- 論文の詳細を見る
The chemical composition of fall chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta muscle was determined and compared with that of feeding migrating migrating one (summer chum) in order to characterize the muscle of fall chum in respect to its utilization. Proximate compositions of the muscles of fall and summer chum were 16% and 20% protein, 1.6% and 8.5% lipid, and 80% and 72% moisture, respectively. The data calculated per whole fish muscle showed that the protein amout of fall chum was nearly comparable to that of summer chum. Lipid amount of fall chum was 130-140g less than that of summer chum. The amount of muscle (edible portion) of fall chum was 640-950g more than that of summer chum, the increment roughly matching that of the moisture in the fall muscle.
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