Ultralow-Power Current Reference Circuit with Low Temperature Dependence(Building Block, <Special Section>Analog Circuit and Device Technologies)
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An ultralow power constant reference current circuit with low temperature dependence for micropower electronic applications is proposed in this paper. This circuit consists of a constant-current subcircuit and a bias-voltage subcircuits, and it compensates for the temperature characteristics of mobility μ, thermal voltage V_T, and threshold voltage V_<TH> in such a way that the reference current has small temperature dependence. A SPICE simulation demonstrated that reference current and total power dissipation is 97.7 nA, 1.1μW, respectively, and the variation in the reference current can be kept very small within ±4% in a temperature range from -20 to 100℃.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2005-06-01
AMEMIYA Yoshihito
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Information Sci. & Technol. Hokkaido Univ.
Hirose Tetsuya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kobe University
Asai Tetsuya
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University
Asai Tetsuya
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Department of Cancer Research, Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Chugai and Pharmaceutical Co
Taniguchi Kenji
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka Toshimasa
Department Of Electronic Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Matsuoka Toshimasa
The Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Kobe University
Taniguchi Kenji
The Division Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University
Asai Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Taniguchi K
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Osaka University
Taniguchi K
Division Of Electrical Electronics And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka
Hirose Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hokkaido University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Taniguchi Kenji
Department Of Biotechnology Tottori University
Matsuoka Toshimasa
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
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