Polymerization Degree of Oligomethionine to Determine Its Bioavailability When Added to a Low-protein Diets
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Oligo-L-methionine ethylester (OMOEt) prepared by the papain-catalyzed oligomerization of L-methionine ethylester (MetOEt) is a mixture of pentamer to dodecamer and has nearly the same supplementary effect as free methionine (Met) for the growth of rats when added to a low casein diet, but its supplementary effect to a low-soy protein isolate (SPI) diet is not consistent and depends on the degree of polymerization. Rats were fed for 2wk with an 8% casein or 10% SPI diet supplemented with 0.3% L-Met, each chemically synthesized Met_nOEt with a polymerization degree (n) of 6, 7, 8, or 9, or with OMOEt prepared by papain-catalyzed polymerization of MetOEt. Met_6OEt, Met_7OEt, and Met_8OEt had nearly the same supplementary effect on the growth of rats, as did free Met, both with the 8% casein and 10% SPI diets. The supplementary effect of Met_9OEt was not significantly lower than that of Met when added to the 8% casein diet, but was significantly lower when added to the 10% SPI diet. The digestibility of Met_9OEt supplemented to the 8% casein and 10% SPI diets was 50.5% and 35.6%, respectively. It appears likely that there is a gap in the bioavailability of oligomethionine between the octamer and nonamer when added to a low-protein diet, probably due to the rigidity of the structure increasing with the polymerization degree by α-helix formation. Although the differences in absorption rate of Met from OMOEt for a short time after feeding has been related to the different effects of supplemented OMOEt, the absorption rate of OMOEt for 30 min after feeding was not considered to be the main cause of the differential effects of OMOEt in this experiment.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1996-05-23
Tanaka T
Biofrontier Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd.
TANAKA Tomoyuki
Departments of'Pathology and Biology of Diseases
Tanaka T
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi Hiroshima Jpn
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Universty
KASAI Takanori
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Tanaka T
Bio-organic Chemistry Laboratory Institute For Fundamental Research Suntory Research Center
Tanaka Takaaki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Kasai T
Laboratory Of Food Biochemistry Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkai
Kasai Takanori
Department Of Agricultura Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Tanaka T
Division Of Life Science And Biotechnology Department Of Ecological Engineering Toyohashi University
Kiriyama S
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Kiriyama Shuhachi
Department Of Agricultura Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Tanaka Takaaki
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Niigata University
Tanaka Terumichi
Division Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Department Of Ecological Engineering Toyohashi University O
Tanaka Tomoyuki
Department Of Microbiology Wakayama Medical College
TANAKA Tomoyuki
Department of Biochience and Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
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