醗酵乳酸の利用に関する研究 (第8報) : 乳酸メチルエステルの加水分解阻害剤について
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Experiments were carried out examine the inhibitory action of some chemicals on the hydrolysis of methyl lactate in aqueous solutions. The results are as follows : 1) Five chemicals, such as sodium carbonate, soduim acetate, potassium tartarate, secondary sodium phosphte, and sodium oxalate, inhibited the hydrolysis to a great extent. Of this group, both sodium carbonate and sodium acetate were prominently effective.2) Within the ester conventraation range of 1〜5 M., sodium carbonate and sodium acetate exerted a conspicuous inhibitory action on the hydrolysis, varying little with the ester concentration. When the ester concentration was 7 M., the inhibitory effect decreased considerably. The higher the ester concentration, the slower the rate of conversion in the hydrolysis of the ester ; i.e., the inhibition of the hydrolysis varies inversely with the ester concentration.3) The quantity of sodium carbonate or sodium acetate to be added should be decided by the ester concentration, initial acidity of the solution, and the time and temperature required to recover methanol and to withdraw water with benzol. From 0.05 to 0.3 g of either sodium salt woould be suggicient for 50 g of ester in solution.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1956-04-15
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