20115 CMP中のLow-k材料界面に作用する応力解析(機械工学が支援する先端デバイス評価技術,OS1 機械工学が支援する微細加工技術(半導体・MEMS・NEMS))
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper shows the analysis results of delamination toughness in interconnections made by the dualdamascene method during planarizing processes by CMP (Chemical Mechanical Planarization). Mechanical properties and dimensions of interconnect structure in the future technology-node are predicted, and strain energy densities are calculated by finite element analysis under down-forces and frictions of CMP processes. Estimating equation of critical energy release rate of the low-k material interface is derived, and evaluated for the comparison with the calculated strain energy densities. The results of analysis show that the interface of the hardmasks and trenchs is most concerned parts about delamination and the delamination toughness are affected by Young's modulus of the low-k materials of interface. However, it is also shown that the delamination toughness under the realistic transition of Young's modulus for dielectric constants are maintained into the future.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-03-09
檜山 浩國
辻村 学
望月 宣宏
柴田 英毅
柴田 英毅
(株)東芝 プロセス技術研究所
辻村 学
檜山 浩國
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- 20115 CMP中のLow-k材料界面に作用する応力解析(機械工学が支援する先端デバイス評価技術,OS1 機械工学が支援する微細加工技術(半導体・MEMS・NEMS))
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