In situ Monitoring of Product Species in Plasma Etching by Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-07-15
西川 恵子
西川 恵子
Ono K
Department Of Applied Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Ono K
Advanced Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation:(present Address)department Of Ae
Ono K
Univ. California Ca Usa
Ono K
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
ONO Kouichi
Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
TUDA Mutumi
Ad Advanced Technology R〓D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
TUDA Mutumi
Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
NAMBA Keisuke
Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Namba K
Semiconductor Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Ono K
The Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Tuda M
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Tuda Mutumi
Semiconductor Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Oomori T
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Tsuda M
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
Ono Kouichi
Semiconductor Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
- 2.ドライエッチングのモデルとその実験検証(ドライエッチングの科学と技術の新局面)
- イオン液体はなぜ結晶化しにくいのか--相転移を司る超低速ダイナミクスに迫る (摩訶不思議な第3の液体 特集 イオン液体--液体としての地位と役割)
- イオン液体研究の到達点と課題そして展望 (摩訶不思議な第3の液体 特集 イオン液体--液体としての地位と役割)
- 熱物性からみたイオン液体 : 特異な凝固・融解過程
- 小角X線散乱によるポリマーブレンド繊維の炭素化過程における細孔形成と構造評価
- 熱物性からみたイオン液体 (特集:いま注目のイオン液体)
- 極限条件下 特殊条件下の液体や溶液のゆらぎ (小角散乱特集)
- 国立大学等の法人化に伴う労働安全衛生法問題について
- Development of an Apparatus for High-Resolution Measurement of Permittivity of Fluids near the Critical Point and Detection of the Critical Anomaly for Supercritical Ethylene
- ゆらぎから見た超臨界流体 (超臨界最新技術特集第5号)
- ゆらぎと小角散乱
- Evaluation and Countermeasures of Convective Heat Transfer on Thermal Conductivity Measurement Using the Peltier Effect and Application to Supercritical CO_2
- 24pYA-6 ゆらぎからみた超臨界流体の構造
- 小角X線散乱による超臨界流体のゆらぎ構造の研究
- Development of Thermal Conductivity Measurement for Fluids Which is Convenient and Effective for Samples near the Critical Point
- Structure Change of Glass-like Carbon with Heat Treatment, Studied by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering : I. Glass-like Carbon Prepared from Phenolic Resin
- ガラス状炭素の小角X線散乱と黒鉛化挙動
- 1p-YT-4 超臨界相でのゆらぎ構造の密度依存性
- 回折法による超臨界流体のクラスタリングの研究 (マイクロクラスタ-科学の新展開) -- (液体の局所構造としてのクラスタ-)
- 4.高誘電率(High-k)材料のドライエッチング(ドライエッチングの科学と技術の新局面)
- 新しい液体『イオン液体』の科学
- 化学基礎講座 液体の構造を探る
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- Substrate Temperature Dependence of Carbon Incorporation into GaAs Grown by MBE Using Triethylgallium and As_4
- Highly Uniform, High-Purity GaAs Epitaxial Layer Grown by MBE Using Triethylgallium and Arsenic : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- 1.はじめに(ドライエッチングの科学と技術の新局面)
- 8.おわりに(ドライエッチングの科学と技術の新局面)
- 最近の展望 マイクロプラズマスラスター
- 第58回気体エレクトロニクス会議(58th Gaseous Electronics Conference)
- マイクロプラズマスラスターの研究開発 (特集 宇宙高温工学)
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- Numerical Analysis of the Electromagnetic Fields in a Microwave Plasma Source Excited by Azimuthally Symmetric Surface Waves
- Si ドライエッチング技術
- 3.1 プラズマエッチング : 3. プラズマプロセス装置におけるプラズマ・表面相互作用(プラズマ・表面相互作用) : 多様なPSI現象
- 先端プラズマエッチングプロセスのモデリングと体系化
- Construction of a Sample Cell of Poisonous Organic Solvents in Supercritical State for Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Measurements
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Hetero-Interface between Manganese Pnictide and Mn-Zn Ferrite
- Epitaxial Growth of InAs on Single-Crystalline Mn-Zn Ferrite Substrates
- Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Preparation of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Thin Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid Sources
- Step Coverage and Electrical Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition Using TiO(DPM)_2 ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Effect of Impurity at SiO_2/Si Interface on 2D Hole Gas
- Generalized Grazing Incidence-Angle X-Ray Diffraction Studies on InAs Quantum Dots on Si(100) Substrates
- The Effect of Surface Cleaning by Wet Treatments and Ultra High Vacuum Annealing for Ohmic Contact Formation of P-Type GaN
- Spin State Analysis of Epitaxial Mn Compound Films Using High Resolution X-Ray Fluorescence
- Chemical States of Piled-up Phosphorus and Arsenic Atoms at the SiO2/Si Interface (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on SRMS(Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science)(2))
- Simulation of 2-Dimensional Hole Gas for PMOS Devices with Phosphorus Pile-Up
- Characterization of Phosphorus Pile-Up at the SiO_2/Si Interface
- 「ゆらぎの構造化学」確立をめざして : 「乱れ」の定量化実験と格闘
- 230 ポリカプロラクトンの二酸化炭素超臨界雰囲気中での劣化(OS 高分子および高分子複合材料)
- 16.石炭加熱過程における細孔表面のフラクタル次元変化
- 超臨界流体の特性と利用
- 29p-B-6 超臨界流体のゆらぎ構造
- In Situ Fourier Transform Infrared Measurements of Si Surface and Bulk Plasmas in Cl_2/O_2 and HBr/O_2 Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Etching: Influence of Oxygen on Reaction Products
- In situ Monitoring of Product Species in Plasma Etching by Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- Anisotropic Etching of n^+-Polysilicon Using Beam Plasmas Generated by Gas Puff Plasma Sources
- Chemical Kinetics of Chlorine in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Etching of Si ( Plasma Processing)
- Multicusp Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma Source Working with Microwaves Radially Injected through an Annular Slit
- Measurement of the Cl Atom Concentration in RF Chlorine Plasmas by Two-Photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Plasma Chemical View of Magnetron and Reactive Ion Etching of Si with Cl_2 : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Plasma Chemical View of Magnetron and Reactive Ion Etching of Si with Cl_2
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Study on Interface between Molecular-Beam-Grown Pt Film and Si (111) Substrate
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope Observation of Topography of Molecular-Bearm-Epitaxy-Grown Pt Films on Cu Buffer Layer and Si(111)-(7×7) Substrate
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- Enhanced Magnetic Valve Effect and Magneto-Coulomb Oscillations in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Transistor
- Magnetoresistance of Ni/NiO/Co Small Tunnel Junctions in Coulomb Blockade Regime
- A New Fabrication Method for Ultra Small Tunnel Junctions
- Modal-Matching Analysis of Loss in Bent Graded-Index Optical Slab Waveguides
- Coupled-Mode Analysis of Loss in Bent Single-Mode Optical Fibers
- Coupled-Mode Analysis of Bent Planar Waveguides with Finite Claddings
- Pure Bend Loss of TM Modes in Slab Optical Waveguides Bounded by Magnetic Walls
- Pure Bend Loss Evaluation of Slab Waveguide with Finite Claddings by Coupled-Mode Theory
- Etching for 0.15-μm-Level Patterns with Low Microloading Effect Using Beam Plasmas Generated by Gas Puff Plasma Sources
- Simulation of Ion Trajectories near Submicron-Patterned Surface Including Effects of Local Charging and Ion Drift Velocity toward Wafer ( Plasma Processing)
- Platinum Etching and Plasma Characteristics in RF Magnetron and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasmas
- Conformal Step Coverage of (Ba,Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source CVD Using Ti(t-BuO)_2(DPM)_2
- Conformal Step Coverage of (Ba,Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source CVD Using Ti(t-BuO)_2(DPM)_2
- Effects of Post-Annealing on Dielectric Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Thin Films Prepared by Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition(Special Issue on Advanced Memory Devices Using High-ε and Ferroelectric Films)
- Mechanisms of X-Ray Radiation-Induced Damage in (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Capacitors
- Influence of Buffer Layers and Barrier Metals on Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Mechanisms of Synchrotron X-Ray Irradiation-Induced Damage in (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Capacitors
- A Mass Spectrometric Study of Reaction Mechanisms in Chemical Vapor Deposition of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films
- (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition on Ru Electrodes
- Reaction Mechanism and Electrical Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Surface Morphologies and Electrical Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Films Prepared by Two-Step Deposition of Liquid Source Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 小角X線散乱による多孔質炭素材料の細孔構造の研究
- イミダゾリウム系イオン液体の相転移挙動 (小特集 イオン液体(1)総論ならびに基礎物性研究の動向)
- Gate Voltage Dependence of the Resistance of a Two-Dimensional Array of Small Tunnel Junctions ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Chemical Potential Dependence of Resistance of Two-Dimensional Array of Small Tunnel Junctions
- イミダゾリウム系イオン液体の相転移挙動
- 超小型高周波イオン推進機におけるプラズマ源の周波数依存性
- 電気的手法を用いた物理的Si基板ダメージのプラズマプロセス依存性の検討(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- 物理的プラズマダメージによるMOSFETバラツキ増大予測のための包括モデル(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- マイクロプラズマスラスターの研究開発
- 超臨界流体の構造とゆらぎ
- 古典的分子動力学計算による物理的プラズマダメージ形成機構の検討 : Fin型MOSFETでの欠陥生成機構(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)
- プラズマチャージングダメージがMOSFETのRandom Telegraph Noise特性に及ぼす影響(プロセス科学と新プロセス技術)