醤油有機酸に関する研究 : (第10報) 諸味中の有機酸の消長(その4) 丸大豆使用の6月仕込諸味
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Quantitative changes of each organic acids in Mash D (Mash No.24 and No.25) which were prepared from soy bean and started in June were noted for 327 days.The results obtained were compared with those of Mash C (Mash No.37 and No.38 : defatted soy bean was used as raw material) reported in a previous paper. For the first 30 days of the mash process, most of organic acids increased. Lactic acid in Mash D showed a maximum value after 30 days as well as in Mash C, though the value of Mash D (200mg per 100ml) was about 20% of that of Mash C. Acetic acid in Mash D attained a amximum value after 30-45 days fermentation as well as in Mash C, but its maximum value (160mg per 100ml) was lower than that in Mash C. Furthermore, quantitative change of acetic acid through the process was smaller in Mash C than in Mash D. When both mashes were obtained after the same fermentation period, the amounts of organic acids belonging to tricarboxylic acid cycle, such as succinic, malic and citric acids, were always larger in Mash D than in Mash C. Alcohol content in Mash D was about 1% after 15 days. From these results, it might be considered that Mash D was fermented more vigorously without a lag period from yeast than Mash C and that other microrganisms except yeast, (mainly bacteria) was more active in Mash C than in Mash D.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1965-02-25
石川 浩
上田 隆藏
石川 浩
森口 繁弘
石上 有造
上田 隆藏
石上 有造
石上 有造
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