Reduction of Interface Defect Density by Hydrogen Dilution in a-Si:H/ZnS Multilayer Films
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1991-08-15
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Toho University
Nishio Yutaka
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Toho University
Nishio Yutaka
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
Morimoto Akiharu
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
Shimizu Tatsuo
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Morimoto Akiharu
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
- Mysterious Paramagnetic States of Fe 3d Spin in Antiferromagnetic Insulator of λ-BETS_2FeCl_4 System(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Influence of Buffer Layers on Lead Magnesium Niobate Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation
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- Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on Structural Changes Induced by Annealing of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films Prepared at High Deposition-Rate
- Mossbauer Time Spectra of the Nuclear Forward Scattering from Coherently Vibrating Resonant Nuclei
- Reduction of Interface Defect Density by Hydrogen Dilution in a-Si:H/ZnS Multilayer Films
- Discontinuous Change of Metal-Insulator Transition in the Alloyed θ-system: θ-(BEDT-TTF)_2(Rb_Cs_x)Zn(SCN)_4 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Transport Property of an Organic Conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3 under High Pressure : Discovery of a Novel Type of Conductor : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Metallic Transport and Ferrimagnetic Interaction Achieved by Band Filling Control in Organic Conductors; β'-ET_3(MCl_4^)_(M'Cl_4^)_x[M=Co, Zn, M'=Ga, Fe](Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Identification of a New Defect in Silicon Nitride Films
- Thermal Equilibration of Defect Density in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-Germanium Alloys
- Comparison between ESR and CPM for the Gap States in a-Si-Ge:H
- Magnetoresistance of Quasi Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors κ(BEDT-TSeF)_2FeX_4 (X=Cl, Br) and Mapping of Fermi Surface(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Out-of-Plane Resistance under Transverse Magnetic Field in Quasi-One-Dimensional Layered Metals(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Temperature Simulation of Cooling Process of Ge Droplets in Laser Droplet Epitaxy(Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films)
- Preparation of Twin- and Crack-Free LiNbO_3 Films by Pulsed Laser Ablation Using Nucleation Process at High Temperature : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Rotational Honeycomb Epitaxy of Ru Thin Films on Sapphire (0001) Substrate : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Preparation of Pb(Zn_Ti_)O_3 Films by Laser Ablation
- Thermal Analysis of Target Surface in the Ba-Y-Cu-O Film Preparation by Laser Ablation Method
- Preparation of Ba-Y-Cu-O Superconducting Films by Laser Ablation with and without Laser Irradiation on Growing Surface : Special Section : Solid State Devices and Materials 2 : Thin Film Devices and Superconductors
- a-Si_O_x:H Films Prepared by Direct Photo-CVD Using CO_2 Gas : Condensed Matter
- Preparation of Ba_2YCu_3O_x Superconducting Films by Laser Evaporation and Rapid Laser Annealing : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Mechanism of Stoichiometric Deposition of Volatile Elements in Multimetal-Oxide Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation
- Annealing Temperature Dependence of MgO Substrates on the Quality of YBa_2Cu_3O_x Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation
- Influence of Sub-Gap Illumination on Light-Induced ESR in Undoped a-Si:H
- Temperature-Independent Photoluminescence in Amorphous Si_C_x:(F,H) Films with Low Defect Density
- Glow Discharge a-Si_C_x: H Films Studied by ESR and IR Measurements
- ESR and IR Studies on a-Si_Ge_x: H Prepared by Glow Discharge Decomposition
- Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Si-N Prepared by Various Methods
- Thin Film Patterning by Laser Lift-Off
- Comparative Study of Defect Densities Evaluated by Electron Spin Resonance and Constant Photocurrent Method in Undoped and N-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Electron-Beam-Induced Nucleation Centers and Selective Deposition of Thin Zinc Films
- Photocreated Defects in Very Thin Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films : Semiconductors
- Partial Recovery of Photodegradation at Room Temperature in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Relation between Electron-Spin-Resonance and Constant-Photocurrent-Method Defect Densities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Preparation of Epitaxial Ge Film on Si by Pulsed Laser Ablation Using Molten Droplets
- Change of Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time with Light Soaking for Defects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Removal of Surface Oxides on Copper by Pulsed Laser lrradiation
- Relation between ESR and Hydrogen in Magnetron-Sputtered a-Ge:H
- Metal Instability of (DMe-DCNQI)_2 Cu Induced by Uniaxial Stress and Enhancement of Electron Mass
- Studies on Submerged Culture of Basidiomycetes : (III) The Oxygen Transfer within the Pellets of Lentinus edodes
- Light-Intensity Dependence of Photocreated Defects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-Nitrogen Alloy Films
- Effects of Transition Metal Additives on Electronic Properties in Amorphous GeSeTe Films
- Hydrogen Incorporation Scheme in Amorphous-Microcrystalline Mixed-Phase Si: H Films
- Role of Hydrogen and Fluorine in Amorphous Silicon as Elucidated by NMR and ESR
- NMR and IR Studies on Hydrogenated Amorphous Si_C_x Films
- Uniaxial Strain Effects on Transport Properties of a Supramolecular Organic Conductor θ-(DIETS)_2[Au(CN)_4]
- Effects of Uniaxial Strain on Transport Properties of Organic Conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3 and Discovery of Superconductivity
- Magneto-Optical Characteristics of Bi-Substituted Rare-Earth Iron Garnet Films Prepared by Laser Ablation
- Preparation of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Films on Si Substrate by Laser Ablation
- Influence of Laser Fluence on Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of Lead-Zirconate-Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Laser Ablation : Thin Films
- Annealing Studies on Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-Tin Films
- ESR and Raman Studies on Hydrogenated Amorphous Si-Sn
- Activated Sludge Process using a Multistage Tower Aeration Tank
- Influence of Hydrogen Content and Si-H Bond Structure on Photocreated Dangling Bonds in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films
- Light-Induced ESR in Variously Treated Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Relationship between Electrical Conductivity and Charged-Dangling-Bond Density in Nitrogen- and Phosphorus-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Light-Induced-ESR Study of Undoped and N-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Spectroscopic Study on N_O-Plasrma Oxidation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and Behavior of Nitrogen
- Light Soaking of a-Si:H at 77 K
- Contribution of Floating Bonds to Photocreation of Defects in a-Si:H
- Structure of Films Prepared by Glow Discharge Decomposition of Hexafluorodisilane
- Hydrogen Incorporation Scheme in a-Si_C_x:H
- Rate Equations for the Creation of Various Metastable Dangling Bonds in a-Si:H Mediated by Floating Bonds
- Properties of Amorphous Si Prepared by RF Sputtering with a High Ar Pressure
- Influence of Oxygen and Deposition Conditions on RF-Sputtered Amorphous Si Films
- Structural Studies on Hydrogenated Amorphous Germanium-Carbon Films Prepared by RF Sputtering
- NMR and ESR Studies on a-Si:H Prepared by Glow Discharge Decomposition of Si_2H_6
- Effect of Charged Defects on Properties of Amorphous Si-Based Alloys
- Electronic Phases in an Organic Conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3 : Ultra Narrow Gap Semiconductor, Superconductor, Metal, and Charge-Ordered Insulator
- Out-of-Plane Resistance of Quasi-Two Dimensional Metal (BEDT-TTF)_3Cl(DFBIB) in Transverse Magnetic Fields(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Photo-induced Insulator-Metal Transition in an Organic Conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Uniaxial Strain Effects on Transport Properties of a Supramolecular Organic Conductor θ-(DIETS)_2[Au(CN)_4] (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- ESR Studies on the Light-Induced Effect in Si-Based Amorphous Semiconductors
- Reduction of Droplet Formatiom by Reducing Target Etching Rate in Pulsed Laser Ablation
- Laser-Irradiation Induced a-Axis Orientation in c-Axis-Oriented YBa_2Cu_3O_x Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation
- ESR and X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Ba-Y-Cu-O Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation of Ti-Al-N Electrode Films by Pulsed Laser Ablation for Lead-Zirconate-Titanate Film Capacitors
- Highty Oriented Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation GaAs and Si Substrates with MgO Buffer Layer
- Fatigue Behavior in Lead-Zirconate-Titanate Thin-Film Capacitors Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation on Ni-Alloy Electrodes
- NH_3-Plasma-Nitridation Process of (100) GaAs Surface Observed by Angle-Dependent X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Transformation between Monovalent and Divalent Ionic Solids : An Ionic(I)-Ionic(II) Phase Transition in a Biferrocene-F_1TCNQ Charge-Transfer Complex(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)
- Light-Induced Effects and Their Annealing Behavior in a-Si:H
- Effect of Reduction in Impurity Content for a-Si:H Films
- ESR and Constant Photocurrent Studies of Surface and Bulk Defects in a-Si:H
- Hydrogen Evolution from Amorphous Si-N Films
- Light-Induced Effects in a-Si:H Studied by ESR and Electrical Measurements
- Photoluminescence in Glow Discharge Deposited Amorphous Si_C_x: H Films
- Structural Analysis on T_c Variation of Bi_2Sr_Ca_Cu_2O_
- Magnetic and Thermal Properties of \lambda-(BETS)2FeCl4 System ---Fe 3d Spin in Antiferromagnetic Insulating Phase---
- Temperature Dependence of Inter-Layer Longitudinal Magnetoresistance in $\alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)2I3: Positive versus Negative Contributions in a Tilted Dirac Cone System
- Metallic Transport and Ferrimagnetic Interaction Achieved by Band Filling Control in Organic Conductors; β'-ET_3(MCl_4^)_(M'Cl_4^)_x[M=Co, Zn, M'=Ga, Fe](Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Structure and Defects in Amorphous Si-O Films
- Transport Phenomenon of Multilayer Zero-Gap Conductor in the Quantum Limit
- Transformation between Monovalent and Divalent Ionic Solids : An Ionic(I)-Ionic(II) Phase Transition in a Biferrocene-F_1TCNQ Charge-Transfer Complex(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Amorphous Si-Zn-S Alloy Films
- Influence of Buffer Layers on Lead Magnesium Niobate Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation
- Out-of-Plane Resistance of Quasi-Two Dimensional Metal (BEDT-TTF)_3Cl(DFBIB) in Transverse Magnetic Fields(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)