Conjugated Ketonic Fatty Acids from Pleurocybella porrigens
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Three novel conjugated long-chain fatty acids (1-3) were obtained from aqueous methanol extracts of Pleurocybella porrigens together with nine known constituents including (8E,10E)-7,12-dioxo-8,10-octadecadienoic acid (ostopanic acid) (4). The structures of the new fatty acids were characterized as (14RS)-(10E,12E)-14-hydroxy-9-oxo-10,12-octadecadienoic acid (1), (12RS)-(8E,10E)-12-hydroxy-7-oxo-8,10-octadecadienoic acid (2), and (10E,12E)-9,14-dioxo-10,12-octadecadienoic acid (3) by spectroscopic methods.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-08-01
伊東 秀之
Maitani Tamio
Maitani Tamio
National Institute of Health Sciences
吉田 隆志
Department Of Pharmacognosy College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Matsuyama University
波多野 力
Department Of Pharmacognosy Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayam
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Matsuyama University
AMAKURA Yoshiaki
National Institute of Health Sciences
KONDO Kazunari
National Institute of Health Sciences
National Institute of Health Sciences
ITO Hideyuki
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
HATANO Tsutomu
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Maitani Tamio
Division of Foods, National Institute of Health Sciences
Hatano Tsutomu
Hatano Tsutomu
Division Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pha
Hatano Tsutomu
Okayama Univ. Okayama Jpn
Hatano Tsutomu
岡山大学 医歯薬学総合研究科分子微生物学
吉田 哲也
土屋 博紀
Asahi Univ. School Of Dentistry Gifu Jpn
土屋 博紀
Ito Hideyuki
Department Of Pharmacognosy Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceuti
Kondo Kazunari
National Inst. Of Health Sciences
Maitani T
Division Of Foods National Institute Of Health Sciences
KITTA Kazumi
National Food Research Institute
Yoshida T
Department Of Pharmacognosy College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Matsuyama University
Takahashi Y
Research And Development Headquaters Hokuriku Seivaku Co. Ltd.
Yoshida T
Hokuriku Seiyaku Co. Ltd. Fukui Jpn
Yoshida T
Department Of Microbiology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Kitta Kazumi
National Food Res. Inst.
Amakura Yoshiaki
Department Of Pharmacognosy College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Matsuyama University
Yoshida T
College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Matsuyama University
Machiguchi Takahisa
Faculty Of Science Saitama University
Maitani Tamio
National Institute For Environmental Studies
吉田 隆志
College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Matsuyama University
Yoshida Takuji
Showa Pharmaceutical University
米谷 民雄
Division Of Foods National Institute Of Health Sciences
Yoshida Takashi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyusyu University
Akiyama H
Real Estate Science Graduate School Of Science And Technology Nihon University
波多野 力
Ito Hideyuki
Department Of Pharmacognosy Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine D
Akiyama Hiroshi
Division Of Novel Foods And Immunochemistry National Institute Of Health Science
Akiyama Hiroshi
National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Yoshida Takashi
Faculty Of Agriculture And Life Science Hirosaki University
Hatano Tsutomu
Okayama Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Okayama Jpn
Kondo Kazunari
National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
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