Effects of dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation in chicken breast meat
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-08-01
山内 清
山内 清
Muguruma Michio
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Miyazaki
Muguruma Michio
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Muguruma Michio
Laboratory Of Food Science And Nutrition Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty
Muguruma Michio
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Kawahara Satoshi
Univ. Miyazaki
Kawahara Satoshi
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture
Takenoyama Shin-ichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Muguruma M
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
Kawahara S
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Yamauchi Kiyoshi
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Miyazaki
Yamauchi Kiyoshi
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka City University
Faculty of Health and Nutrition, Minami-Kyushu University
TAKUMA Kazuaki
Research and Development, Marui Agricultural Cooperation Farm, Ltd.
山内 清
Takenoyama Shin-ichi
Faculty Of Health And Nutrition Minami-kyushu University
Takuma Kazuaki
Research And Development Marui Agricultural Cooperation Farm Ltd.
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