Substrate Specificity of Aqualysin I, a Bacterial Thermophilic Alkaline Serine Protease from Thermus aquaticus YT-1 : Comparison with Proteinase K, Subtilisin BPN' and Subtilisin Carlsberg
- 論文の詳細を見る
Aqualysin I is the alkaline serine protease isolated from an extreme thermophile, Thermus aquaticus YT-1. We analyzed kinetic properties of aqualysin I, using sixteen kinds of chromogenic succinyl-tripeptide p-nitroanilides as substrates. And we compared the substrate specificity of aqualysin I with those of proteinase K, subtilisin BPN', and subtilisin Carlsberg. We found that aqualysin I had three subsites, S1,S2,and S3,in the substrate binding site. S1 site preferred alanine and phenylalanine. S2 site preferred alanine and norleucine. And S3 site preferred phenylalanine and isoleucine. These specificities were similar to those of proteinase K and subtilisin BPN'. The specificity of subtilisin Carlsberg differed from those of other enzymes.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1998-11-23
Ohta T
Hokkaido Food Processing Res. Center Hokkaido Jpn
Tanaka T
Biofrontier Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Tanaka T
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi Hiroshima Jpn
Mori Hiroaki
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Department of Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo
OHTA Takahisa
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Tanaka T
Bio-organic Chemistry Laboratory Institute For Fundamental Research Suntory Research Center
Tanaka Takaaki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Ohta Takahisa
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Matsuzawa H
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Aomori University
TANAKA Terumichi
Department of Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo
Tanaka T
Division Of Life Science And Biotechnology Department Of Ecological Engineering Toyohashi University
Tanaka Takaaki
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Niigata University
Tanaka Terumichi
Division Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Department Of Ecological Engineering Toyohashi University O
Matsuzawa Hiroshi
Department Of Biotechnology And Biotechnology Research Center The University Of Tokyo
Matsuzawa Hiroshi
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Aomori University
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
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