Cloning and alaysis of a nodulin gene which encodes protease of Astragalus sinicus (Renge-sou)
Yamada Takashi
Dept. of Anesth.
Murooka Yoshikatsu
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University:hiroshima Institute Of T
Murooka Y
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Fujie M
Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
Fujie M
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima Jpn
Fujie Makoto
Department Of Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Usami S
Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
Usami Shoji
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Nagoya Univ.
FUJIE Makoto
Dept. Mol. Biotech., Grad. Sch. Adv. Sci. Mat., Hiroshima Univ.
Dept. of Mol. Biotech., Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima Univ.
MUROOKA Yoshikatsu
Dept. of Biotech., Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Univ.
Murooka Yoshikatsu
Dept. Bioinfor. Eng Grad. Sch. Infor. Sci. Tech. Osaka Univ.
Yamada T
Department Of Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima Unive
Yamada T
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences Ministry Of Agriculture Forestry And Fisheries
Naito Yuki
Dept. Of Mol. Biotech. Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima Univ.
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