Decay of Nuclear Magnetization in the Randomly Diluted Antiferromagnets Fe_xZn_<1-x>F_2 and Mn_xZn_<1-x>F_2
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The decay of the "F nuclear magnetization P(t) of the F ions with no magneticnearest neighbors has been studied in the diluted antiferromagnets Fe.Zn. .F. andMn.Zn. .F. at T>T.. If one represents P(t) by the function exp { -(t/T.)"j, it isfound that n varies from l to 0.5 with decreasing x for the long time decay, but n isunity independent of x for the initial decay at 300 K. This characteristic behavior is ex-plicable using the theory of Thayamballi and Hone for Pat) in diluted antifer-romagnets.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-03-15
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Jaccarino V
Univ. California
Jaccarino V
Department Of Physics University Of California:department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Chiba Univer
ITOH Masayuki
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Allan R
Department of Physics,University of California
Department of Physics,University of California
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute For Chemistry Research Kyoto University
Allan R
Department Of Physics University Of California:department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Chiba Univer
Itoh Masayuki
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute Fo Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
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