清酒火落菌増殖に及ぼす脂肪酸およびその関連物質の作用 : (第2報)火落菌増殖に及ぼすフオスフアチツドの効果
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In the preceding paper, the authors reported that the combined use of unsaturated fatty acid having eighteen carbon atoms and a surface-active agent exerted a growth-stimulating effect on Hiochi-bacteria, and that the single use of Tween 80 or 85 containing oleic acid in the molecule was also effective.It is reported in this paper that phosphatides, such as lecithin and cephalin, exerted an effect similar to that of Tween 80. The identification of lecithin isolated from baker's yeast, mycelium of Asp. oryzae, and Sake was made by paper chromatography.It was found that the colour-developing position of lecithin by HEUNNEKENS' method was coincident with the growth band (Rf. 0.8〜0.9) of Hiochi-bacteria on the paper chromatogram. On the other hand, lysolecitin isolated from polished rice exerted an inhibitory action.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1958-08-15
- 微生物に対するアンチビタミンの作用(第7報) : 清酒酵母と腐造乳酸菌, 火落菌の共棲時におけるω-メチルパントテン酸の作用
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