A CMOS Watchdog Sensor for Certifying the Quality of Various Perishables with a Wider Activation Energy(<Special Section>Selected Papers from the 18th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
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We developed a CMOS watchdog sensor that simulates the changes in quality of perishables such as farm and marine products. The sensor can imitate a chemical reaction that causes the changes in the quality of perishables, with a wide range of activation energy from 0.1eV to 0.7eV. Attached to perishable goods, the sensor simulates the deterioration of the goods caused by surrounding temperatures. By reading the output of the sensor, consumers can determine whether the goods are fresh or not. This sensor consists of subthreshold CMOS circuits with a low-power consumption of 5μW or less.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2006-04-01
AMEMIYA Yoshihito
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Information Sci. & Technol. Hokkaido Univ.
Ueno Ken
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kobe University
Asai Tetsuya
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University
Asai Tetsuya
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Kobe University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University
Asai Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Ueno Ken
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hokkaido University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hokkaido University
Amemiya Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Hirose Tetsuya
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
- A1-μW 600-ppm/℃ Current Reference Circuit Consisting of Subthreshold CMOS Circuits
- An On-Chip PVT Compensation Technique with Current Monitoring Circuit for Low-Voltage CMOS Digital LSIs
- High-Resistance Resistor Consisting of a Subthreshold CMOS Differential Pair
- A 300 nW, 15 ppm/℃, 20 ppm/V CMOS Voltage Reference Circuit Consisting of Subthreshold MOSFETs
- Photon Position Detector Consisting of Single-Electron Devices
- A behavioral model of unipolar resistive RAMs and its application to HSPICE integration
- Atomic configuration of boron pile-up at the Si/SiO2 interface
- Influences of Point and Extended Defects on As Diffusion in Si(Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Ultralow-Power Current Reference Circuit with Low Temperature Dependence(Building Block, Analog Circuit and Device Technologies)
- A CMOS IF Variable Gain Amplifier with Exponential Gain Control(Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- Watch-Dog Circuit for Quality Guarantee with Subthreshold MOSFET Current(New System Paradigms for Integrated Electronics)
- Watchdog Circuit for Product Degradation Monitor using Subthreshold MOS Current
- An On-Chip PVT Compensation Technique with Current Monitoring Circuit for Low-Voltage CMOS Digital LSIs
- Prenatal underdevelopment and schizophrenia : A case report of monozygotic twins
- Season of birth of schizophrenics in a recent Japanese sample
- High-Resistance Resistor Consisting of a Subthreshold CMOS Differential Pair
- High-Resistance Resistor Consisting of a Subthreshold CMOS Differential Pair
- Low-Voltage Process-Compensated VCO with On-Chip Process Monitoring and Body-Biasing Circuit Techniques
- Stochastic Resonance in an Array in Locally-Coupled McCulloch-Pitts Neurons with Population Heterogeneity
- A Highly Sensitive Thermosensing CMOS Circuit Based on Self-Biasing Circuit Technique
- Threshold-Logic Devices Consisting of Subthreshold CMOS Circuits
- Noise-Induced Synchronization among Sub-RF CMOS Analog Oscillators for Skew-Free Clock Distribution
- An Inhibitory Neural-Network Circuit Exhibiting Noise Shaping with Subthreshold MOS Neuron Circuits(Neuron and Neural Networks,Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- CMOS Voltage Reference Based on the Threshold Voltage of a MOSFET
- Spiking neuron devices consisting of single-flux-quantum circuits
- A CMOS Watchdog Sensor for Certifying the Quality of Various Perishables with a Wider Activation Energy(Selected Papers from the 18th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Critical temperature sensor based on oscillatory neuron models (Special issue on nonlinear circuits and signal processing)
- Neuromorphic MOS Circuits Exhibiting Precisely Timed Synchronization with Silicon Spiking Neurons and Depressing Synapses (Special Issue on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing)
- An Insect Vision-based Single-electron Circuit Performing Motion Detection(Session5B: Emerging Devices III)
- An Insect Vision-based Single-electron Circuit Performing Motion Detection(Session5B: Emerging Devices III)
- A νMOS Vision Chip Based on Cellular-Automaton Processing
- A υMOS Vision Chip Based on the Cellular-Automaton Processing
- Cellular vMOS Circuits Performing Edge Detection with Difference-of-Gaussian Filters
- Stochastic Resonance in GaAs-based Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors and Their Summing Network
- Stochastic Resonance in GaAs-based Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors and Their Summing Network
- Analog Metal-Oxide-Silicon IC Implementation of Motion-Detection Network Based on a Biological Correlation Model
- Analog MOS Circuits for Motion Detection Based on Correlation Neural Networks
- An Analog Integrated Circuit for Motion Detection Based on Biological Correlation Model
- Characteristics of Schottky Contacts on n-InP and n-GaAs by a Novel in situ Electrochemical Process
- Schottky Contacts on n-InP with High Barrier Heights and Reduced Fermi-Level Pinning by a Novel In Situ Electrochemical Process
- CMOS phase-shift oscillator using the conduction of heat(Session8A: Si Devices III)
- CMOS phase-shift oscillator using the conduction of heat(Session8A: Si Devices III)
- Reaction-Diffusion Devices Using Minority-Carrier Transport in Semiconductors
- Stochastic Resonance in Schottky Wrap Gate-controlled GaAs Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors and Their Networks
- On the sign problem of Dedekind sums
- Quantum Cellular Automaton Device Using the Image Charge Effect
- A vMOS Cellular-Automaton Device for Differential-of-Gaussian Filtering
- Directional Single-Electron-Tunneling Junction
- Properties of High Heat-Resistance μc-SiC_x:H Emitter Silicon HBT's
- Silicon HBT with a Low-Resistivity Amorphous SiC_x Emitter
- Single-Electron Logic Systems Based on a Graphical Representation of Digital Functions(Novel Device Architectures and System Integration Technologies)
- Quantum-Dot Logic Circuits Based on the Shared Binary-Decision Diagram
- An Adaptive Silicon Retina Performing an Edge Extraction with a MOS-Type Spatial Wiring and Smart Pixel Circuits
- クロス形状フラクタルを用いた画像の高解像度化(研究速報)
- 基板バイアス制御を用いた超低電圧センスアンプ回路の高速化 (情報センシング)
- 超低電圧ディジタル回路に向けた入出力論理補正レベルシフタ回路 (情報センシング)
- A neuromorphic MOS circuit imitating jamming avoidance response of Eigenmannia
- Array-enhanced stochastic resonance in a network of locally-coupled excitable neuron circuits (非線形問題)
- Array-enhanced stochastic resonance in a network of locally-coupled excitable neuron circuits (ニューロコンピューティング)
- Mixed Crystal Tunnel Diode
- Multiple-Valued Inverter Using a Single-Electron-Tunneling Circuit (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- A Multiple-Valued Hopfield Network Device Using Single-Electron Circuits (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- Special Section on New System Paradigms for Integrated Electronics
- Cellular-Automaton Circuits Using Single-Electron-Tunneling Junctions
- C-12-51 超低電力CMOS温度センサ回路の評価(センサ、電源回路、デジタル,C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-6 コンパレータのバラツキ補正回路を用いた弛張発振回路(アナログ要素回路,C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- 基板バイアス制御を用いた超低電圧センスアンプ回路の高速化(アナログ,アナデジ混載,RF及びセンサインタフェース回路)
- 超低電圧ディジタル回路に向けた入出力論理補正レベルシフタ回路(アナログ,アナデジ混載,RF及びセンサインタフェース回路)
- カラー画像に対応した画質評価手法VSNRC
- Subthreshold SRAM with Write Assist Technique Using On-Chip Threshold Voltage Monitoring Circuit
- C-12-42 超低電力オペアンプの高速化技術(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-54 準連続モードで動作するデジタル制御昇圧回路(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-53 適応バイアス型コンパレータを用いたSC型DC-DCコンバータ(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- A-1-20 逆流電流削減による差動型整流回路の変換効率改善(A-1.回路とシステム,一般セッション)
- 学習型超解像のための高能率な辞書(高精細画像処理・表示及び一般)
- C-12-49 超低電圧ダイナミックコンパレータ回路のオフセットキャリブレーション手法の検討(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-52 低電圧カレントミラー回路を用いた高精度ナノアンペア電流源(C-12.集積回路,一般セッション)
- A-1-45 高分解能SAR ADCに向けた容量DACの面積削減の検討(A-1.回路とシステム,一般セッション)
- A-1-19 光エネルギー・ハーベスティングに向けたチャージポンプ回路の負荷電流特性改善(A-1.回路とシステム,一般セッション)
- カラー画像の主観的品質とSSIMの関係について (イメージ・メディア・クオリティ)
- 超解像を用いたJPEGコーデックに関する一検討 (通信方式)
- カラー画像の品質評価に関する検討(一般セッション,人の視聴覚情報処理とPRMUの接点)
- カラー画像の品質評価に関する検討(一般セッション,人の視聴覚情報処理とPRMUの接点)
- 学習型超解像のための二分木辞書(研究速報)
- High-fidelity pulse density modulation in neuromorphic electric circuits utilizing natural heterogeneity
- C-12-24 PVTバラツキ耐性を持つシングルスロープADコンバータ(ADC・DAC,C-12. 集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-17 コンパレータのバラツキ補正技術を用いた弛張発振回路の評価(アナログ回路枝術,C-12. 集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-23 超低電圧ダイナミックコンパレータのためのオフセット電圧補正回路の高精度化(ADC・DAC,C-12. 集積回路,一般セッション)
- C-12-18 適応バイアス技術を用いた超低電力CMOSオペアンプの評価(アナログ回路枝術,C-12. 集積回路,一般セッション)
- B-005 マルチモーダル入力に対応した重み付き多数決による識別器のGPUによる高速化(並列処理,B分野:ソフトウェア)
- H-004 野球中継映像におけるスコアテロップのレイアウト認識(映像解析・照明,H分野:画像認識・メディア理解)
- B-004 ウェーブレット変換に基づく学習型超解像のGPUによる高速化手法(並列処理,B分野:ソフトウェア)
- I-011 階層的超解像による電子ズームの構成方法(画像復元・超解像,I分野:グラフィクス・画像)
- H-029 組合せ最適化アルゴリズムに基づくオブジェクトとラベルのレイアウト認識(文字認識・物体認識,H分野:画像認識・メディア理解)
- I-005 Bag-of-Visual Words表現を用いた放送映像中の類似シーン検出(画像特徴・検出,I分野:グラフィクス・画像)
- Reaction-diffusion chip implementing excitable lattices with multiple-valued cellular automata
- カラー画像の主観的品質とSSIMの関係について(ヒューマンインタフェースとIMQ一般)
- 超解像を用いたJPEGコーデックに関する一検討(画像符号化,通信・ストリーム技術,一般)
- Self-organizing striped and spotted patterns on a discrete reaction-diffusion model
- FPGA-Based Design for Motion Vector Estimation Exploiting High-Speed Imaging and Its Application to Motion Classification with Neural Networks