In-situ Observation of the Three-Dimensional Nano-Structure Growth on Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition by Scanning Electron Microscope
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-05-25
Kometani Reo
Graduate School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Kometani Reo
Univ. Tokyoi Tokyo Jpn
Ishihara Sunao
Graduate School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
KAITO Takashi
SII NanoTechnology Inc.
Kometani Reo
Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
KAITO Takashi
CREST JST, Japan Science and Technology Co.
KAITO Takashi
Seiko Instruments Inc.
Ishihara Sunao
Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Manaka Susumu
Fundamental Research Laboratories Nec Corporation
Matsui S
Graduate School Of Science Laboratory Of Advanced Science And Technology For Industry (lasti) Univer
SII Nano Technology Inc.
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- Three-Dimensional Nanoimprint Mold Fabrication by Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition
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