Iron Core Mask and Chlorine Neutral Beam Etching
- Comparison of Nonlocal and Local Magnetoresistance Signals in Laterally Fabricated Fe_3Si/Si Spin-Valve Devices
- Fabrication of Four-Terminal Fin Field-Effect Transistors with Asymmetric Gate-Oxide Thickness Using an Anisotropic Oxidation Process with a Neutral Beam
- Strain Relaxation and Induced Defects in SiGe Thin Films Grown on Ion-Implanted Si Substrates
- Enhancement of Strain Relaxation of SiGe Thin Layers by Pre-Ion-Implantation into Si Substrates
- A Novel Triple δ-Doped SiGe Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistor
- Fabrication of Periodically Domain-Inverted AlGaAs Quasi-Phase-Matched Devices by GaAs/Ge/GaAs Sublattice Reversal Epitaxy
- Sublattice Reversal in GaAs/Si/GaAs (100) Heterostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Fabrication of a Vertical-Channel Double-Gate Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Using a Neutral Beam Etching
- Strain Effects of Ge Islands on Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Well
- Low-Leakage-Current Ultra-thin SiO_2 Film by Low-Temperature Neutral Beam Oxidation
- Growth Mechanism in the Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Metastable GaP_N_x Alloys: A Growth Interruption Study
- Arsenic Surfactant and Incorporation Effects on Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Growth of High Quality Cubic GaN on GaAs (100) Substrates
- High Quality Cubic GaN Growth on GaAs (100) Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Crystal Structure of GaN Grown on 3C-SiC Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Control of Electron Transport in Two-Dimensional Array of Si Nanodisks for Spiking Neuron Device
- Second-Harmonic Generation from GaP/AlP Multilayers on GaP(111)Substrates Based on Quasi-Phase Matching for the Fundamental Standing Wave
- New Semiconductor Second-Harmonic Generator Based on Quasi-Phase-Matching for Cavity-Enhanced Fundamental Standing Wave
- Fast Lateral Transport of Excitons in a GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well
- High-Temperature Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Structures in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111) B Substrates
- Polarization Characteristics of Crescent-Shaped Tensile-Strained GaAsP/AlGaAs Quantum Wire-Like Lasers
- GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Structures Grown in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111)B Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Polarization Characteristics of Crescent-Shaped Tensile-Strained GaAsP/AlGaAs Quantum Wire Lasers
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Eitaxy Growth Features of AlGaAs in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111)B Substrates ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Rectangular AlGaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires Using Spontaneous Vertical Quantum Wells
- The in Situ Growth of Lateral Confinement Enhanced Rectangular AlGaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires by Utilizing the Spontaneous Vertical Quantum Wells
- Formation of Cubic GaN on (111)B GaAs by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine
- Photoreflectance Study of Interface Roughness in Ge/SiGe Strained-Layer Heterostructures
- Selective Growth of Cubic GaN in Small Areas on Patterned GaAs(100) Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Transmission Electron Microscope Observation of Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine on (001) GaAs
- Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Growth and Optical Study of GaAs/GaAs_P_x Strained-Barrier Single Quantum Well Structures
- Introduction of Uniaxial Strain into Si/Ge Heterostructures by Selective Ion Implantation
- Development of Thin SiGe Relaxed Layers with High-Ge Composition by Ion Implantation Method and Application to Strained Ge Channels
- On Effects of Gate Bias on Hole Effective Mass and Mobility in Strained-Ge Channel Structures
- Strain-Field Evaluation of Strain-Relaxed Thin SiGe Layers Fabricated by Ion Implantation Method
- Optical Detection of Interdiffusion in Strained Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Well Structures
- Photoluminescence of Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Welts with Abrupt Interfaces Formed by Segregant-Assisted Growth
- Band-Edge Photoluminescence of SiGe/Strained-Si/SiGe Type-II Quantum Wells on Si(100)
- Luminescence from Strained Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Wells Grown by Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Photogeneration and Transport of Carriers in Strained Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Well Structures
- Quantum Size Effect of Excitonic Band-Edge Luminescence in Strained Si_Ge_x/Si Single Quantum Well Structures Grown by Gas-Source Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Band-Edge Luminescence of Strained Si_xGe_/Si Single Quantum Well Structures Grown on Si(111) by Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Electroluminescence from Strained SiGe/Si Quantum Well Structures Grown by Solid Source Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Fabrication of Defect-Free Sub-10nm Si Nanocolumn for Quantum Effect Devices Using Cl Neutral Beam Process
- Plasma-Radiation-Induced Interface States in Metal-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Structure of Charge Coupled Device Image Sensor and Their Reduction Using Pulse-Time-Modulated Plasma
- Si/1ML-Ge/Si(001) Interface Structure Characterized by Surface X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Standing-Wave Method
- Photoreflectance Study of GaAs/GaAsP Strained-Barrier Quantum Well Structures
- Dependence of Band Offsets on Elastic Strain in GaAs/GaAs_P_x Strained-Layer Single Quantum Wells
- Compositional Latching in GaAs_P_x/GaAs Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- MBE-Related Surface Fegregation of Dopant Atoms in Silicon : Condensed Matter
- Device Linear Improvement Using SiGe/Si Heterostructure Delta-Doped-Channel Field-Effect Transistors
- Optical Diagnostics of a Pulsed Inductively Coupled Nitrogen Plasma
- Critical Displacement of Host-Atoms for Amorphization in Germanium Induced by Arsenic Implantation
- Quantitative Evaluation of Silicon Displacement Induced by Arsenic Implantation Using Silicon Isotope Superlattices
- Fabrication of InGaAs Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Its Room-Temperature Operation on (411)A GaAs Substrates
- Mobility Enhancement in Strained Ge Heterostructures by Planarization of SiGe Buffer Layers Grown on Si Substrates
- Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of 29Si Nuclei Induced by Li and Li–O Centers in Silicon
- Effects of Thermal Annealing for Restoration of UV Irradiation Damage during Plasma Etching Processes
- Effects of CF_3I Plasma for Reducing UV Irradiation Damage in Dielectric Film Etching Processes
- On-Wafer Monitoring of Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation Damage in High-Density Plasma Processes
- High-Efficiency Low Energy Neutral Beam Generation Using Negative Ions in Pulsed Plasma
- High-Efficiency Neutral-Beam Generation by Combination of Inductively Coupled Plasma and Parallel Plate DC Bias : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, Electric Dischanges
- Growth of Preferentially Oriented Microcrystalline Silicon Film Using Pulse-Modulated Ultrahigh-Frequency Plasma
- Reduction in Number of Sparks Generated in High-Density Plasma Process by Fixing the Wall Potential
- Linewidth of Low-Field Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Phosphorus in Isotopically Controlled Silicon
- Surface Reaction Enhancement by UV irradiation during Si Etching Process with Chlorine Atom Beam
- Electron Emission from Indium Tin Oxide/Silicon Monoxide/Gold Structure
- Novel Particle-Reduction System in Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Process of Interlayer Dielectrics
- High-Performance and Damage-Free Magnetic Film Etching using Pulse-Time-Modulated Cl2 Plasma
- Fabrication of a Vertical-Channel Double-Gate Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Using a Neutral Beam Etching
- Effects of Plasma Power and Plasma Sheath on Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
- Magnetically Damage-free Etching of MTJ Film for Future 0.24-μm-rule MRAMs
- Acceptorlike Behavior of Defects in SiGe Alloys Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Line Width Dependence of Anisotropic Strain State in SiGe Films Induced by Selective Ion Implantation
- Irradiation-Damages in Atmospheric Plasma Used in a Resist Ashing Process for Thin Film Transistors
- Direct Fabrication of Uniform and High Density Sub-10-nm Etching Mask Using Ferritin Molecules on Si and GaAs Surface for Actual Quantum-Dot Superlattice
- Super-Low-k SiOCH Film with Sufficient Film Modulus and High Thermal Stability Formed by Using Admixture Precursor in Neutral-Beam-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (Special Issue : Advanced Metallization for ULSI Applications)
- Two-Dimensional Si-Nanodisk Array Fabricated Using Bio-Nano-Process and Neutral Beam Etching for Realistic Quantum Effect Devices
- Room-Temperature Observation of Size Effects in Photoluminescence of Si.Ge./Si Nanocolumns Prepared by Neutral Beam Etching
- Formation of Tensilely Strained Germanium-on-Insulator
- Acceptor-Like States in SiGe Alloy Related to Point Defects Induced by Si Ion Implantation
- Photoluminescence Study of Radiation-Enhanced Dislocation Glide in 4H-SiC
- Room-Temperature Observation of Size Effects in Photoluminescence of Si_Ge_/Si Nanocolumns Prepared by Neutral Beam Etching
- Si Ion Implantation into Mg-Doped GaN for Fabrication of Reduced Surface Field Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- New Fabrication Technology of Fin Field Effect Transistors Using Neutral-Beam Etching
- Strain State and Thermal Stability of Strained-Si-on-Insulator Substrates
- Thickness Dependence of Strain Field Distribution in SiGe Relaxed Buffer Layers
- New Structure of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistor with Germanium Layer in Source/Drain Regions for Low-Temperature Device Fabrication
- New Magnetic Nanodot Memory with FePt Nanodots
- Plasma-Radiation-Induced Interface States in Metal-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Structure of Charge-Coupled Device Image Sensor and Their Reduction Using Pulse-Time-Modulated Plasma
- Photoluminescence Study of Radiation-Enhanced Dislocation Glide in 4H-SiC
- Low Temperature, Beam-Orientation-Dependent, Lattice-Plane-Independent, and Damage-Free Oxidation for Three-Dimensional Structure by Neutral Beam Oxidation
- Strain-Field Evaluation of Strain-Relaxed Thin SiGe Layers Fabricated by Ion Implantation Method
- Surface Reaction Enhancement by UV irradiation during Si Etching Process with Chlorine Atom Beam
- Mobility Enhancement in Strained Ge Heterostructures by Planarization of SiGe Buffer Layers Grown on Si Substrates
- Ultimate Top-down Etching Processes for Future Nanoscale Devices: Advanced Neutral-Beam Etching