Deuterium Effect on Both Interface-State Generation and Stress-Induced-Leakage-Current under Fowler-Nordheim Electron Injection
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-08-28
Toriumi Akira
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory Research & Development Center, Toshiba Co.
Mitani Yuichiro
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Mitani Yuichiro
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
Toriumi Akira
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Research & Development Center Toshiba Co.
Satake Hideki
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Satake Hideki
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
ITO Hitoshi
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Toshiba Corp.
Toriumi Akira
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
Ito H
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Toshiba Corp.
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