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Green tea Growth of Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 (Leuc.P-60) and other lactic acid bacteria was inhibited by aqueous extract of tea leaves. On the other hand, extracts of more than 21 species of higher plant had no inhibitory effect on the growth of Leuc. P-60 The dialysate, but not dialized residue,showed inhibitory effect. Active factors were extracted by ethyl-acetate or n-butanol from an acidic aqueous solution at pH 2, and the absorption spectra of the active fractions were resembled to those of polyphenols. Inhibitory patterns of green tea using Tamura & Tsunoda's improved medium and GYP medium for the growth of Leuc. P-60 were resembled to those of tannic acid, and the four polyphenols,(-)-epigallocatechin (EGC),(-)-epigallocatechingallate (EGCG),(-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and (-)-epicatechin (EC) isolated from green tea were found to be inhibitory for the growth of the lactic acid bacteria. The growth inhibition of Leuc. P-60 by tannic acid and Polyphenols of green tea was recovered by addition of protein in the culture medium. Damage and recovery of cell wall were observed under the electron microscope. To clarify the mechanism of interaction between protein and polyphenols, proteins denatured by urea or by chemical modification were added to a culture medium containing polyphenols in the threshold amount of growth inhibition. Addition of proteins denatured by urea, modified by carboxymethylation of methionine or histidine residues or modified by di-isopropylfluorophosphoric acid at serine residues recovered the growth inhibition just like the addition of original protein. With the addition of protein modified by carboxymethylation at ε-amino group of lysine residue, or destruction of N-terminal amino acid and ε-amino group of lysine residue by nitrite, the growth inhibition was not recovered. The growth inhibition of Leuc. P-60 was recovered by the addition of ovalbumin having acetylated N-terminal amino acid residue in a medium contained the threshold ammount of polyphenol. Results showed that combination of polyphenols and proteins assumed to occure at ε-amino group of lysine residue of proteins. Mangrove bark In the making of coconut wine at local factories in the Philippines, mangrove bark is added to prevent acidification of the product. This communication deals with the function of the mangrove bark. It was found that the mangrove bark inhibits cell growth of various microorganisms more efficiently than green tea. Solvent extraction, incineration, dialysis and hydrolysis of mangrove bark suggested the inhibitory substances were polyphenols. The growth-inhibitory pattern of mangrove bark in both synthetic and natural media, like that of green tea, resembled that of tannic acid. However, the polyphenols of mangrove bark were proved by liquid chromatography to be quite different from those of green tea. Kakishibu Commercial Kadishibu (persimmon tannin), used as a clearing agent in the making of sake, was found to inhibit the cell growth of various microorganisms more efficiently than green tea. The growth-inhibitory substances in Kakishibu were proved to be different from those of green tea by dialysis, that is, the dialyzed inner solution showed the inhibitory effect. Of the 40 strains tested, comprising 23 mold, 9 of lactic acid bacteria, 2 Pseudomonas sp., 2 Acetobacter sp., 1 of Escherichia coli, and 3 of yeast, the cell growth of Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus coagulans, Acetobacter aceti and Penicillium chrysogenum were strongly inhibited by the Kakishibu. Hop In regards to the antimicrobial function of hop (Humulus lupulus L.), which is added to give a refreshing aroma and bitterness in the making of beer, fresh and old hop were compared. For this, the growth inhibiting pattern of polyphenols and resins found in hop was investigated. Hop showed an inhibitory pattern in synthetic and natural medimu against Leuc. P-60 that was quite similar to that showed by quercetin and o-coumaric acid. Old hop had a lower inhibiting activity towards lactic acid bacterial growth compared with that of fresh hop. Contrary to this, old hop showed a higher inhibiting activity against other microorganisms like Acetobacter sp. , Pseudomonus sp., E. coli and yeast strains. Results can be attributed to the fact that old hop has a lower inhibition activity of resins against Leuc, P-60 while the polyphenols in the old hop have a higher inhibition activity against the growth of Ps. fluorescens and S. cerevisiae studied.
- 帝京短期大学の論文
- 1991-12-10
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- フィリピンのヤシ酢における乳酸菌
- ポリフェノールの乳酸菌生育阻害とタンパク質による回復機構
- 乳酸菌の生育におよぼす緑茶抽出液の阻害物質について(その2)
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- ルーメン中のデキストラン分解菌の同定および糖の代謝経路
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- 有胞子酵母の血清学的類縁関係 : 有胞子酵母の血清学的研究(第2報)
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- 新規乳酸菌の探索
- フィリピン産餅麹ブボットおよび米酒の微生物相
- 凍結乾燥ケフィア グレイン(グルジア)より分離した乳酸菌の同定
- 保存食としての発酵食品 (生物資源(食糧))
- 漬物 (チルド食品) -- (農産加工品)
- 寒天平板による乳酸菌の糖類発酵性新試験法
- Sporolactobacillus inulinusの細胞壁について
- タイトル無し