^<51>V Knight Shift and Quadrupole Interaction in the Low-Temperature Phase of LiVO_2
- 論文の詳細を見る
The ' V Knight sltift and tlte quadrupole interaction in a triangular lattice cornpotund LiVOz have been studied by means of the pulsed-NMR technique below thetransition temperature T, of about 450 K. From tlte analysis of the NMR spectrum,we determined the princtpal values ol- tlte electric field gradient (EFG) ter?sor and theKnight shift con?ponents along the principal axes ol' the EF'G tensor. The Knight shiftwas found to be temperature independent, and its anisotropy could be attributed tothe anisotropy of the Van Vleck orbital susceptibility. Spin contributiort to the suscep-tibility is largely reduced below T, indicating a nonmagnetic spin-singlet state prob-bid h I ' ""a y ue to 1 e c usterung ol V IOIIS.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-11-15
UEDA Yutaka
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
秋光 純
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin University
Ueda Yutaka
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Aoyama-Gakuin University
Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Kikuchi J
Kikui-branch Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Kikuchi J
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Akimitsu Jun
Department Of Physics And Mathematics Aoyama Gakuin University
Akimitsu Jun
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Engineering Aoyama-gakuin University
KAMBE Shinsaku
Institute for Soled State Physics,University of Tokyo
Kambe Shinasaku
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute For Chemistry Research Kyoto University
Kanbe Shinsaku
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Kambe Shinsaku
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kambe Shinsaku
Cea/dsm-department De Recherche Fondamentale Sur La Matiere Condensee Spsms
Tomimoto Koukichi
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Engineering Aoyama-gakuin University
Tomimoto Koukichi
Department Of Physics Aoyama-gakuin University
Kikuchi J
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Kikuchi Jun
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Institute Fo Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Ueda Yutaka
Institute For Solid State Physic The University Of Tokyo
Kambe S
Advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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