Synthesis and Selective Activity of Cholinergic Agents with Rigid Skeletons. I
- 論文の詳細を見る
A common conformation was assumed to be involved in the potent muscarinic activities of L (+)-muscarine, acetylcholine, and (+)-trans-2S-acetoxycyclopropyl-1S-trimethyl-ammonium. The conformation of other muscarinic agents was also considered from this point of view ; three types of quaternary salts having semi-rigid piperidine ring structures which satisfy the hypothetical requirements were synthesized, and their muscarinic activities were examined. These synthetic compounds showed selective muscarinic activity.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1979-08-25
竹村 庄司
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
鈴木 有朋
鈴木 有朋
Department Of Pharmacology Kobe University
高橋 恵子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
高橋 恵子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
竹村 庄司
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
- パンクレアチンまたはジアスターゼで前処理した米の長期投与がラットの生長に与えた影響
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- 平滑筋収縮薬の作用におよぼす平滑筋弛緩薬の作用(SHRSPの門脈における実験)(II 予防および治療)(A 基礎的研究)
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- 平滑筋収縮薬の作用におよぼすNa減量栄養液の影響(ラット門脈における実験)(A 基礎的研究)(II 予防および治療)
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- M-SHRSPとWKYの上腸間膜動脈における血管収縮薬の作用比較, 特に加齢との関連性
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- SHR の思い出
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- Synthesis and Bioactivity of Propranolol Analogues with a Rigid Skeleton. I
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- カルシウム拮抗薬NB-818の意識下SHRSP血行動態に与える影響
- カルシウム拮抗薬(NB-818)の6月齢SHRSPに対する降圧および一般薬理作用
- 長期低酸素に暴露した場合のSHRSPおよびWKYの血圧を含めた生理変化
- 近畿大学医学部 (大学紹介)
- Synthesis and Selective Activity of Cholinergic Agents with Rigid Skeletons. IV
- Synthesis and Selective Activity of Cholinergic Agents with Rigid Skeletons. III
- Synthesis and Selective Activity of Cholinergic Agents with Rigid Skeletons. II
- 降圧性コリン作働薬を目的とした合成(2)(II 予防および治療)(A 基礎的研究)
- 降圧性コリン作働薬を目的とした合成(A 基礎的研究)(II 予防および治療)
- Synthesis and Selective Activity of Cholinergic Agents with Rigid Skeletons. I
- Benzoylthiocholine Derivatives as Substrates for Pseudocholinesterase : Synthesis and Application(Analytical,Chemical)
- ベンズヒドリル誘導体の研究(第2報)N, N-ジアルキルグリシルベンズヒドリルアミド誘導体の合成と生物活性
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. IV. A Cleavage Reaction of Ether with N, N-Dihalobenzenesulfonamide. (1).
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. III. Reaction of N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide with Cyclopentene.
- Reaction of DL-trans-and DL-cis-2-Halo-1-benzenesulfonamidocyclohexanes. Formation and the Reaction of N-Benzenesulfonylcyclohexenimine.
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. II. Reaction of N, N-Dihalobenzenesulfonamide with Cyclohexene. (2).
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. I. Reaction of N, N-Dihalobenzenesulfonamide with Cyclohexene. (1).
- Reaction of N, N-Dihalobenzenesulfonamide with Cyclohexene. Formation of DL-trans-and DL-cis-2-Halo-1-benzenesulfonamidocyclohexanes
- Reaction of 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo[2,3,4-de][1,5]-naphthyridine 2-Oxides with Acetic Anhydrides : Polonovski Reaction versus Mesomeric Betaine Formation
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XIX. Reaction of Acetals with N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XVIII. Oxidation of Ether to Ester with N-Haloamide
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XV. Reaction of Tetrahydrofuran with N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide. (2). Kinetics and Mechanism
- Kinetic Studies of the Reaction of Tetrahydrofuran with N-Haloamide under Irradiation
- Steroids from Cucumis Melo L. var. Makuwa MAKINO and Cucumis sativus L.
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. VIII. Reactions of N-Bromobenzenesulfonamides or Bromine with Benzylamines
- Studies on Benzhydryl Derivatives. IV. Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activity of 2-O-(Diphenylacetyl)salicylic Acids
- ベンズヒドリル誘導体の研究(第3報)ジフェニルアセチルアミノ酸の合成と培養腫瘍細胞におよぼす影響
- 降圧性を目的とした芳香族オキシカルボン酸誘導体の合成(1)(II 予防および治療)(A 基礎的研究)
- 降圧剤を目的としたBenzhydrylidene Guanidine類の合成と活性(II 予防および治療)(A 基礎的研究)
- コリン作働薬の分子座標解析法による構造-活性相関(A 基礎的研究)(II 予防および治療)
- アミノ酸誘導体と生物活性(第2報)フェニルアラニンから2-アミノ-1-インダノール誘導体の合成
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XXVIII. Preparation of N, N-Dibromourethan and Reactions of N, N-Dihaloamides with Styrene and 1,2-Dihydronaphthalenes
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XXVII. Reaction of N, N-Dihaloamides with Dienes
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XXV. Addition Reaction of N, N-Di-bromobenzenesulfonamide with Asymmetric Olefins and α, β-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid Esters
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XXIV. N, N-Dibromo-o-carbomethoxybenzene-sulfonamide as a Reagent for the Preparation of β-Substituted Amines from Olefins
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XXI. Addition Reaction of N, N-Dibromo-benzylsulfonamide with Olefines and Reduction of the Adducts and Their Derivatives
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XX. Bromo-formyloxylation of α, β-Unsaturated Esters with N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide and Formic Acid
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XVI. Reaction of N, N-Dichlorophenylacetamide with Aliphatic Secondary Amines
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XIV. Reaction of N, N-Dichlorophenylacetamide with Cyclohexene
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XVII. Bromo-formyloxylation of Olefins with N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide and Formic Acid
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XIII. The Coupled Reaction of N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide and Formamide or Dimethylformamide with Cyclohexene
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. XI. Reaction of N, N-Dichlorobenzenesulfonamide and N, N-Dichlorobenzamide with Dihydropyran
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. X. Reaction of N, N-Dichlorobenzamide with Cyclohexene
- Studies on Benzhydryl Derivatives. I. Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity
- Chemical Studies on Antibiotics produced by Actinomycetes. VII. Racemomycin. (4). On Racemomycin-O (i)
- Isomerization between trans-2-Benzenesulfonamido-3-bromotetrahydropyran and Its Isomer
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. VI. Reaction of N-Bromobenzenesulfonamides with Dihydropyran. (2)
- Reaction of N-Halosulfonamide. V. Reaction of N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide with Dihydropyran. (1)
- (250) トマトでのTMVの増殖に対するサルチル酸およびアントラニル酸のベンズヒドリル誘導体の影響 (昭和55年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- Reaction of N-Haloamide. VII. A Cleavage Reaction of Ether with N, N-Dihalobenzenesulfonamide. (2). Reactions of Tetrahydrofuran with N, N-Dibromobenzenesulfonamide, N-Bromosuccinimide, or Bromine. (1)
- Chemical Studies on Antibiotics produced by Actinomycetes. X. Racemomycin (7). Structure of Racemomycin-O
- Chemical Studies on Antibiotics produced by Actinomycetes. IX. Racemomycin. (6). Structure of New Degradation Product of Recemomycin-O
- Racemomycin (5). Degradation Products of Racemomycin-O.