Production of Isopropyl cis-6-Hexadecenoate by Regiospecific Desaturation of Isopropyl Palmitate by a Double Mutant of a Rhodococcus Strain
- 論文の詳細を見る
Resting cells of a double mutant noted as KSM-MT66,derived from Rhodococcus sp. strain KSM-B-3 by UV irradiation, were found to cis-desaturate isopropyl hexadecanoate, yielding isopropyl cis-6-hex-adecenoate. Addition of sodium glutamate (1.0%), Mg SO_4 (2 mM), and thiamine (2 mM) increased the productivity of the unsaturated product in phosphate buffer. Optimal temperature and pH for the reaction were around 26℃ and 7,respectively. Under the optimized conditions, more than 50 g/I of isopropyl cis-6-hexadecenoate was produced after a 3-day incubation by resting cells of the mutant. Thus, cis-6-hexadecenoic acid, the main component of human sebaceous lipids, can be manufactured economically by the rhodococcal bioconversion.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2000-02-23
Kimura Yoshinobu
The International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
Kimura Y
Department Of Biological And Environmental Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Kimura Y
Department Of Agricultural Science Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
Koike K
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toho University
Ito S
Extremobiosphere Research Center Of Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology (jamstec):c
ITO Susumu
Tochigi Research laboratories, Kao Corporation
Koike Kenzo
Tochigi Research Laboratories, Kao Corporation
ARA Katsutoshi
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
Inoue S
Tochigi Research Laboratories Of Kao Corporation
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
KIMURA Yoshiharu
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
INOUE Shigeo
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
Koike K
Tochigi Research Laboratories Kao Corporation
Ito S
National Industrial Research Institute
Takaiwa M
Tochigi Research Laboratories Of Kao Corporation
Sugimoto Isamu
Division Of Pathological Biochemistry Department Of Biomedical Sciences School Of Life Sciences Facu
Kimura Y
Mukogawa Women's Univ. Nishinomiya Jpn
Kimura Y
Department Of Biological And Environmental Chemistry Tottori University
Ito Susumu
Tochigi Research Laboratories Kao Corporation
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