Formation of Tensilely Strained Germanium-on-Insulator
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-01-25
Sawano Kentarou
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Hamaya Kohei
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Hoshi Yusuke
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Shiraki Y
Research Center For Silicon Nano-science Advanced Research Laboratories Musashi Institute Of Technol
Miyao Masanobu
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Miyao Masanobu
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Shiraki Yasuhiro
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology (rcast) The University Of Tokyo
- (100) Orientation-Controlled Ge Giant-Stripes on Insulating Substrates by Rapid-Melting Growth Combined with Si Micro-Seed Technique
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- Strain Relaxation and Induced Defects in SiGe Thin Films Grown on Ion-Implanted Si Substrates
- Magneto-photoluminescence Studies of AlInAs/AlGaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots with Type-II Band Alignment (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Observation of Band Alignment Transition from Type-I to Type-II in AlInAs/AlGaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots
- Enhancement of Strain Relaxation of SiGe Thin Layers by Pre-Ion-Implantation into Si Substrates
- A Novel Triple δ-Doped SiGe Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistor
- Fabrication of Periodically Domain-Inverted AlGaAs Quasi-Phase-Matched Devices by GaAs/Ge/GaAs Sublattice Reversal Epitaxy
- Sublattice Reversal in GaAs/Si/GaAs (100) Heterostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Ion Irradiation Control of Ferromagnetism in (Ga, Mn)As
- Strain Effects of Ge Islands on Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Well
- Growth Mechanism in the Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Metastable GaP_N_x Alloys: A Growth Interruption Study
- Arsenic Surfactant and Incorporation Effects on Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Growth of High Quality Cubic GaN on GaAs (100) Substrates
- High Quality Cubic GaN Growth on GaAs (100) Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Crystal Structure of GaN Grown on 3C-SiC Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Second-Harmonic Generation from GaP/AlP Multilayers on GaP(111)Substrates Based on Quasi-Phase Matching for the Fundamental Standing Wave
- New Semiconductor Second-Harmonic Generator Based on Quasi-Phase-Matching for Cavity-Enhanced Fundamental Standing Wave
- Fast Lateral Transport of Excitons in a GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well
- Stress-Relaxation Process during Post-Annealing in SGOI Formed by H^+ Irradiation and Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation
- Improved oxidation-induced Ge condensation technique by using H^+ irradiation and post-annealing for highly stress-relaxed ultrathin SGOI
- Low Temperature Hetero-Epitaxy of Ferromagnetic Silicide on Ge Substrates for Spin-Transistor Application
- Low-temperature Epitaxial Growth of Ferromagnetic Silicide for SiGe Based Spintransistors(Session 1A : Emerging Device Technology 1)
- Low-temperature Epitaxial Growth of Ferromagnetic Silicide for SiGe Based Spintransistors(Session 1A : Emerging Device Technology 1)
- High-Temperature Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Structures in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111) B Substrates
- Polarization Characteristics of Crescent-Shaped Tensile-Strained GaAsP/AlGaAs Quantum Wire-Like Lasers
- GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Structures Grown in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111)B Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Polarization Characteristics of Crescent-Shaped Tensile-Strained GaAsP/AlGaAs Quantum Wire Lasers
- GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Structures Grown in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111)B Substrates by MOVPE
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Eitaxy Growth Features of AlGaAs in Tetrahedral-Shaped Recesses on GaAs (111)B Substrates ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Rectangular AlGaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires Using Spontaneous Vertical Quantum Wells
- The in Situ Growth of Lateral Confinement Enhanced Rectangular AlGaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires by Utilizing the Spontaneous Vertical Quantum Wells
- Formation of Cubic GaN on (111)B GaAs by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine
- Photoreflectance Study of Interface Roughness in Ge/SiGe Strained-Layer Heterostructures
- Selective Growth of Cubic GaN in Small Areas on Patterned GaAs(100) Substrates by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Transmission Electron Microscope Observation of Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine on (001) GaAs
- Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Growth and Optical Study of GaAs/GaAs_P_x Strained-Barrier Single Quantum Well Structures
- Introduction of Uniaxial Strain into Si/Ge Heterostructures by Selective Ion Implantation
- Development of Thin SiGe Relaxed Layers with High-Ge Composition by Ion Implantation Method and Application to Strained Ge Channels
- On Effects of Gate Bias on Hole Effective Mass and Mobility in Strained-Ge Channel Structures
- Strain-Field Evaluation of Strain-Relaxed Thin SiGe Layers Fabricated by Ion Implantation Method
- Optical Detection of Interdiffusion in Strained Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Well Structures
- Photoluminescence of Si_Ge_x/Si Quantum Welts with Abrupt Interfaces Formed by Segregant-Assisted Growth
- Ion Irradiation Stimulated Crystal Nucleation in Amorphous Si on SiO_2
- Structural Disorder and Optical Property of InGaAsN Alloy Semiconductor (小特集テーマ 進展する窒化物半導体光・電子デバイスの現状,及び一般)
- Structural Disorder and Optical Property of InGaAsN Alloy Semiconductor (小特集テーマ:進展する窒化物半導体光・電子デバイスの現状,及び一般)
- Mechanism of Improved Thermal Stability of B in Poly-SiGe Gate on SiON
- Mechanism of Improved Thermal Stability of B in Poly-SiGe Gate on SiON
- Far-Infrared Photoconductivity in Gallium Arsenide
- Device Linear Improvement Using SiGe/Si Heterostructure Delta-Doped-Channel Field-Effect Transistors
- Quantitative Evaluation of Silicon Displacement Induced by Arsenic Implantation Using Silicon Isotope Superlattices
- Demonstration of holes in strained Ge quantum wells with much higher drift mobility and density than that of electrons in strained Si channels
- Mobility Enhancement in Strained Ge Heterostructures by Planarization of SiGe Buffer Layers Grown on Si Substrates
- Low-Temperature Formation of Poly-Si_Ge_x (x:0-1) on SiO_2 by Au-Mediated Lateral Crystallization
- High-Performance MOS Tunneling Cathode with CoSi_2 Gate Electrode
- High Quality Single-Crystalline Ge-Rich SiGe on Insulator Structures by Si-Doping Controlled Rapid Melting Growth
- Giant Ge-on-Insulator Formation by Si--Ge Mixing-Triggered Liquid-Phase Epitaxy
- Temperature Dependence of Excitonic $\Gamma_{\text{c}}$–$\Gamma_{\text{v}}$ Transition Energies of GaxIn1-xP Crystals
- The Γ_c-Γ_v Transition Energies of Al_xIn_P Alloys
- Source--Drain Engineering Using Atomically Controlled Heterojunctions for Next-Generation SiGe Transistor Applications
- Interfacial-Oxide Layer Controlled Al-Induced Crystallization of Si1-xGex ($x$: 0–1) on Insulating Substrate
- Acceptorlike Behavior of Defects in SiGe Alloys Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Line Width Dependence of Anisotropic Strain State in SiGe Films Induced by Selective Ion Implantation
- Room-Temperature Observation of Size Effects in Photoluminescence of Si.Ge./Si Nanocolumns Prepared by Neutral Beam Etching
- Formation of Tensilely Strained Germanium-on-Insulator
- Acceptor-Like States in SiGe Alloy Related to Point Defects Induced by Si Ion Implantation
- Epitaxial-Template Structure Utilizing Ge-on-Insulator Stripe Arrays with Nanospacing for Advanced Heterogeneous Integration on Si Platform
- Effect of Addition of Al to Single-Crystalline CoFe Electrodes on Nonlocal Spin Signals in Lateral Spin-Valve Devices
- Room-Temperature Observation of Size Effects in Photoluminescence of Si_Ge_/Si Nanocolumns Prepared by Neutral Beam Etching
- Si Ion Implantation into Mg-Doped GaN for Fabrication of Reduced Surface Field Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Contribution of Shape Anisotropy to the Magnetic Configuration of (Ga, Mn)As
- Strain State and Thermal Stability of Strained-Si-on-Insulator Substrates
- Epitaxial Growth of Ferromagnetic Silicide Fe3Si on Si(111) Substrate
- Formation of $\beta$-FeSi2-xGex by Ge-Segregation-Controlled Solid-Phase Growth of [a-Si/a-FeSiGe]n Multilayered Structure
- Significant Change in In-Plane Magnetic Anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As Epilayer Induced by Low-Temperature Annealing
- Thickness Dependence of Strain Field Distribution in SiGe Relaxed Buffer Layers
- New Structure of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistor with Germanium Layer in Source/Drain Regions for Low-Temperature Device Fabrication
- Current-Induced Magnetization Reversal in a (Ga,Mn)As-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junction
- New Magnetic Flash Memory with FePt Magnetic Floating Gate
- Position-Controlled Growth of SiGe Crystal Grains on Insulator by Indentation-Induced Solid-Phase Crystallization
- Nucleation-Controlled Metal-Induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Si1-xGex with Whole Ge Fraction on Insulator
- Room-Temperature Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with a D0_{3}-Fe
- Dose-Dependent Etching Selectivity in SiO2 by Focused Ion Beam
- Ge-Channel Thin-Film Transistor with Schottky Source/Drain Fabricated by Low-Temperature Processing
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Co
- Nucleation Control in Solid-Phase Crystallization of a-Si/SiO2 by Local Ge Insertion
- Electric-Field-Assisted Metal-Induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous SiGe on SiO2
- Suppression of Floating Body Effects in Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistor by Schottky Source/Drain Structure
- Improvement of Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation Method by H+ Implantation and Two-Step Annealing for Highly Stress-Relaxed SiGe-on-Insulator
- Enhanced Metal-Induced Lateral Crystallization in Amorphous Ge/Si/SiO2 Layered Structure
- Low-Temperature Formation of Poly-Si1-xGex ($x$: 0–1) on SiO2 by Au-Mediated Lateral Crystallization
- Improved Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation Technique Using H+ Implantation and Post Annealing for Highly Stress-Relaxed Ultrathin SiGe on Insulator
- Strain-Field Evaluation of Strain-Relaxed Thin SiGe Layers Fabricated by Ion Implantation Method
- Ion Irradiation Control of Ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As
- Metal-Induced Solid-Phase Crystallization of Amorphous SiGe Films on Insulator
- Mobility Enhancement in Strained Ge Heterostructures by Planarization of SiGe Buffer Layers Grown on Si Substrates
- Effects of Si Layer Thickness on Solid-Phase Crystallization of Stacked Ge/Si/SiO2 Structures
- Dynamical Spin Injection into p-Type Germanium at Room Temperature