Ishibashi Yoshihiro | Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Takagi Yutaka
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University(:daido Instiute Of Te
Orihara Hiroshi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Synthetic Cristal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
SAWADA Akikatsu
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Yamada Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Yamada Y
Advanced Research Institute Waseda University:advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy R
Orihara Hiroshi
Nippon Soken Inc.
Yamada Y
Hosei Univ. Tokyo
Sawada A
Muroran Inst. Technology Muroran
WADA Mitsuo
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
YAMADA Yuichiro
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
Yamamoto N
Faculty Of Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Yamada Y
Advanced Research Center For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Nakamura K
Display Device Research And Development Department Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Takagi Yutaka
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yamamoto N
Sharp Corp. Nara Jpn
Yamada Y
Nippondenso Co. Ltd. Nishio
Mori K
Saga Univ. Saga Jpn
Yamada Y
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Yasusada
Advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Research Institutewaseda University
Yamada Yuh
Department Of Metallurgical Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Kawamura Ichiro
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K.k.
MORI Kahoru
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
SUZUKI Yoshiichi
Central Research and Development Laboratory, Showa Shell, Sekiyu K.K.
Takagi Yutaka
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University:daido Institute Of Te
SUZUKI Yoshifumi
NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories
Suzuki Yoshiichi
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K. K.
Suzuki Yoshifumi
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Suzuki Yoshishige
Joint Research Center For Atom Technology(jrcat)-national Institute For Advanced Interdisciplinary R
Ishibashi Yoshihiro
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Takagi Yutaka
Daido Institute Of Technology
FURUSAWA Shin-ichi
Department of Electric Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University
Furusawa Shin-ichi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co. Lid.
Mori Kazuo
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Mori K
Display Device Research And Development Department Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Mori Koichi
Department Of Radiological Sciences Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences
SHIMIZU Hiroyasu
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Central Research and Development Laboratory, Showa shell Sekiyu Co. Lid.
FUKUI Minoru
Nakanihon Automotive College
Mori K
Matsushita Technoresearch Inc.
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Hagiwara Takashi
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K.k.
Hagiwara Takashi
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
Inoue Kuon
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Shizuoka University
Hidaka Yoshiki
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Suzuki Y
Optoelectronic Division Electrotechnical Laboratory
Hara Kazuhiro
Department of Cardiology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Ishibashi Yoshihiro
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory School Of Engineering Nagoya University
WADA Mitsuo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shinsyu University
Nakamura Motoyuki
Plasma Research Center University Of Tsukuba
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Hiyama Tamejiro
Department Of Material Chemistry Kyoto University
Suzuki Yoshiichi
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K.k.
Takeshita Hiroshi
Seiko Epson Corp. Research And Development Div.
ABE Kenji
Department of Biochemistry 1, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Yamamoto Keiichi
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Kobe University
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Nippon Soken, Inc.
KIKUCHI Katsuhide
Nippon Soken, Inc.
HIJIKATA Yoshimasa
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
SUZUKI Atsushi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Fujikawa Takayuki
Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address) Displa
UMENO Masayoshi
Department of electrical and Computer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
YAGI Toshirou
Department of Physics,Kyushu University
Miyamoto A
Institute Of Laser Engineering Department Of Electrical Engineering Osaka University
Yagi Toshirou
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Takasaki S
Himeji Inst. Technol. Kamigohri
Yagi Toshirou
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Umeno Masayoshi
Department Of Electric And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Suzuki A
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Electronics College Of Engineering Osaka Sangyo University
Hata Takeshi
Department Of Material Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Hidaka Yoshiki
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Adachi Hiroaki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Umeno Masayoshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Sasaki T
Division Of Materials Physics Department Of Physical Science Graduate School Of Engineering Science
The Research Institute for Iron,Steel and Other Metals,Tohoku University
SAWADA Akikatsu
Department of Physics, Okayama University
Sasaki T
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Sun Hailin
Issp University Of Tokyo
Adachi Hideo
Applied Research Department Corporate Research Division Olympus Optical Co. Ltd.
Orihara Hiroshi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yamashita Y
Power Supply Materials And Devices Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
Yamashita Yohachi
Toshiba Materials & Devices Research Laboratories
Terauchi Hikaru
Advanced Research Center Of Science School Of Science And Technology Kwansei Gakuin University
Terauchi Hikaru
Department Of Physics School Of Science Kwansei-gakuin University
Dvorak Vladimir
Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Yamashita Yasuharu
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
IWATA Yutaka
Research Reactor Institute,Kyoto University
SHICHI Hiroyasu
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Sasaoka T
Hitachi Cable Ltd. Ibaraki
Adachi Hisanori
Department Of Polymer Science And Engineering Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Institute of Laser Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka University
SASAKI Takatomo
Institute of Laser Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka University
Hayasi Hisaaki
Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd.
Sasaki Takatomo
Institute Of Laser Engineering Department Of Electrical Engineering Osaka University
Suzuki Atsushi
Biodevelopment Division Central Institute Nagoya Seiraku Co. Ltd.
Suzuki Atsushi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Niigata
Suzuki Atsushi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Suzuki Atsushi
Department Of Pathology Obstetrics And Gynecology Keio University School Of Medicine
Suzuki Atsushi
Department Of Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Suzuki Atsushi
Basic Research Department Prima Meat Packers Co. Ltd.
Suzuki Atsushi
Department Of Applied Biochemistry Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Niigata
Matsushige Kazumi
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
土井 正男
Low Temperature Center,Osaka University
Nakamura Kohji
Display Device Research And Development Department Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
岡部 弘高
HIRANO Shin-ichi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Hirano S
Division Of Nanomaterials Science Ecotopia Science Institute Nagoya University
堀内 敏行
Kasatani Hirofumi
Department of Physics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Terauchi Hikaru
Department of Physics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Osaka University
Nippon Soken, Inc.
INATA Masashi
Nippon Soken, Inc.
EZAKA Kazuaki
Nippon Soken, Inc.
YAMADA Yuichiro
Nippon Soken, Inc.
SINDO Hitoshi
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nipondenso Co., Ltd.
NEGI Yuvraj
Central Research and Development Laboratory, Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K.
Central Research and Development Laboratory, Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K.
MORI Kaoru
Display Device Research Section, Nippon Denso Co. Ltd.
Display Device Research and Development Department, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
TSUGE Tatsuya
Display Device Research Section, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
Yamada Yuichiro
Nippon Soken Inc.
Venture Business Laboratory, Kyoto University
IIDA Satoshi
Department of Physics,Kwansei-Gakuin University
Ishii T
Idemitsu Material Co. Ltd. Chiba Jpn
Kawai T
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Tokyo
NAGATOMO Shigenori
Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba
Sasaki Takahiko
Department Of Material Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Dvora´k V
Institute Of Physics Czechoslovak Academy Of Science
Osaka Women's University
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University
V.kozlov Gennadi
Institute For General Physics Academy Of Sciences Of The Ussr
Negi Y
Showa Shell Sekiyu K.k. Kanagawa‐ken Jpn
Iida Satoshi
Department Of Physics Kwansei-gakuin University:department Of Physics Toyama University
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Umeda Hiroshi
Hiroshima-denki Institute Of Technology
Umeda Hiroshi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
HARA Kazuhiro
Depertment of physics,Faculty of Education,Nagasaki University
Department of Electronics,Nagoya Institute of Technology
Department of Physics,School of Science
Hara K
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
HORIUCHI Toshihisa
Department of Electric Science and Engineering, Graduated School of Kyoto University
SHIBA Hiroyuki
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics,National University of Singapore
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Ishii T
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Lee Lai
Department Of Haematology Singapore General Hospital
Yosida Taturu
Low Temperature Center Osaka University
Harada S
Faculty Of Engineering Niigata University
Ishii T
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Dvorak V
Institute Of Physics Czech Academy Of Sciences
Terauchi H
Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Sanda Jpn
Hirano Shi-ichi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Sakai A
Muroran Inst. Technol. Muroran
CHO Masanori
Kumamoto Institute of Technology
FUJII Takashi
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Nagoya University
A.VOLKOV Alexander
Institute for General Physics,Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Institute for General Physics,Academy of Sciences of the USSR
SHIBATA Morihiko
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
SUZUKI Masaharu
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
GESI Kazuo
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
NAKAYAMA Yoshinori
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Unibersity
Depatment of Physics,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
NAGATOMO Shigenori
Institute for Molecular Science
Sasaki Takanori
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Meng H.
Department Of Physics National University Of Singapore
HAYASI Hisaaki
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
KIM Pan-chae
Department of Applied Chemistry,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Bae Min-kun
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Hara Kazuhiro
Synthetic Crystal Research Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Koshobu Nobuaki
Display Device Research And Development Department Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Hatta Ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yoshimori Hiroyuki
Applied Research Dept., Corporate Research Division, Olympus Optical Corp., Ltd.
Isozaki Tadaaki
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K. K.
A.volkov Alexander
Institute For General Physics Academy Of Sciences Of The Ussr
Hirano Shin‐ichi
Division Of Nanomaterials Science Ecotopia Science Institute Nagoya University
Hirano Shin-ichi
Central Research Laboratories Mercian Corp.
Hirano Shin-ichi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nagatomo Shigenori
Cneter For Integrative Bioscience Okazaki National Research Institutes
Nagatomo Shigenori
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Osaka University
- Holding Characteristic of Dark State in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Multiplexing Performance of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Device
- Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal TFMHPOBC
- Switching Properties in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Optical Applications
- Successive Phase Transitions in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal 4-(1-methylheptyloxycarbonyl) phenyl 4'-octylcarbonyloxybiphenyl-4-carboxylate (MHPOCBC)
- Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display Using Tristable Switching
- Layer Structure of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC Studied by X-Ray Diffraction
- Experimental Studies on Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Dielectric Dispersion in the Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC
- Phase Transitions and Switching Behavior in a Fluorine-Containing Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- New Phases in the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Pattern Evolution in a Polarization Reversal of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Polarization Reversal in Several Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : L: Liquid Crystals
- Simulations of Switching Behavior in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Anomalous Switching Behavior of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Negative Dielectric Anisotropy
- Experimental Studies of Phase Transitions in Betaine Phosphate
- A Soft Acoustic Mode in the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of LaNbO_4
- Brillouin Scattering in Sodium Nitrite
- Brillouin Scattering in Ca_2Sr(C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- On Successive Structural Phase Transitions in La_2Mo_4 (M=Cu, Ni etc.) Compounds
- Brillouin Scattering Study of the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of BiVO_4
- Dielectric Dispersion in Ferroelectric Li_Na_xGe_4O_9 (x≈1)
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Li_Na_xGe_4O_9(x=0.5)
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Structural Phase Transition in Ferroelectric Li_2Ge_7O_
- Observation of the Soft Polar Mode in the Paraelectric Phase of Li_2Ge_7O_
- Ferroelectricity and Dielectric Critical Slowing-Down in LiNaGe_4O_9 Single Cyrstal
- On the Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Li_2Ge_7O_
- The Uniaxial Stress Effect on Normal-Incommensurate Phase Transition in K_2SeO_4 : Observations of the Amplitude Mode by Raman Scattering
- Pressure Fffect on the Ferroelectric Phase Transiton in Li_2Ge_7O_
- Ferroelectricity in [N (CH_3)_4]_2CuBr_4 Crystal
- Raman Scattering and Dilatometric Studies of a Molecular Crystal Chloranil (C_6Cl_4O_2)
- Successive Phase Transitions in {N (CH_3)_4}_2CuCl_4
- Raman Scattering Study of Ferroelastic Phase Transition in C_6H_5NH_3Br Crystal
- Evidence of Incommensurate-Ferroelastic (Cmmensurate) Phase Transition in {N (CH_3)_4}_2CuCl_4 Crystal
- Raman Scattering and Fluorescence Spectra of LaNbO_4
- A Phenomenological Theory of the Incommensurate Phase Transition in (C_3H_7NH_3)_2MnCl_4
- Elastic Study of Thiourea near the IV-V Phase Transition
- Effect of the Hydrostatic Pressure on the Transition Temperature in (NH_4)_2SO_4
- Low Frequency Dielectric Dispersion of Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate
- Ionic Conductivity of Quasi-One-Dimensional Superionic Conductor KTiOPO_4 (KTP) Single Crystal
- Raman Scattering Study of KTiOPO_4 (KTP) Single Crystal
- Observation of Ferroelastic Domains in LaNbO_4 by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
- Temporal Evolution of Patterns in Quenched Twisted-Nematic Cells : Dynamics and Fractal
- Raman Scattering Study of Gallium Orthophosphate(α-GaPO_4)-Temperature and Pressure Dependences-
- A Phenomenological Theory of Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals Based on a Discrete Model
- Observation of the Phase Mode in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal by Photon Correlation Technique
- Field-Induced Phase Transition in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Calculationa of the Far-Infrared Anharmonic Optical Properties of CsCl at 300 and 80 K
- Far-Infrared Reflection Spectra of CsCl Single Crystals
- Successive Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric NaNO_2 and SC (NH_2)_2
- A Phenomenological Theory of the Antiferroelectric Phase Transition in Smectic Liquid Crystals
- Switching Characteristics of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal DOBAMBC
- Dielectiric Dispersion of TGS and Deuterated KDP
- Study on D-E Hysteresis Loop of TGS Based on the Avrami-Type Model
- A Theory of D-E Hysteresis Loop Based on the Avrami Model
- Brillouin Scattering and Thermal Expansion of SnCl_2・2H_2O
- Temperature Dependence of Second Harmonic Generation in Ca_2Sr(CH_3CH_2CO_2)_6
- Second Harmonic Generation in Li_2B_4O_7
- Phase Transition in Thiourea under High Pressure
- New Cation-Diffusing Phase of (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2Cl_
- Simulations of Polarization Reversals by a Two-Dimensional Lattice Model
- Simulations of Ferroelectric Characteristics Using a One-Dimensional Lattice Model : Fundamentals
- Low-Temperature Structure of K_2Ba (NO_2)_4
- Direct Observation of Domaim Structures in Triglycine Sulfate by Atomic Force Microscope
- Anomalous Ultrasonic Attenuation near the Ferroelectric Phase Transition Point of Ca_2Sr (C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- Elastic Properties of Ca_2Sr (C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- Phase Diagram of DSP/DLP Mixed Crystal System
- Elastic Constants of Ca_2Ba(C_2H_5CO_2)_6 Single Crystal
- Dispersion of the Sound Velocity in Ca_2Sr(C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- Temperature Dependence of Sound Velocity in Ca_2Sr(C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- Raman Scattering Study of the Low-Temperature Phase Transition in K_2Ba (NO_2)_4
- On an Isomorphous Transition
- Note on the Phase Transition of KH_2PO_4
- The Phase Transitions in Ammonium Hydrogen Sulfate
- Domain Observation in Ammonium Hydrogen Sulfate Crystals
- Dielectric Properties of Lithium Diborate (Li_2B_4O_7)Single Crystal
- Raman Scattering Study of Lithium Diborate (Li_2B_4O_7)Single Crystal
- Raman Scattering Spectra of Ca_2Sr(C_2H_5CO_2)_6 and Ca_2Pb(C_2H_5Co_2)_6
- The Observation of Soft Mode in Rb_2ZnCl_4 by Raman Scattering
- Phase Transition in (CH_3NH_3)_3Bi_2Br_9 Single Crystal
- Measurement of Elastic Constant in [N (CH_3)_4]_2ZnBr_4 Single Crystal
- Coarsening Dynamics of +1 and -1 Disclinations in Two-Dimensionally Aligned Nematics : Spatial Distribution of Disclinations
- Electric Current Response of an Electro-Rheological Fluid Consisting of Monodispersed Silica Particles and Silicon Oil
- Evolution Processes of the Williams Domain in the Electro-Hydrodynamic Systems with Free and Rigid Lateral Boundaries
- Experimental Study of the Coarsening Dynamics of +1 and -1 Disclinations
- Observation of Annihilation Process of Disclinations Emerging from Bubble Domains
- Collective Motion of an Assembly of Disclinations in Non-Orthogonally Twisted Nematics Quenched below the Clearing Point.II
- Observation of Phase Separation Process in the Binary Mixture of Nematic and Isotropic Polymers
- Collective Motion of an Assembly of Disclinations in the Non-Orthogonally Twisted Nematics Quenched below the Clearing Point
- Dynamics of Disclinations in the Non-Orthogonally Twisted Nematics
- Dilatometric and Dielectric Studies of an Incommensurate Transition in Quartz
- Group-Theoretical Analyses of the Structural Phase Transitions in Lead-Orthovanadate Pb_3(VO_4)_2 Crystal
- A Model Calculation of Elastic Softening in Incommensurate-Ferroelastic Phase Transition of Some A_2BX_4-Type Crystals
- Simulations of Switching Characteristics in Ferroelectrics
- Specific Heat and Phase Transition Phenomena in (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2Cl_
- On the First Order Phase Transition in Ammonium Rochelle Salt
- Measurements of Elastic Constants in Cd_3Mg and Cd_2Mg
- Ultrasonic Study of K_2SeO_4 in the Temperature Range of the Incommensurate Phase Transition
- Study of Incommensurate Phase Transition in {N (CH_3)_4}_2ZnCl_4 Crystal by Means of Ultrasound Propagation
- Acoustic Softening in Ferroelastic C_6H_5NH_3Br Crystal
- A Model of Polarization Reversal in Ferroelectrics.II
- Two-Sublattice Model of Ferroelectric Phase Transitions
- Ferroelectricity in the Pressure-Induced Phase VI of Ca_2Ba (C_2H_5CO_2)_6(DBP)
- Dielectric Dispersion of Ni (C_3H_N_2)_2NO_2ClO_4
- Simulations of One-Dimensional Poly-Nuclear Growth Transient
- Ferroelectric Domain Pattern Evolution in Quenched Triglycine Sulphate
- Variation of Dielectric Constant during Switching between Two States
- The Characteristics of a Poly-Nuclear Growth Model
- Spatial Correlation Functions in Two-Dimensional XY System Consisting of Randomly Distributed Topological Defects
- Incommensurate -Commensurate Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric Substances
- A Statistical Theory of Nucleation and Growth in Finite Systems
- A Phenomenological Theory of Nonlinear Dielectric Response
- Dynamics of an Initially Random Fractal Interface
- Re-Examination of Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constants under High Pressure in Lead Orthovanadate Pb_3(VO_4)_2 Crystal
- Analysis of Conductivity Data of KSnOPO_4 (KSP) Single Crystal
- A Phenomenological Theory of Nonlinear Dielectric Response in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- High Pressure Raman Scattering Study of Ferroelastic Pb_3(PO_4)_2 Crystal
- Microscopic Observation of Twins in Perovskite-Type Layer Compound (C_3H_7NH_3)_2MnCl_4
- Size Effect in Ferroelectric Switching
- On the Ferroelectric Phase of Lead Orthovanadate Pb_3(VO_4)_2 Crystal
- Raman Scattering Study of Scheelite-Type Double Molybdates
- Particle-Size Effect of Conductivity Enhancement in BaTiO_3-Dispersed AgI
- Conductivity Enhancement in TiO_2-Dispersed AgI
- Phase Transition and Electric Property of KSnOPO_4 (KSP) Single Crystal
- Effect of Pressure on Phase Transition in Hg_2Cl_2 Crystals
- Pulse Response for High-Speed Nondestructive Readout in Ferroelectrics ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Symmetry of Macroscopic Properties of Incommensurate Structures
- A Phenomenological Theory of Structural Phase Transitions in Zirconia
- Conical Points in the Dispersion Relation and Related Phase Transitions
- Domain Walls in Improper Ferroelectrics
- Structural Phase Transitions in CH_3NH_3HgCl_3
- Incommensurate Phase Transitions under the Existence of the Lifshitz Invariant
- A Phenomenological Theory of the Low Temperature Transition in K_2Ba (NO_2)_4
- A Model of an Incommensurate-Commensurate Phase Transition
- Optical and Dilatometric Studies of KCaCl_3 and RbCaCl_3 Crystals
- Dilatometric and Pressure Studies of Phase Transitions in CsSrCl_3
- Hydrostatic Pressure Effect on Sm_2(MoO_4)_3
- Pressure Dependence of Cubic-Tetragonal Transition Temperature of CsPbCl_3
- Microscopic Observations of Phase Transitions in CsPbCl_3
- Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Ferroelectricity of KNO_3
- Phase Transitions in KNO_3-KNO_2 Mixed Crystals
- Formation of KNO_3 Solid State Battery
- A Test of Centrosymmetry of the Hexagonal Phase in K_2SeO_4
- Hexagonal-Orthorhombic Phase Transition and Ferroelasticity in K_2SO_4 and K_2SeO_4
- Raman Spectra of (NH_4)_2BeF_4
- Ferroelasticity and the Origin of Optical Activity of Ca_2Sr (C_2H_5CO_2)_6(DSP)
- Raman Scattering Spectra of K_2SeO_4
- Thermal Expansion in K_2SeO_4
- Symmetry Consideration of Dipole Interaction in Rochelle Salt Type Crystal
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in (NH_4)_2SO_4-K_2SO_4 Mixed Crystals
- Irreducible Susceptibilities and their Application to Rochelle Salt
- ESR Study of the Superstructure of Cr^-Doped Ammonium Rochelle Salt
- A Theory of Antiferroelectric Phase Transition in Copper Formate Tetrahydrate Crystals
- The Origin of the Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Ammonium Sulfate
- Group-Theoretical Study of Phase Transition Parameters
- A Theory of the Phase Transition in ADP
- Dielectric Study of Critical Behavior of Ferroelectric Triglycine Sulfate by a Digital Technique
- Dielectric Constant of Triglycine Sulfate Crystals by Means of Thermal Noise Method
- Comments on Specific Heat Measurements
- The Transition from Quasi-Periodicity to Chaos in the Electro-Hydrodynamic Instability of a Nematic Liquid Crystal
- Physical Properties Related to Phase Transitions in Na_2CO_3 Crystals
- Thermal Expansion of a Superionic Conductor RbAg_4I_5 Crystal at Low Temperatures
- A New Ferroelectric Phase in BaZnGeO_4
- Ferroelectricity and a Soft Mode in Li_2Ge_7O_ Crystal
- Evolution of Light Transmissivity of Tungstic Acid during Gelation
- Optical Characterization of Tungstic Acid around Gelation Time
- Dielectric Dispersion in (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2X_(X=Cl,Br) Single Crystals
- Dielectric Dispersion in [N (C_2H_5)_4]_2ZnCl_4 Single Crystal
- Note on the Phase Transition in NH_4H_2AsO_4
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Li_2Ge_7O_
- Analysis of the Soft Mode Behavion in Li_2Ge_7O_ in Terms of a Coupled-Mode Model
- On the Order of the Trigonal-Monoclinic Transition in Sodium Azide (N_aN_3) Crystal
- Improper Ferroelectricity in 5PbO・2P_2O_5 Crystal
- Thermal Expansion and Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagrams of Pb_3(VO_4)_2 and Pb_3(PO_4)_2 Crystals
- Ferroelectricity in Pb_3(VO_4)_2 Crystal
- A Study of Raman Scattering in RbCaCl_3
- On the Temperature Dependence of an Elastic Constant in the Layered Perovskite-Type Crystals of the (CH_3NH_3)_2MCl_4-Family
- On Phase Digrams of Mixed Crystals of the KH_2PO_4-Family
- The Structure,the Formation and the Activation Energies of a Domain Wall in Crystals Undergoing the First Order Transition
- On the Evaluation of the Pinning (Peierls) Energy of Kinks Due to Discreteness of Substrate Lattices
- Observation of the Phase Mode in the Incommensurate Phase of K_2SeO_4 by Raman Scattering
- Nonlinear Dielectric Spectroscopy of the Goldstone Mode in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- The Role of Lorentz Factors in Rochelle Salt
- An Order-Disorder Theory of the Cubic-Trigonal Phase Transition in a Superionic Conductor RbAg_4I_5 Crystal
- On the Peierls Energy of a Dislocation Describable in Terms of a Double-Sine-Gordon Equation
- A Phase Diagram Including the Intermediate Rippled Phase of Phospholipid Bilayers
- Domain Walls in Crystals with Incommensurate Phases. II