Diagnostic of Surface Wave Plasma for Oxide Etching in Comparison with Inductive RF Plasma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-09-15
Kokura Hikaru
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University
Nakamura Keiji
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University
Sugai Hideo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University
Yoneda Shinichi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University
Mitsuhira Noriyuki
Sumitomo Metal Industries Co., Ltd.
Nakamura Moritaka
Fujitsu Co., Ltd.
中村 僖良
Sugai Hideo
Department Of Electrical Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya Univeristy
菅井 秀郎
Sugai Hideo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura Keiji
Department Of Electrical Electronics And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osak
Nakamura K
Department Of Electrical Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura K
Tokyo Electron Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
菅井 秀郎
Yoneda Shinichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura Moritaka
Fujitsu Co. Ltd.
Mitsuhira Noriyuki
Sumitomo Metal Industries Co. Ltd.
菅井 秀郎
Kokura H
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Kokura Hikaru
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University
Sugai Hideo
Department O Electrical Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura Keiji
Department Of Biology And Geosciences Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University:present Addre
- Plasma Absorption Probe for Measuring Electron Density in an Environment Soiled with Processing Plasmas
- Diagnostic of Surface Wave Plasma for Oxide Etching in Comparison with Inductive RF Plasma
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- 温度勾配により圧電定数を傾斜させた圧電トランスデューサの特性
- 温度勾配による圧電定数の傾斜化とその等価回路による評価
- 圧電体中に形成した温度勾配による圧電定数傾斜化の試み
- A-11-14 LoTaO_3 32°-42°回転Y板上へのZnOの膜のエピタキシャル成長
- 第1部-分野別の流れ- 超音波分野
- P2-4 分極反転層を形成したLiNbO_3トランスデューサの固体媒質への超音波放射特性(ポスターセッション2(概要講演))
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- 分極反転層を形成したLiNbO_3トランスデューサの固体媒質への超音波放射特性
- A-11-3 SMR 型圧電薄膜共振子の温度特性改善
- A-11-2 ECR-PLD 法による KNbO_3 圧電薄膜の成長
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- ハーモニックメージング用LiNbO_3トランスデューサ
- A-11-12 KNbO_3結晶を用いたVHF帯超音波トランスデューサの試作
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- Dependence of Fluorocarbon Plasma Chemistry on the Electron Energy Distribution Function
- Mode Conversion and Electron Heating by Oblique Injection of the Ordinary Mode into Over-Dense Plasma
- Electron Heating by Oblique Injection of Ordinary Mode into Overdense Plasma
- Suppression of Oxygen Impurity Incorporation into Silicon Films Prepared from Surface-Wave Excited H_2/SiH_4 Plasma
- Lower-Temperature Growth of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films from Inductively Coupled Silane Plasma
- Simple Direct Monitoring of SiH_3 Radical and Particulates in a Silane Plasma with Ultraviolet Transmission Spectroscopy
- Cross Section Measurements for Electron-Impact Dissociation of CHF_3 into Neutral and Ionic Radicals
- Environmental regulation of abult diapause of Graphosoma rubrolineatum (Westwood) (Heteroptera : Pentatomidae) in southern and northern populations of Japan
- Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dissociation of Alternative Etching Gas, C_3HF_7O
- Test-Wave Measurements of Microwave Absorption Efficiency in a Planar Surface-Wave Plasma Reactor
- Production of Low-Pressure Planar Non-Magnetized Plasmas Sustained under a Dielectric-Free Metal-Plasma Interface
- Production and Control of Low-Pressure Ar and CF_4 Plasmas Using Surface Waves
- Cross Section Measurements for Electron-Impact Dissociation of C_4F_8 into Neutral and Ionic Radicals
- High-Speed Etching of Indium-Tin-Oxide Thin Films Using an Inductively Coupled Plasma ( Plasma Processing)
- Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the induction of adult diapause in Dolycoris baccarum (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Osaka and Hokkaido, Japan
- Deposition of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by Simultaneous RF Sputtering
- Ar/O_2 gas pressure dependence of atomic components of zirconia prepared by intermittent zirconium arc PBII&D
- Whistler Wave Trapping in a Narrow Density Trough
- Observation of Transit-Time Electron Heating by Localize RF Field
- Transit-Time RF Heating of Plasma Based on Fermi Acceleration
- Dispersion and Attenuation of Whistler Waves in a Finite Plasma
- A New Approach to Boronization of Fusion Devices
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of Slot-Excited Surface Waves in Bounded Planar Plasmas
- Radical Control by Wall Heating of a Fluorocarbon Etching Reactor
- Absolute Fluorine Atom Densities in Fluorocarbon High-Density Plasmas Measured by Appearance Mass Spectrometry
- Mechanism of Oxidation of Si Surfaces Exposed to O_2/Ar Microwave-Excited Plasma
- Negative Ion Transfer Model of Low-Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Surface by High-Density Microwave Plasma
- Optical Emission and Microwave Field Intensity Measurements in Surface Wave-Excited Planar Plasma
- Pressure Dependence of Carbon Film Coating by a Toroidal Methane Discharge