Anti-allergic effect of apple polyphenol on patients with atopic dermatitis : A pilot study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-03-01
合田 幸弘
National Institute of Health Sciences
GODA Yukihiro
National Institute of Health Sciences
TOYODA Masatake
National Institute of Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University
Department of Pediatrics, Kansai Medical University
Department of Pediatrics, Kansai Medical University
Goda Y
National Institute Of Health Sciences
Kanda T
Nikka Whisky Distilling Co. Ltd. Aomori Jpn
Toyoda M
Jissen Women's Univ.
Toyoda Masatake
Faculty Of Human Life Sciences Jissen Women's University
Goda Yukihiro
National Inst. Of Health Sciences
Taniuchi Shoichiro
Department Of Paediatrics Kansai Medical University
Kobayashi Yohnosuke
Department Of Paediatrics Kansai Medical University
Kobayashi Y
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University Sagamiko
KOJIMA Takatsugu
Department of Pediatrics, Kansai Medical University
Department of Pediatrics, Kansai Medical University
Sasai Misa
Department Of Pediatrics Kansai Medical University
Takeda Mitsuharu
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Taniuchi S
Department Of Pediatrics Kansai Medical University
Kawashima Y
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University Sagamiko
Akiyama Hiroshi
Division Of Novel Foods And Immunochemistry National Institute Of Health Science
Akiyama Hiroshi
National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Department of Paediatrics, Kansai Medical University
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