Strain Relaxation and Induced Defects in SiGe Thin Films Grown on Ion-Implanted Si Substrates
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-08-20
OZAWA Yusuke
Musashi Institute of Technology
Center for Crystal Science and Technology, University of Yamanashi
Center for Crystal Science and Technology, University of Yamanashi
Musashi Institute of Technology
Sawano Kentarou
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Center for Crystal Science and Technology, Yamanashi University
Ozawa Yusuke
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Nakagawa Kenichi
Liquid Ctystal Laboratories Sharp Corporation
Suzuki Kumiko
Center For Crystal Science And Technology University Of Yamanashi
Koh S
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Shiraki Yasuhiro
School Of Fundamental Science And Technology Keio University
Shiraki Y
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Koh S
The University Of Tokyo
Yamanaka J
Center For Crystal Science And Technology University Of Yamanashi
SAWANO Kentaro
Musashi Institute of Technology
KOH Shinji
The University of Tokyo
SHIRAKI Yasuhiro
The University of Tokyo
Nakagawa K
Center For Crystal Science And Technology University Of Yamanashi
Nakagawa Keisuke
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Yamanaka Junji
Center for Crystal Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu 400-8511, Japan
Nakagawa Kiyokazu
Center for Crystal Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu 400-8511, Japan
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