Mossbauer Time Spectra of the Nuclear Forward Scattering from Coherently Vibrating Resonant Nuclei
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1997-10-15
YODA Yoshitaka
CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
TAKEI Humihiko
Oxide Corporation
Zhang Xiaowei
Photon Factory (pf) Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organi
Kitao Shinji
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Mitsui T
Crest Japan Science And Technology Agency:japan Atomic Energy Agency
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
YODA Yoshitaka
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
TAKEI Humihiko
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Kawado Seiji
Environment & Analysis Technology Department Technical Support Center Sony Corporation
Kikuta Seishi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Kikuta Seishi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Yoda Y
Crest Japan Science And Technology Agency:japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
Yoda Y
Crest Japan Science And Technology Agency
Yoda Yoshitaka
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Reserch Institute Sayou-gun
Yoda Yoshitaka
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Kawasaki S
Lnstitute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
ZHANG Xianmin
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
IMAI Yoshihiko
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hattori T
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Takei H
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Takei H
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka
Takei Humihiko
Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals Tohoku University
Kikuta Seishi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engieering University Of Tokyo
Kaito Shinji
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Imai Yoshihiko
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Kikuta S
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Takei H
Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals Tohoku University
Yoda Y.
Crest Japan Science And Technology Agency
Shimizu Tatsuo
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Kikuta Seishi
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
- 20pED-10 枯草菌のサイズ分布(3)(20pED 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 20pED-9 大腸菌コロニーの周期的成長パターン(2)(20pED 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 20pED-8 P.mirabilisの同心円状パターン(2)(20pED 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 20pED-7 大腸菌コロニーの形態形成における走化性の影響(20pED 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 20pQG-5 Structural studies on the infinite layer CaFeO_2
- 1/3 Magnetization Plateau in Spin-1/2 Square Lattice Antiferromagnet (CuBr)Sr_2Nb_3O_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Charge and Magnetic Orderings in the Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet InFe_2O_4(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- Development of ^Eu Time-Domain Interferometry and Its Application for the Study of Slow Dynamics in Ionic Liquids
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- A spectrometer for Rayleigh scattering of Mossbauer radiation using synchrotron radiation
- Spin Ordering in LaFeAsO and Its Suppression in Superconductor LaFeAsO_F_ Probed by Mossbauer Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Dependence of Incoherent Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation on the Number of Resonant Nuclei(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Generation and Application of Ultrahigh Monochromatic X-ray Using High-Quality ^FeBO_3 Single Crystal
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation by Yb Nuclides(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- ^Co-NMR Probe for Stepwise Magnetization and Magnetotransport in SrCo_6O_ with Metallic Kagome Layer and Triangular Lattice with Local Moments(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Effects of Charge Disproportionation on the Phonon Density of States in Fe Perovskites(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Enhancement of Incoherent Elastic Scattering with Magnetic Ordering in the Energy Spectra of Nuclear Resonant Scattering(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering from Fe Cations in Nafion Membranes : Effect of Dynamics in a Short Time Range : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Determination of the Density and the Thickness of SiO_2 Films Using Extremely Asymmetric X-Ray Diffraction
- ESR Measurements on One-Dimensional Quantum Ferrimagnets A_3Cu_3(PO_4)_4 with A=Sr and Ca in Submillimeter-Wave Region(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- High Field ESR Measurements of MCuP_2O_7 (M=Sr, Pb)(Low Dimensional Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- High Field ESR Measurements of S=1/2 Diamond Chain Substance Cu_3(CO_3)_2(OH)_2 at the Magnetization Plateau Region(Frustrated Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- Interference of Nuclear Bragg Scattered X-Rays in X-Ray Interferometer with Large Optical Path Difference
- Time Domain Interferometry in X-Ray Region Using Nuclear Resonant Scattering
- Time-Delayed Interferometry with Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation
- Flux Growth and Characterization of α-^Fe_2O_3 Single Crystals for Nuclear Bragg Scattering Optical Components
- X-Ray Standing Wave Analysis of GaAs/Si Interface
- High-Resolution Measurements of Nuclear Bragg Scattering from a Synthetic α-^Fe_2O_3 Crystal
- 26pQE-4 P. mirabilisの同心円状パターン(生物物理,領域12,ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理)
- High-Pressure Mossbauer and X-Ray Powder Diffraction Studies of SrFeO_3(Condensed Matter : Electric Structure, Electical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Charge Disproportionation and Magnetic Order of CaFeO_3 under High Pressure up to 65 Gpa : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Modification of Helix in (Ba_Sr_x)_2Zn_2Fe_O_ Due to Applied Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Structure of (Ba_Sr_x)_2Zn_2Fe_O_(x=0-1.0)
- Development of neV-resolution spectroscopy using synchrotron-based 57Fe mossbauer radiation
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation by ^Gd
- Phonon Density of States of Pseudomorphic fcc-Fe Film(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Development of Scanning-Type Synchrotron Radiation Mossbauer Microscope Using Focused X-Ray
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation by ^Sb and ^Sm : Cross-Disciplinary Physics
- Experimental Study of the Influence of Magnetic Phase Transition on the Mossbauer Time Spectra of the Nuclear Forward Scattering
- Phase Transitions in Fe^ (3d^4)-Perovskite Oxides Dominated by Oxygen-Hole Character
- Mossbauer Time Spectra of the Nuclear Forward Scattering from Coherently Vibrating Resonant Nuclei
- Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Measurement of Silicon Surface during Laser Irradiation under Grazing-Incidence Conditions
- Novel Analysis System of Imaging-Plate Plane-Wave X-Ray Topography for Characterizing Lattice Distortion in Silicon
- Switching of Photon Helicities in the Hard X-Ray Region with a Perfect Crystal Phase Retarder
- Precision Measurement of ^Kr Mossbauer Wavelength
- X-Ray Optics 'Owl' and 'Trinity'
- A New Optics for Dark-Field Imaging in X-Ray Region 'Owl' : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- An X-Ray Trichrome Imaging 'Trinity' : Absorption, Phase-Interference and Angle-Resolved Contrast : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Nondestructive Visual Search for Fossils in Rock Using X-Ray Interferometry Imaging
- 26aYA-12 Design and Performance of High Resolution Monolithic Monochromators
- Temporal Mossbauer Absorber Thickness Effect Demonstrated Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Mossbauer Study of FeCl_3-Doped Polythiophene and Poly(3-Octylthiophene)
- Growth of Ba_Sr_xNaNb_5O_ Thin Film on La_Sr_TiO_3 Substrate by Pulsed Laser Deposition
- A Novel Electrode for Ozone Generation
- Mossbauer Study of Iodine-Doped Fluoro-Aluminum Phthalocyanine
- Dynamics of Fe Cations in Nafion Membranes Studied by Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Nuclear Excitation of ^Fe Ions in Hydrochloric Acid Solution Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Transmission-Type X-Ray Phase Retarder Using Ge Crystal in Laue Diffraction Geometry
- Nuclear Resonant Excitation of ^Dy and ^Eu by Synchrotron Radiation
- Characterization of Sb Atomic-Layer-Doped Si(100) Crystal by X-Ray Standing Wave Method
- Nonlinear Meissner Effect in Double Layered High-Tc Cuprates Investigated by Measurement of the Penetration Depth
- A New Oxide Spin Glass System of(1-x) FeTiO_Fe_2O_3.II.Neutron Scattering Studies of a Cluster Type Spin Glass of 90FeTiO_3-10Fe_2O_3
- A New Oxide Spin Glass System of(1-x) FeTiO_3-xFe_2O_3.I.Magnetic Properties
- Elastic Anomalies and Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen Effects in Sr_2RuO_4
- Homogeneity of Superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_30_x Single Crystals
- Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of FeS under Pressure using Synchrotron Radiation : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- High-Pressure Mossbauer Study of FeS with Nuclear Forward Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on SRMS(Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science)(2))
- A New Oxide Spin-Glass System of(1-x) FeTiO_Fe_2O_3. IV.Neutron Scattering Studies on a Reentrant Spin Glass of 79FeTiO_3-21Fe_2O_3 Single Crystal
- Electronic Structure of Delafossite-Type Metallic Oxide PdCoO_2
- Electronic Band Structure of SrCuO_2
- Growth and Anisotropic Physical Properties of PdCoo_2 Single Crystals
- Oscillatory Angular Dependence of the Magnetoresistance in Sr_2RuO_4
- Crystal Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_3O_x from Coexisting Region of Solid with Melt
- Annealing Behavior of Twin Domains in YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crystals : Condensed Matter
- Crystal Growth of Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_(Tl-2223) Superconductors
- Crystal Growth of Tl-Based Cuprate Superconductors
- Development of neV-Resolution Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron-Based 57Fe Mössbauer Radiation
- Mossbauer Study of the SmFe Hydride through 149Sm and 57Fe
- Small and Large Angle Quasi-Elastic Scattering Experiments by Using Nuclear Resonant Scattering on Typical and Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals
- Improvement of Efficiency of Time-Domain Interferometry Method Using Two Driven Nuclear Absorbers
- Small and Large Angle Quasi-Elastic Scattering Experiments by Using Nuclear Resonant Scattering on Typical and Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals
- Ultrahigh-Pressure Measurement in the Multimegabar Range by Energy-Domain Synchrotron Radiation 57Fe-Mössbauer Spectroscopy Using Focused X-rays
- Improvement of Efficiency of Time-Domain Interferometry Method Using Two Driven Nuclear Absorbers
- Development of Scanning-Type Synchrotron Radiation Mössbauer Microscope Using Focused X-Ray
- Synchrotron Radiation Mössbauer Spectroscopy Using Doppler-shifted 14.4 keV Single-line 57Fe-Mössbauer Radiation
- Conversion Electron and X-ray Mössbauer Spectroscopies Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Precision Measurement of 83Kr Mössbauer Wavelength
- Variable-Frequency Nuclear Monochromator Using Single-Line Pure Nuclear Bragg Reflection of Oscillating 57FeBO3 Single Crystal