- 論文の詳細を見る
Concentrations of five isoflavones, daidzin, glycitin, genistin, daidzein and genistein, in various soybean materials in soy process and soybean products (miso, natto and tempe) were determined by HPLC. Soybean and defatted soybean contained large amount of daidzin and genistin and the concentrations of their aglycone compounds, daidzein and genistein, in these materials were low. Isoflavone concentration of soybean husk was very low (below 0.01% dry weight). Although isoflavones were detected in various soybean fermented products such as miso, natto and tempe, but not in soy sauce. Soy sauce oil contained large amount of isoflavone aglycones (daidzein: 0.09 mg/ml and genistein: 0.47 mg/ml). Soy sauce oil as well as soy sauce lee would become a new good material for the supply of these important isoflavones.
- 日本食品化学学会の論文
- 1999-11-27
野中 源一郎
石丸 幹二
西川 和孝
佐藤 寿美子
高橋 英昭
Ishimaru Kanji
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
野中 源一郎
Imamura K
Saga Univ. Saga Jpn
石丸 幹二
佐賀大学農学部 応用生物科学科
- セイタカアワダチソウのポリフェノール含量の季節変動と組織別差異
- Penicillium、FusariumまたRoselliniaにより発酵処理した緑茶エキスの化学成分
- セイタカアワダチソウの組織培養とポリフェノール類生産
- ゲラニイン含有植物の加工処理と生成物の解析
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- 茶カテキン-大豆タンパク質複合体の抽出エキス及び化合物の抗菌活性
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- アラカシの組織培養と二次代謝に関する研究
- Tannins and Related Compounds. CXVII. Isolation and Characterization of Three New Ellagitannins, Lagerstannins A, B and C, Having a Gluconic Acid Core, from Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) PERS
- Bergeninを生産するユキノシタ培養根の香気成分
- ポリマー断片化によるプロアントシアニジンオリゴマーの製造方法
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- ヒマラヤヤマボウシ不定根の抗酸化およびラジカル捕捉活性
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- ナス(Solanum melongena L.)培養組織の成分解析
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- Tannins and Related Phenolics in Callus and Root Cultures of Quercus glauca
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- 81 柿の脱渋機構の化学的解明(ポスター発表の部)
- Tannins and Related Compounds. XVII. Galloylhamameloses from Castanea crenata L. and Sanguisorba officinalis L.
- カナダサワギキョウ毛状根におけるポリアセチレン類生産
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LXIV. : Six New Phenol Glucoside Gallates from Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii NAKAI. (2)
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LXIII. : Isolation and Characterization of Mongolicains A and B, Novel Tannins from Quercus and Castanopsis Species
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LXXXV. : Structures of Novel C-Glycosidic Ellagitannins, Grandinin and Pterocarinins A and B
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- Lobelia erinus L. の組織培養と二次代謝に関する研究
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LXXII. : Isolation and Characterization of Mongolicanin (Procyanidino-ellagitannin), Mongolinin A, Acutissimin C and Vescalagin Carboxylic Acid, Novel Tannins from Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LXXI. : Isolation and Characterization of Mongolicins A and B, Novel Flavono-ellagitannins from Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata
- サクラダソウ(Pratia nummularia)のフラボノイドおよびポリアセチレン成分--化学および生理活性の解析とバイオテクノロジー
- 毛状根による有用物質生産 (毛状根の誘導とその利用)
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- ロベリアソウ毛状根培養におけるポリアセチレン類生産
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- フウリンソウの毛状根培養と二次代謝
- Tannins and Related Compounds in Callus and Root Cultures of Cornus capitata
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- Anthocyanins in Lobelia chinensis Hairy Roots
- Chromosomal locations of genes related to flavonoid and anthocyanin production in leaf sheath of shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group)
- 固相マイクロ抽出法によるヘリオトロープの香気成分の分析
- Plant Regeneration from Wahlenbergia marginata Hairy Root Cultures
- Blackstonia perfoliataおよび3種のGentiana属植物の組織培養と二次代謝成分
- Effects of Salicylic Acid on the Production of Procyanidin and Anthocyanin in Cultured Grape Cells
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LV. Isolation and Characterization of Acutissimins A and B, Novel Tannins from Quercus and Castanea Species(Organic,Chemical)
- Tannins and Related Compounds. LI. Elucidation of the Stereochemistry of the Triphenoyl Moiety in Castalagin and Vescalagin, and Isolation of 1-O-Galloyl Castalagin from Eugenia grandis(Organic,Chemical)
- New Anthocyanins from Purple Pods of Pea (Pisum spp.)
- Secondary Metabolites in the Leaves of Paederia lanuginosa Wall.
- アメリカフウ (Liquidambar styraciflua) のカルス培養におけるタンニン類生産
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- セイヨウオトギリソウの根およびカルス培養におけるシュート形成
- ダイオウ (Rheum palmatum L.) の細胞懸濁および根培養における (+)-catechin 生産
- Blackstonia perfoliataおよび3種のGentiana属植物の組織培養と二次代謝成分
- Cornus capitata培養根のポリフェノール成分
- Polyacetylene production in transformed root cultures of Campanula lactiflora
- New Benzoxepin Glucoside from Transformed Root Cultures of Helianthus annuus L.
- Rutin and Other Polyphenols in Fagopyrum esculentum Hairy Roots
- Flavonoid and polyacetylene from Pratia nummularia(Natural Medicine Note)
- Phenolics in Tissue Cultures of Scutellaria
- New phenolic compounds from Camellia sinensis L. leaves fermented with Aspergillus sp.
- New iridoid diesters of glucopyranose from Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum.
- 茶catechin類から生成するteadenol類
- HPLC及びHPLC-TOFMSによる茶catechin類とteadenol類の分析
- ワレモコウ (Sanguisorba officinalis L.) の毛状根培養によるタンニン類生産
- ニホンナシおよびウンシュウミカン幼果抽出液の抗酸化活性について
- Growth and Lobeline Production of Lobelia inflata Hairy Roots
- テンペタンパク質による茶カテキン類の分離法
- 発酵茶の生理活性物質 teadenols A, B とカテキン類の含量比較
- 各種中国茶製品に含まれるteadenol類の含量調査
- 煮熟操作が佐賀県産「正月豆」の抗酸化能に及ぼす影響
- 二倍体及び四倍体ショウガの抽出エキス及び化合物の抗菌活性
- 各種中国茶製品に含まれる teadenol 類の含量調査
- 二倍体および四倍体ショウガの二次代謝成分