Determination of Material Thermal Properties Using Photoacoustic Signals Detected by a Transparent Transducer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-05-30
堀田 将
Horita Susumu
Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
HATA Tomonobu
Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
Hata Toshio
Electrotechnical Laboratory:tokai University
Hayashi Shigenori
Semiconductor Equipment System Laboratory Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.
Konishi Hideaki
Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
Konishi Hideaki
Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
Miyabo Naoki
Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
堀井 將
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 材料科学研究科
Hata T
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Jpn
Hata Tomonobu
Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
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