E-15, a Novel Polysaccharide Mitogen from Nocardia Specific for B Cells(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
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A novel mitogen, E-15, which induced blastogenesis of mouse aplenocytes, was purified from the culture filtrate of an actinomycete through ethanol precipitaion, anion and cation exchange column chromatography, and gel filtration. The producing organism was identified as Nocardia asteroides. Spectronic study demonstrated that it was a polysaccharide. Acid hydrolysis of E-15 yielded glucose and glucosamine. The active substance was eluted at the molecular mass between 90kDa and 750 kDa on gel filtration. E-15 induced a mitogenic response of mouse splenocytes above 1μg/ml and its potency of induction was superior to a lipopolysaccharide that is known to be a polyclonal B cell-specific mitogen. It showed no toxicity up to 100μg/ml. The cell surface phenotypes of the blast cells induced by E-15 were analyzed by flow cytometry; they had surface immunoglobulins but no Lyt-2 antigen. Thus it was suggested that E-15 was a B-cell-specific mitogen.
- 1991-12-23
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, the University of Tokyo
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamamoto Masakuni
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Kurisaki Tomohiro
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Yamasaki Makari
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Nagai Kazuo
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Chubu University
Munemura Kazuko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Isono Kiyoshi
Riken The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Uramoto Masakazu
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Kusakabe Hiroo
Riken The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
ISONO Kiyoshi
RIKEN Institute
RIKEN Institute
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