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A hand-held spectrophotometer was used for the quantitative evaluation of PCA caused by anti-TNP-IgE and TNP-BSA. A good relationship existed between the dilution of sera and the value of ΔE^*ab (a numerical expression of color) obtained by a hand-held spectrophotometer. In addition, the value of ΔE^*ab and the amount of Evans blue measured by the conventional colorimetric method correlated well. Because the method using a hand-held spectrophotometer provides a simple and objective analysis, it appears that the method is suitable as a substitute for the conventional method, which is time-consuming and requires killing animals cruelly.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1996-08-15
National Institute of Health Sciences
Sawada Junichi
Project Team For Pharmacogenetics National Institute Of Health Sciences
合田 幸弘
National Institute of Health Sciences
Sawada Jun-ichi
National Institute Of Health Sciences
Teshima R
National Inst. Of Health Sciences
Teshima Reiko
国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 機能生化学部
GODA Yukihiro
National Institute of Health Sciences
TOYODA Masatake
National Institute of Health Sciences
Teshima Reiko
National Institute Of Health Science
Goda Y
National Institute Of Health Sciences
Toyoda M
Jissen Women's Univ.
Toyoda Masatake
Faculty Of Human Life Sciences Jissen Women's University
Goda Yukihiro
National Inst. Of Health Sciences
Teshima Reiko
National Inst. Of Health Sciences
Sawada J
Mie Univ. School Of Medicine Mie Jpn
Takeda Mitsuharu
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
National Institute of Health Sciences
FUJIMORI Kannosuke
National Institute of Health Sciences
Sawada J
National Inst. Of Health Sci. Tokyo Jpn
Akiyama Hiroshi
National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
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- Identification and Detection Method for Genetically Modified Papaya Resistant to Papaya Ringspot Virus YK Strain
- Quantification of Pork, Chicken and Beef by Using a Novel Reference Molecule
- A Real-Time Quantitative PCR Detection Method for Pork, Chicken, Beef, Mutton, and Horseflesh in Foods
- Effective induction of oral anaphylaxis to ovalbumin in mice sensitized by feeding of the antigen with aid of oil emulsion and salicylate
- Identification and Detection of Genetically Modified Papaya Resistant to Papaya Ringspot Virus Strains in Thailand