_<63,65>Cu-NMR Study of Oxidized and Reduced Nd_2-xCe_xCuO_4
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Cu-NMR measurements have been performed on oxidized and reduced Nd. .Ce.Cub, (0.10< x< 0.18, y - 4). The electric field gradient at the Cu site was found to bequite small compared to Nd.CuO., suggesting that the local electronic state of the Cusite changes drastically with carrier doping, in contrast to the hole-doped systems. Amagnetically ordered state was observed in the metalliclike Nd...,Ce...,Cu0, (oxi-dized) specimen. The atomic hyperfine field in this ordered state was found to berather small compared to those of the parent compound of cuprate superconductors..This indicates a small hyperfine coupling constant or the reduction of the averagedspin moment in the metalliclike specimen.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-02-15
TOKURA Yoshinori
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Tokura Yoshinori
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
KAMBE Shinsaku
Institute for Soled State Physics,University of Tokyo
Takagi Hidenori
Engineering Research Institute Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute For Chemistry Research Kyoto University
Kambe Shinsaku
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
UCHIDA Shin-ichi
Engineering Research Institute,Faculty of Engineering,University of Tokyo
Tokura Yoshinori
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo : Joint Research Center For Atom Technology (jrcat)
Uchida S
The Department Of Advanced Materials Science The University Of Tokyo
Uchida S
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute Fo Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Tokura Yoshinori
Department Of Applied Physics And Quantum Phase Electronics Center University Of Tokyo
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