- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本食品衛生学会の論文
- 1999-12-05
内部 博泰
Japan Food Research Laboratories
柳 俊彦
Japan Food Research Laboratories
TOYODA Masatake
National Institute of Health Sciences
Iida T
Fukuoka Institute Of Health And Environmental Sciences
Yanagi Toshihiko
Japan Food Research Laboratories
Iida Takao
Fukuoka Institute Of Health And Environmental Sciences
Toyoda M
National Inst. Health Sci. Tokyo Jpn
Toyoda M
National Institute Of Health Sciences
HORI Tsuguhide
Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences
UCHIBE Hiroyasu
Japan Food Research Laboratories
KONO Youichi
Japan Food Research Laboratories Tama Laboratory
Yanagi Toshihiko
Japan Food Research Laboratories Tama Laboratory
豊田 正武
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
- 日本における市販ベビーフード中のPCDDs, PCDFsおよびCo-PCBsの汚染レベル
- Multiplex PCR法を用いた組換えトウモロコシ5系統からの組換え遺伝子の検知法
- Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor by Some Vegetable Constituents Determined Using in Vitro Reporter Gene Assay
- Preliminary Screening of the lnhibitory Effect of Food Extracts on Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Induced by 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
- Frequency of Mutations of the Transgene, which might Result in the Loss of the Glyphosate-Tolerant Phenotype, was Lowered in Roundup Ready^[○!R] Soybeans
- The Effect of Feeding Carrots on Immunoglobulin E Production and Anaphylactic Response in Mice
- Dioxin Concentrations in Commercial Health Tea Materials in Japan
- 食品中のダイオキシン類測定の前処理における硫酸処理法と多層シリカゲルカラムクロマトグラフ法の比較
- プレパック多層シリカゲルカラムを用いた前処理による食品中のダイオキシン類分析
- 野菜中ダイオキシン類測定における振とう抽出法と還流抽出法の比較
- 日本における市販食品中のPCDDs,PCDFs 及び Coplanar PCBsの含有量
- 日本における食事経由のPCDDs,PCDFs 及び Coplanar PCBsの摂取量
- Inhibition of Human Lanosterol Synthase by the Constituents of Colocasia esculenta (Taro)(Pharmacognosy)
- Effect of α-Linolenic Acid on the Metabolism of ω-3 and ω-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Histamine Release in RBL-2H3 Cells
- The concepts of the new criteria for Yusho poisoning
- 市販食用青色1号に含まれる付随色素の解明
- Inhibitory Activity of 5-Thio-D-glucose on Plant Growth
- 調理による小松菜中のポリ塩化ダイオキシン及びその関連化合物の消長
- 日本における1977年から1998年までの食品由来PCDDs,PCDFs及びCo-PCBsの1日摂取量の減少
- Antiallergic Effect of Apple Polyphenols on the Allergic Model Mouse
- Anti-allergic effect of apple polyphenol on patients with atopic dermatitis : A pilot study
- 市販食用緑色3号中の付随色素の構造解析
- Relationship Between Cardiac Glycoside Contents and Color of Corchorus olitorius Seeds
- 遺伝子組換えとうもろこしCBH351のBNラット並びにB10Aマウスへの90日間混餌投与による免疫系への影響
- Gas Chromatographic Determination of Dibutyl-hydroxytoluene in Butter
- LC/MSによる5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate Synthaseの酵素活性の測定
- Inhibitory Effects of Apple Polyphenol on Induced Histamine Release from RBL-2H3 Cells and Rat Mast Cells
- Expression of 135-kDa Insecticidal Protein Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 畜産食品中のHPLC-UVによるチアベンダゾール及び5-ヒドロキシチアベンダゾールの定量
- Hydrocarbon Productions in Hexane Solutions of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Irradiated with Gamma Rays
- 遺伝子組換え食品導入蛋白質(CP4-EPSPS, Cry1Ab)の熱感受性並びにin vitro 分解性試験
- Identification of Irradiation of Boned Chicken by Determination of o-Tyrosine and Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometry
- Evaluation of Several Dosimeters for Identification of Irradiated Foods Using a 5 MeV Electron Beam
- Capability for Identification of Gamma-Irradiated Bovine Liver by New High Sensitivity Comet Assay
- Detection of Irradiation of Meats by HPLC Determination for o-Tyrosine Using Novel LASER Fluorometric Detection with Automatic Pre-column Reaction
- 遺伝子組換え, 非組換え大豆のマウス, ラットへの混餌投与による免疫系への影響
- Determination of o-Tyrosine Production in Aqueous Solutions of Phenylalanine Irradiated with Gamma Ray, Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Automated Pre-column Derivatization and LASER Fluorometric Detection
- トウモロコシからの組換え遺伝子の検知法
- Root-growth Inhibition by DL-Homocysteine Thiolactone and Its Related Compounds
- Formation of a 3-(Phenylamino)alanine Contaminant in EMS-associated L-Tryptophan
- Prenatal exposure to PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in relation to birth weight
- Improvement in dioxin analysis of human blood and their concentrations in blood of Yusho patients
- Specific Detection of Buckwheat Residues in Processed Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Specific Detection of Wheat Residues in Processed Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction
- コ-ヒ-豆及び穀類中のオクラトキシンAの迅速分析法
- Simple HPLC Determination of Aflatoxins B_1, B_2, G_1 and G_2 in Nuts and Corn
- 4-(N,N-dimethylaminosulhonyl)-7-fluoro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole(DBD-F)を用いたプレカラムHPLC法によるとうもろこし中のフモニシンB1,B2の定量〔英文〕
- 検査機関におけるGLP導入と検査精度
- Studies on Chemical Analysis of Mycothoxin(Analysis of sterigmatocystin and 5-methoxysterigmatocystin using highperformance liquid chromatography with voltammetry detection)