New amphiphiles : 2'3'-Di-O-acyl-5'-nucleotides
山内 清
Ito Hidenori
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Institute For Developmental Research Aichi Human Service Center
Ito Hidenori
Department Of Biochemistry Institute For Developmental Research Aichi Human Service Center
Yamauchi Kiyoshi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University
Kinoshita Masayoshi
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka City University
Kinoshita Masayoshi
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Osaka City University
"Yamauchi Kiyoshi
"Department of Bioapplied Chemistry, Osaka City University
Sekimoto Ken-ichi
Department of Bioapplied Chemistry, Osaka City University
Kinoshita Masayoshi"
Department of Bioapplied Chemistry, Osaka City University"
Yamauchi Kiyoshi
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka City University
Sekimoto Ken-ichi
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Osaka City University
山内 清
Ito Hidenori
Department Of Bioapplied Chemistry Osaka City University
Kinoshita Masayoshi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University
- Maoto, a Kampo medicine, suppresses human serum-induced motility of human breast cancer cells
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- .BETA.-Disulfoxides. II. The preparation of some optically active .BETA.-disulfoxides.
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